Women are becoming politically liberal, as men lean conservative

| December 14, 2024

Although I’m glad the 2024 presidential election is behind us in the United States (and hope Kamala Harris becomes a lost memory), there’s a lot of angst in our country and in the world over the political direction and change.  I’m cautiously, optimistic that a Trump administration will have a foreign policy that leads to […]

Men’s interests have changed and a spoiled American rant

| March 9, 2022

Something I’ve notice over the years is that today’s men have lost interest in what traditionally were seen as male hobbies and interests. My thought is that recent generation of men have abandoned working on cars in their garages and spending weekends with tools in their workshop (probably non-existent nowadays). They don’t fish and hunt […]

Milestones of manhood and a Boy Scout memory

| November 26, 2019

Most men I know can rattle off a few milestone moments in their life as they bumbled their way through being a child, then teenager and finally an “on-your-own” adult. One of the organizations that once helped young men learn responsibility and integrity (and hopefully still does)  was the Boy Scouts. With good leadership, most […]

Do you spend your time like the average working man or women?

| June 23, 2019

My assumption is that the averages portrayed in this study on “How working men and women spend our time” doesn’t really apply to the people I know, on the otherhand, there are only so many hours available in a day. BTW, what are the missing 2 to 2-1/2 hours each day being used for? And […]

Last minute gift idea AND picking the right hose clamp #humor

| December 20, 2017

Just in case there are a few men looking for last minute jewelry gifts to give to their sweetheart for Christmas, here’s a ring idea that will pretty much guarantee that you’ll never need to worry again – you’ll either be alone … or dead! And since I know there is sure to be a […]

Interesting. Tootsie’s breed is on the top 12 Mens’ dogs list

| July 27, 2010

Although the article is from last year, my son noticed that our Australian Cattle Dog / Blue Heeler made the top 12 mens’ dogs list in Men’s Journal magazine (Below – Sept 4, 2009 p.56). There is certainly some accuracy to the characteristics, although I’m not sure how well our dog would do on a […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog