RichC | August 4, 2022
One never knows who will stop by to join me by the pool on a hot evening (it is hot this week). On Wednesday it was an American Green Crab Spider (Misumessus oblongus). These little “almost luminous” vivid green spiders move like crabs but don’t spin spider webs. They spend their time climbing through green […]
Category: Environment, Nature, Photos, Science |
Tags: american, crab, green, misumessus oblongus, ohio, pool, spider
RichC | December 1, 2021
Earlier this week on Twitter I shared this parking photo and thought that maybe my next vehicle should be “green?” But really just wanted to archive the kind of grass seed being used to reseed and along the edge of our new driveway.
Category: Archive, Automotive, Humor, Misc, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: cars, driveway, ev, grass seed, green, Humor, landscaping, topsoil, vehicles
RichC | July 24, 2019
As a conservation minded “conservative” and as someone who has always balanced the cost vs benefits of decisions, I once thought “recycling” was as simple as “not littering” and cleaning up pollution highlighted by the 1971 ad campaign (Iron Eyes Cody photo above). From an early age we were bombarded by pointing out how careless […]
Category: Audio, Biodiesel, Environment, History, Marketing, Politics |
Tags: advertising, algae, biodiesel, china, climate change, co2, coal, crisis, democrats, earthday, Environment, epa, green, iron eyes cody, mp3, natural gas, new deal, npr, ocean, plastics, podcast, Politics, polution, recycling, Republicans
RichC | February 22, 2019
Normally, I don’t forward emails or reposted viral images on social networks … but as a diesel car guy and TDIClub and BMW forum reader … I couldn’t resist including this as a humorous response to recent Democratic Socialists promoting their ambitious 10-year Green New Deal to combat climate change (still shocked Bernie drives this van?)
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Diesel, Energy, Environment, Humor, Social Media |
Tags: bears, canada, comfort inn, diesel, fuel, funny, green, Humor, pet, pump
RichC | June 28, 2017
Did you ever find yourself spending way too much time on something where it makes no logical sense? Well this is the case for a set of my wife Brenda‘s salt and pepper shakers … of which she has many. Her grandmother had a collection that was split between her grandchildren and daughter-in-law (Brenda’s mom), […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Misc |
1 Comment
Tags: dadh, family, green, heirloom, john deere, paint, pepper, rust, salt, shaker
RichC | August 5, 2015
If you are in Ohio and are looking for an interesting weekend drive now that gasoline prices are down (diesel too), take a drive to the Village Bakery and Café in Athens, Ohio. (of course that seems as counterproductive as Al Gore flying in a private plane if you are really thinking “green”?) They are […]
Category: Business, Environment, Local |
Tags: athens, bakery, geothermal, green, ohio, solar
RichC | December 5, 2013
I purchased a new 12 watt LED bulb for reading(larger bulb in left of photo) that promised to offer a few more “soft but bright” lumens from my chair side lamp. I “was” using two Cree LED bulbs (smaller bulb in left photo), but the light output still wasn’t comparable to a good three-way incandescent […]
Category: Advice, Books, Energy, Environment |
Tags: bulbs, energy, green, led, lighting, reading
RichC | March 24, 2012
We have a few homemade cleaners around our house, but are too quick to buy others at the store without thinking about them. Here are a few greener options that Elizabeth Kwak-Hefferan of Grist that she put to the test. Of course these are organic and earthy for those leaning “hippy,” but nothing wrong with […]
Category: Advice, Archive, Environment, How-To |
1 Comment
Tags: archive, cleaning, green
RichC | January 24, 2012
…all new inventions in the U.S. are assigned a political party. In the transportation and energy sectors, anything to do with petroleum, natural gas, biofuels, clean diesel, hydrogen and any means of producing electricity other than wind turbines or solar panels is Republican. Hybrids, plug-ins and battery-electric vehicles are Democrat technologies, in addition to anything […]
Category: Automotive, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: energy, green, innovation, Politics, Volt
RichC | May 24, 2011
