RichC | September 15, 2023
Perhaps it is just me paying attention to the rumors and knowing the announcements that were planned at Apple’s annual September “new iPhones” announcement event … but the iPhone15s (and Apple Watch 9) upgrades left very little to get excited about? I’m not saying that I won’t be upgrading my aging iPhone 7plus this year, […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Cloud, Financial, Gadget, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: $AAPL, 7plus, apple, apple watch, appleevent, icloud, ios17, iphone, iphone15, tech friday, techfriday, usb-c, wonderlust, wsj
RichC | March 11, 2022
Here are a couple of technology highlights to mention on a Tech Friday from earlier this week. First, the new driveway Wyze Cam3 set-up (moved it) picked up an evening fox whizzing by and the second, an event on Tuesday from Apple announcing new products. Personally, I’m not sure what kind of surprise was expected […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Gadget, Nature, Technology |
Tags: aapl, ani gif, anigif, apple, appleevent, driveway, fox, ipad, iphone, security, wyze, wyzecam3
RichC | September 15, 2021
As our current Apple iPhone smartphones age (currently Brenda and I have iPhone7 and 7 plus), there is an interest in upgrading to the 5G capable Apple A15 chipped iPhone13 or 13Pro. The Apple Event on Tuesday afternoon highlighted the new smartphones and focused on their photo and video capability. As a photographer and Apple […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Gadget, Marketing, News, Photography, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: a15, apple, appleevent, bionic, digital, iphone13, iphone13pro, photography, promotion, smartphone
RichC | September 15, 2015
I snipped a few screen shots while watching the #AppleEvent last week as Tim Cook and team unveiled the new iPhones, iPads and AppleTV. All in all the surprises were “non-surprises” so really there weren’t any shockers … not necessarily a bad thing. The normal expectation in the month of September is either upgraded iPhones […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, Technology |
Tags: 2015, apple, appleevent, appletv, ipad, iphone
RichC | September 9, 2014
Tim Cook lead another #AppleEvent in the age of social media and I both watched and "tweeted" along with the tech interested across the country and world. The event was "as expected" in that Apple launched the new iPhone6 and 6plus … larger phones. They will be offering up their new iOS8 on September 19th […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, Financial, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: aapl, apple, appleevent, applewallet, applewatch, iphone6