Surprisingly bold Red Fox lounging in our front yard last week

| June 8, 2024

As rural turns to even more suburban, the bolder some of our wildlife is getting. Last week a slender fox appeared on our security Wyze Cam and instead of just passing by as usual, opted to lounge for a few moments ‘midday’ in the front yard. Very strange behavior for the coyotes and foxes that […]

Our backyard Fox scampering by triggers daily Wyze Cam alerts

| December 5, 2023

An Idiom Saturday filler: To “handle with kid/kit gloves”

| July 8, 2023

Once you learn something and then hear it used incorrectly, it makes me cringe. I wanted to correct someone on the news last week using the phrase “handle with kid gloves” … knowing the original was to “handle with kit gloves.” Oh well …  Origin The origin of the term ‘kit gloves’ can be tracked […]

Tech Friday rant: I’m not excited about MLB’s postseason

| October 14, 2022

Besides enjoying some minor league Toledo Mud Hens baseball this year with family, I have not been focused on MLB or the postseason playoffs. Being a Cleveland Indians Guardians fan, I am sort of pulling for them after they won the Wild Card series against Tampa Bay … but as always, beating the New York […]

Tech Friday: Apple Event and our WyzeCam3 picks up a fox

| March 11, 2022

Here are a couple of technology highlights to mention on a Tech Friday from earlier this week. First, the new driveway Wyze Cam3 set-up (moved it) picked up an evening fox whizzing by and the second, an event on Tuesday from Apple announcing new products. Personally, I’m not sure what kind of surprise was expected […]

The coyotes in southwestern Ohio are healthy and active

| February 13, 2021

We live in a fairly developed area and yet the variety of animals surviving amidst the traffic and people continues to amaze me. When we built in Liberty Township, Ohio in the mid-1990s you would have called our area “developing but rural.” Now, there is no question we are suburban and “in my opinion” … […]

A pair of large healthy howling coyotes are hanging around

| November 13, 2019

For years in our increasingly populated (with people) Liberty Township, Ohio community has had a fair amount of wildlife roaming our neighborhoods. I’ve commented several times before and have never really been concerned when the critters are of the fox and smaller variety. Raccoons are still my least favorite, but those pesky chipmunks have recently […]

There are few good TV shows, but thankful for Last Man Standing

| December 4, 2018

Now that my favorite TV comedy with Tim Allen is back on the air … I read a bit about Last Man Standing’s cancelation by ABC and how the show eventually made it’s way to FOX. I never did buy the "it wasn’t for political reasons" comment from ABC … as who cancels their #2 […]

Fox Business shuffles their TV talent and expands their live shows

| October 14, 2018

As a business news junkie, I’ve been watching Fox Business since I "demanded it" (as Neil Cavuto would tell viewers in the early days of the expansion Fox network). They have steadily grown and have become serious competition for CNBC (watched/listen since it’s debuted) and BloombergTV. Fox Business has mixed in far more general news […]

The TV sitcom Last Man Standing returns at 8PM on FOX

| September 27, 2018

Can’t wait for the return of Tim Allen and Last Man Standing cast to FOX after being cancel on ABC — my DVR series is set for Friday night at 8PM (yes, I know about streaming services … but I just don’t trust them!) Multi-cam comedy LAST MAN STANDING, starring Tim Allen, heads to FOX […]

Fooling around with the Kodak Playsport Zx5 in camera mode

| November 1, 2011

Kodak Playsport Zx5 macro focus testing (click for larger) While shooting some video with the Brenda’s Kodak Playsport Zx5 this past weekend I thought about the excellent autofocus camera on the new iPhone 4s and decided to test the macro focus on our my wife’s all-weather camcorder; if the lighting and distance is right, it […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog