RichC | December 14, 2021
Looking at the rear brake wear on Brenda’s 2010 Acura RDX is not a sign that I’ve been taking good care of her car, but she did mention her brakes were squealing a bit last month. By the time I got around to ordering brakes and discs for both the dual-piston fronts and rears, it […]
Category: Acura, Advice, Automotive, BMW, Photos |
Tags: acura, BMW, brakes, brenda, caliper, cars, disc, maintenance, rdx, repair, rotor, service, x5 35d
RichC | December 8, 2021
Since part one of a couple of blog photo posts will be pubic and not include family, I’ll archive it first. I finished (hopefully) the NINE trailer loads of leaves I mulched and raked in the front yard this year. Oh for the pre-Global Warming and now Climate Change days of burning leaves rather than […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: brakes, caliper, chores, electrical, home, house, leaves, office, passthru, projects, qled, richc, samsung, television, tools, yardwork
RichC | January 20, 2015
Once I priced a rebuilt brake caliper the 1982 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel, I knew I would be rebuilding the the caliper this past weekend, especially since the seal kit was only $9.00 on eBay. The project was pretty straight forward, but removing the old “baked” on seals was not as easy at one might […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, How-To, Mercedes, Tools |
Tags: 300d, brakes, caliper, mercedes, rebuild, turbodiesel, W123