RichC | October 10, 2019
Previously I mentioned that Katelyn and Drew brought me kicking and screaming (not really) into the Fitbit “wrist device” wearing age and world. I had given up wearing a watch decades ago when I started carrying a pager. Eventually I adopted the Nextel belt holstered cellphone, then pocket folding Samsung i500 PDA phone. The new […]
Category: Archive, Cellphone, Gadget, Health, Personal, TBT, Technology |
Tags: activity, exercise, fitbit, Health, iphone, pager, palm, pda, samsung, smartphone, sph-i500, Technology, versa, weight
RichC | January 31, 2009
There was nicely formatted datasheet (below) on the new Palm Pre published at and it was interested to see the April 2009 release date, even though it is stated as “expected.” From what I have read, neither Palm or Sprint have said very much about what date the new smartphone will be available. Some […]
Category: Misc |
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Tags: apple, iphone, palm, patent, pda, smartphone, touchscreen, treo