How about a quicker way for car buyers willing to invest in the latest green automotive technology to get their tax credit? If Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood gets his way those purchasing an EV could apply it to the price of the vehicle. He’s suggesting that instead of a tax credit when filing income […]
Category: Automotive, Politics |
Tags: Environment, ev, green
RichC | April 23, 2010
Few of us remembering the first Earth Day back in 1970 will argue that mankind was not damaging the environment or that seeking to pollute less wasn’t worthwhile goal. Now looking back 40 years, we can’t deny the significant improvements in both personal and industrial practices — at least in the United States. Still, there […]
Category: Environment, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: earth day, earthday, Environment, green, oil
RichC | April 15, 2010
I was reading a column in SmartMoney magazine by James Stewart after he attended the New York Auto Show about the return of profits to the automotive industry, at least some of them. It may be in part due to a cycle of replacing their aging cars and in part due to a renewed focus […]
Category: Automotive, Financial |
Tags: audi, diesel, ford, green, smartmoney, volkswagen
RichC | February 27, 2010
Starting February 27th, Volkswagen will be implementing a "Think Blue" marketing campaign stressing the company’s focus on "sustainable mobility" which to CinciTDI and TDIClub members highlights the fuel efficiency of VW TDI diesel vehicles and the environmental awareness of new "clean diesel" TDIs and biodiesel fuel options. Volkswagen is building on the "BlueMotion" label and […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Volkswagen |
Tags: biodiesel, clean, diesel, green, think blue, volkswagen, vw
RichC | February 9, 2010
I had to chuckle this morning when registering my vote on the Wall Street Journal poll for best and worst commercial during the Super Bowl – Audi was first in both (click for graphic of poll). See ad video below It’s "Green Police" ad was the sixth most popular in USA TODAY’S Ad Meter, in […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Environment, Sports, Video-TV |
Tags: ads, audi, clean, commercial, diesel, green, superbowl, tdi
RichC | January 7, 2010
Playing the green energy tax credit game — the pitfalls of big government, powerful lobbyist and wealthy shrewd companies. Walmart, others make money on Oregon’s energy tax credits By Harry Esteve, The Oregonian December 29, 2009, 7:00PM When Oregon started handing out jumbo tax subsidies for renewable energy projects two years ago, one of the […]
Category: Environment, Financial, Politics |
Tags: carbon, costco, credits, energy, green, oregon, walmart
RichC | April 22, 2009
I’m all for lightening my environmental footprint on our planet, but the mission statement for is a bit over the top. I enjoyed the chuckle — thanks for the forward Jeff; I hope you enjoy “eating a pinecone” for Earth Day.
Category: Environment, Humor |
1 Comment
Tags: earth day, Environment, green
RichC | April 18, 2009
I’m not a Type-A personality, nor do I frustrate easily, but that said, I do spend a significant amount of time on the road and appreciate being able to liberally use the throttle to get where I need to go … which in a diesel vehicle can still be pretty efficient. Thankfully, I haven’t noticed […]
Category: Automotive, Environment, Video |
Tags: eco-driving, green, hypermiling, wsj
RichC | October 10, 2007
I’ve mentioned the HGTV program Living With Ed a couple of times before (2006 & 2007 links) and enjoy the humorous way the host Ed Begley and his wife Rachelle discuss ‘greening’ our homes. From the simple process in replacement of incandescent light bulbs with compact florescent bulbs to adding off the grid solar power, […]
Category: Misc |
Tags: green, hgtv, living with ed
RichC | September 17, 2007
I enjoyed the entertaining look at living ‘green’ last year when the HGTV program “Living with Ed” premiered. (last year’s post) The program was filled with light husband/wife humor and yet offered educational content aimed at getting each of us thinking about our energy use. Personally speaking, its nice to be informed about how we […]
Category: Environment, Video-TV |
Tags: green, hgtv, living with ed
RichC | January 17, 2007
I didn’t expect to enjoy watching the HGTV series “Living with Ed” as much as I have, but see it as a great way to present environmental living ideas to a broad audience. The storyline of the series is a ‘green-oriented’ husband (Ed Begley) and ‘lesser-green’ wife (Rachelle) dealing with each others lifestyle choices in […]
Category: Environment, Video-TV |
Tags: green, hgtv, living with ed