Obit: Self-reliant cruising sailor and author Don Casey

| March 11, 2025

Although it isn’t a surprise to see those who I’ve drawn inspiration from when it come to boats, sailing and the cruising lifestyle, another writer and book author has passed away (January 2025). Don Casey has been an icon in teaching boat owners and sailors for years and his writing have been most appreciated and […]

Archiving helpful photos for a sewing leather/heavy material

| June 16, 2024

Really I’m just saving a couple of helpful photos to use when it comes to sewing heavy material or perhaps leather with the Sailrite WorkerB upgrade. It might help when remembering how to adjust the Ultrafeed sewing machine  … although I do know this, but sew so infrequently that it is easy to forget.  Knot […]

Nothing to see: Sewing my cap and Beach Bub umbrella bag

| September 2, 2023

Really, there’s isn’t anything to see … just a little sewing. Last weekend I got out the Sailrite Ultrafeed in order to salvage a pair of shorts that had frayed … but I failed, so they are now in the trash (I miss my mom).  But since I hauled home the beach umbrella bag […]

The WorkerB Power Pack for the Sailrite LSZ-1 sewing machine

| October 31, 2021

A new upgraded motor is now offered by Sailrite for their line of portable sewing machines (called the WorkerB Power Pack). The lack of slow speed control has been one of the only issues that we have had sewing with the LSZ1. A few years ago I upgraded the Balance Wheel when working on the […]

A cigar box for sewing clips and NE Ohio drugstore memories

| January 2, 2021

Adam Savage, from Mythbusters claim-to-fame, has been regularly posting a few of his shop ideas online. A few months ago he triggered me into improving my portable Sailrite Sewing machine set-up (well my wife’s sewing machine that I use .. cough, cough). Anyway, a few weeks after he built his table for his impressive Sailrite […]

What to do with a piece of cheap tarp and a Sailrite Ultrafeed?

| November 15, 2020

On one of my sailing groups, a Sailrite Ultrafeed LSZ-1 user complained that the speed controller pedal was hard to regulate. I’ve found that to be true as well. Another person made the comment that they used a piece of flexible tubing/hose that gives the pedal a little more tactile feel … so I tried […]

An inexpensive Sailrite LSZ-1 sewing machine cart is finished

| October 7, 2020

The Sailrite LSZ-1 sewing machine cart is complete and turned out great. Everything worked as planned (a rarity for me) and didn’t have to purchase anything new. The wider oak material was sitting in my stock shelf, the edge banding for the fold out table stripped from the glass top of my recently disassembled printing […]

Started the weekend with a Sailrite LSZ-1 sewing cart project

| September 26, 2020

If you have ever used a heavy portable sewing machine, you know what a pain it is to haul it out of storage and set it up to make a simple repair. I don’t know how many times I’ve grumbled when Brenda wants me to set it on my workbench … or worse, haul it […]

Constantly re-stitching my floating beanbag chair

| August 8, 2020

Although I’m looking high and low for some material to replace the clearance foam bead filled pool floaties I bought a few years ago, I continue to re-stitch and reinforce the old product with “Brenda’s” Sailrite Ultrafeed LS-1. The new stitching holds as long as the old fabric holds up, but sooner or later I’m […]

Archive: Creative Wind Scoop idea for #sailing #sailboat

| September 5, 2019

Saw this on a sailing forum and thought it would be a great sewing tidbit to add to an Encore project list. Looks simple and compact enough.

Thinking about and planning another sewing project for 2019

| December 8, 2018

Read up a little bit more on upholstery last weekend while in Florida while thinking about a couple possible projects. I’m not sure about tackling something as big as a couch and loveseat (slideshow below), but perhaps a couple chair pillows and condo dining room chair cushions are do-able? My projects in the past have […]

Finished covering the risers while watching the Daytona 500

| February 18, 2018

Sunday was the perfect day to finish up “covering” the lifts for the rear row of our new home theater seats. Now all 8 seats have a great view … even in recline mode. After building the “boxes” a week or so ago, I picked up some closeout brown polyester outdoor furniture upholstery material at […]

Thrifty souls unite – a snap fix for a broken zipper

| January 2, 2018

Ok … so this nautical fix has not been endorsed by my wife, in fact, she will not be seen with me from wearing these pants in public ever again … although like most women,  I’m not sure she is fond of cargo pants anyway? My Eddie Bauer flannel lined winter cargo pants are a […]

Am I just a cheapskate or secretly a doomsday prepper?

| October 1, 2017

Who doesn’t have favorite pairs of shorts … or think about the potential for hard times or a doomsday? I have a few shorts, jeans, jackets, etc and can’t bear to part with them when they get a tear or a hole and are worn bare … so end up looking for ways to stretch […]

Recovered cushions on newly painted heirloom wicker chairs

| July 25, 2017

Last month I spent quite a bit of time prepping and painting the wicker chairs passed down from generation to generation (see post).  This past weekend I used recovering and adding filler to the old cushions as an opportunity to learn a little bit more about sewing — with Brenda‘s Sailrite machine. I’ve tackled a […]

Curtains for Encore — Just call me Sailor Homemaker

| October 6, 2016

Let’s hope this “curtain call” (cough, cough) isn’t a precursor for Hurricane Matthew bearing down on Encore in Fort Pierce Florida? The subject line was more of a slip of the tongue regarding “curtains” when I really intended a twisted “Suzy Homemaker” innuendo — Sailor Homemaker (my attempts at sewing curtains). Failed joke aside, I […]

Saving the Sailrite “How to make a Dodger” video playlist

| October 1, 2016

Sailrite has years of on and off water How-To YouTube Videos

The difference between a good company and a great one is?

| June 24, 2016

Customer Service. Sailrite does it right. Thank you … and many returns and referrals from me.

A Hamlet-like mortal coil: To sew, or not to sew?

| July 16, 2015

IF … a big IF … I learn a little more about sail repair and “sewing,” I would like to have a few projects to practice on before wasting too much material (or time and money!) We still don’t have the proper sewing machine (perhaps a Sailrite?) BUT KNOW will not try using Brenda’s old […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog