Excellent speech by VP JD Vance on Artificial Intelligence, etc.

| February 12, 2025

Excellent speech by US Vice President JD Vance on artificial intelligence in a summit in Paris, France. He told European and Asian leaders that the United States will dominate AI. Worth watching. NEW: JD Vance speaks at an artificial intelligence summit in Paris, France, tells European and Asian leaders that the United States will dominate […]

President Biden has a bold tax and spend plan for the US

| April 29, 2021

Personally I don’t like using the word "bold" for taxing and spending by big government since it has a positive attribute (at least to my thinking), but President Biden’s Joint Address last night was unlike any we’ve ever seen. It looked far more like a socialist spending wish list than a unifying address to bring […]

The US trend is politically left as opposing voices are squelched

| January 19, 2021

It’s not “breaking news” that we live in a changing United States of America or that propaganda and control over speech is being used to steer large swaths of the population towards leftist ideology … but what is eye-opening is just how coordinated the powers that be are in opposing the “rights” protected by our […]

The state of our union is “stronger than ever before” declares President Donald Trump to Speaker Pelosi’s distain

| February 5, 2020

Without going into the 90-minute State of the Union speech detail, the economic and overall strength of the United States is incredible compared to history or any other country in the world. The numbers and confidence sure look good for President Trump’s reelection campaign. Add to that the overall disfunction of Democrats (Iowa Caucus) with […]

Music Monday: Thank God Almighty – Free At Last

| January 21, 2019

This content is restricted.

Playing games on a smartphone while attending SOTU2018

| January 31, 2018

What was your representative doing during last night’s State Of The Union address … hopefully not playing Candy Crush on a smartphone like Michigan’s Democratic Representative Brenda Lawrence?

President Trump delivered an optimistic 2018 SOTU address

| January 30, 2018

With a rebounding economy, strong stock market and job opportunities for all who want to work … there is optimism in the country. President Donald Trump capitalized on the positive attitude most American have and highlighted the recent tax cuts as something all will start to see in their paychecks this year. Besides the IRS […]

Do something for someone this Martin Luther King Jr holiday

| January 15, 2018

Today, January 15, 2018, our nation celebrates the life and accomplishments of one of our greatest Americans on his national holiday, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This past Friday, President Trump signed a proclamation that honors Dr. King by designating his birthplace, church and tomb as a National Historic Park. Along with the president’s respectful […]

President Trump addresses the nation after Las Vegas shooting

| October 2, 2017

What we know so far – 1PM on Monday 10/2/2017  At least 58 people were killed and more than 515 were injured at an country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. The gunman fired for several minutes into a 22,000-person crowd from the windows of […]

Investors sure do love to hear about tax reform and tax cuts

| April 26, 2017

What a start to the week for the stock market! There is optimism that something "will" get done with taxes, unlike #RepealAndReplace legislation. The news is that President Donald Trump will be unveiling his proposal to cut corporate taxes on US companies’ foreign profits and slash the top tax rate has investors in the "buy" […]

Plagiarism and authenticity: We are a crazy species

| July 21, 2016

Mike Rowe brings a bit of commonsense to the nutty “mostly” media outrage about Melania Trump‘s  plagiarism considering almost every politician reads someone elses’ words off a teleprompter in practically every important speech. Are we fooled they aren’t reading a speech someone else wrote anyway? Should we be outraged at every speech a politician give […]

More of the same from President Obama after the SOTU

| January 21, 2015

After taking notes during the State of the Union address I went to bed disgusted rather than hopeful … even though I knew in advance the direction President Obama would be saying in his address. Call me sentimental or just hopeful, but I really thought that after the mid-term elections where, “make no mistake, his […]

Blah, blah, blah. President Obama and the SOTU 2014

| January 29, 2014

President Obama addressed the nation with his State of the Union rhetoric on Tuesday night and his blabbering leaves many of us wondering if he really knows how to rejuvenate the economy? Focus, Mr. Obama, focus. I have my doubts he even cares, let alone understands how jobs are created. Once again an Obama speech […]

Heat Map: How different areas of the U.S. influence linguistics

| December 24, 2013

A Cambridge Online Survey included in the Sunday NYTimes was both fun and interesting. In my case, it was amazingly accurate considering I grew up near Toledo (it was even highlighted on “my” map above) and lived in several distinct areas of Ohio. It would be interesting to know how the Chameleon types, who move […]

Where’s the line between free and offensive speech?

| March 25, 2012

Americans seem to be flirting with politically correct issue of “hateful distasteful speech” once again. After some trashy talk in the previous couple of elections, from the media notables and celebrities targeting Sarah Palin to the death threats to cartoonist for caricatures of Muhammad, Rush Limbaugh is being targeted for his inappropriate comments of Sandra […]

“We choose to go to the moon” speech is 50 years old

| May 29, 2011

Amazingly … President John F. Kennedy’s speech setting the goal for the United States to “go to the moon”  was given 50 years ago. Most in this country has heard parts of this speech and JFK’s delivery is burned into memory of many of my generation. For those too young to have heard the entire […]

President Obama delivers another Budget, while VP Biden sleeps

| April 13, 2011

Since the President delivered his budget in a speech during mid-day, I didn’t get the chance to listen to President Obama unveil his ‘updated’ budget … after the one he submitted two months ago. I had thought he might get serious about taking a bipartisan leadership position in deficit reduction and realized that most Americans […]

Barack Obama Speech forwarded by Gene

| March 20, 2008

I was chastised by one of my friends who supports Senator Barack Obama who suggested that I relied only on news sound bites. He asked if I would “archive” the entire 37 minute speech delivered in Philadelphia on March 18, 2008? He forwarded to me so I’ll include it even though I suspect it is […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog