Watching President Biden struggle as he ages is difficult, even for those of us who disagree with his leadership and policies

| June 29, 2024

This past week, I had the intention of blogging in a bit more detail on the first Biden – Trump Presidential Debate … but it almost feels wrong to be critical of President Biden in his current rapidly deteriorating condition. I’m not sure he will make a second debate no matter how accommodating it is […]

An analogy of Republicans in Congress #DarkHumor

| April 2, 2024

The humor may be dark, but each time I think the Republican controlled Congress (although barely the majority) might be trying to curtail the excessive spending or the heavy-handed policies enacted by President Biden or progressive Democrats, they fail due to infighting amongst themselves. It is ridiculous just how dysfunctional these “roaring” Republicans are as […]

Just another study on life expectancy and drinking alcohol

| April 15, 2023

For years now I have thought there was something to the Mediterranean diet and in drinking red wine with a meal. I’ve tried to put at least the “red wine” part of this into my regular diet and continue to read articles and studies that promote the positives of antioxidants for the heart — grape […]

FedEx shines when delivering packages in the rain #sarcasm

| May 7, 2020

Nine years ago, it would have been polite for our FedEx driver to have at LEAST left a note or to have mentioned he ran off the driveway … although it was understandable with the snow cover (see link). On the other hand, it makes me smile now, especially since I can use it as […]

Is Ohio open for business today? #humor

| May 1, 2020

I can see it now, after being under the Coronavirus stay-at-home orders for the past 6 weeks or so, people are going to be excited to exit the safety of their cocoons … finally a taste of freedom again. Let’s just hope we don’t make foolish stumbles and ignore commonsense precautions. Be smart people! Phase […]

Plagiarism and authenticity: We are a crazy species

| July 21, 2016

Mike Rowe brings a bit of commonsense to the nutty “mostly” media outrage about Melania Trump‘s  plagiarism considering almost every politician reads someone elses’ words off a teleprompter in practically every important speech. Are we fooled they aren’t reading a speech someone else wrote anyway? Should we be outraged at every speech a politician give […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog