Replaced a Craftsman Drill battery with 6Ah lithium-ion battery

| February 25, 2025

Back to a favorite topic of mine: Tools. Unfortunately the replacing of cordless tool batteries is not … I repeat … NOT a favorite topic. I’m not sure how many years that I’ve been complaining about the relatively short life of pre-Lithium batteries for cordless tools but now it is about the “still short life” of […]

How-To: A workshop tidbit for accurately drilling shelf pins

| September 21, 2019

While talking with my good friend Mark Jones about accurately drilling pin holes to mount a few glass shelves in a tight space, he gave me a great idea to use a piece of peg board to align all the holes accurately. Thanks Mark, a great tip! But in my case, I didn’t have a […]

More compliments for Ridgid Gen5X lithium powered tools

| October 3, 2018

If you use your battery powered drills as much as I do and are suffering with something a bit older than a couple of years, it is time to check out the new lithium powered tools. I can’t tell you how pleased I am with both my slightly older Craftsman Drill and Impact driver and […]

The bench top drill press holds bits and drills straight

| February 21, 2016

The new Jacobs Chuck for the bench top drill press arrived this weekend and although I didn't have any pressing projects, decided to dril a few holes anyway. The quality wasn't bad for $20 and although its not a smooth ball bearing chuck, it made a perfect replacement for my dad's small Delta drill press. […]

Replacement options for a tabletop Delta drill press chuck

| February 16, 2016

One of the tools inherited from my dad’s workshop was his small tabletop drill press. Unbeknownst  to me, there is a wobble after mounting a bit. I removed the chuck and it looks as if that is the problem … tried to test the arbor and don’t think it is off??? This is a backup […]

A confession from a toolaholic – recommending a cordless drill

| April 10, 2011

IMPORTANT UPDATE: This post has received higher than normal traffic years after the original post. My longterm experience with this and product is now negative (see comments below) and I’m no longer satisfied with the quality of this small drill — so buyer beware. For those that know me, I have an addiction to tools, or at least […]

Bad Larry: Flexible Auger Bit for electrical work

| November 11, 2006

I picked up a home improvement tip from “This Old House” that might come in handy for those needing to get a wire into a room without damaging plaster or wallboard — using “Bad Larry” as Alan the electrician and Host Kevin O’Connor call it. “Bad Larry” is a flexible drill bit, a screw tipped […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog