Testing a inexpensive 12 volt solar battery maintainer for the car

| December 8, 2024

Our 2002 Honda Odyssey van sits outside in Florida for a longer period than usual and a few times the battery didn’t start the car. At first I replaced the battery thinking it was just old. Then I started to disconnect the battery when leaving it covered in our condo parking lot … but it […]

Renewables and EV charging at home vs charging station issue

| July 3, 2021

As we transition to renewable energy and electric vehicles, the discussion I had with a German tourist on our cruise to Alaska continues to replay in my head. I am an advocate of free-market capitalism and smaller, less intrusive government … but have been known to stumble a bit and have supported government using incentives […]

Admiring an artist’s self-portrait and a #TBT EV test drive

| June 24, 2021

Brenda and I have always admired art and after 39 years of marriage have collected quite a bit of it. From antiques, carvings and sculptures to paintings that likely have only meaning to us. When I saw the self-portrait above, I was immediately drawn to it. Hm, an artist painting himself, painting himself? I like […]

An Akron/Canton CAK photo from my Palm Treo in 2006 #TBT

| April 1, 2021

While cleaning up one of my old Flickr accounts where my Palm Treo 700p photos were backed up, I stumbled across one of the first photos with it I took and posted to this blog – June 2006. Even though the camera was lacking by today’s cellphone standards, I still think the Palm PDA turned […]

Hey Rich, how comfortable will you be in that new little Elio?

| February 9, 2017

My answer to "how comfortable?" – is that "I don’t really know"… because I haven’t been in one yet. But, I suspect after flying small airplanes like the Cessna 152 that someone who is 6’1" and 195 lbs like me should be "ok" for all but the longest trips. Here’s what the Elio blog has […]

Video: More teasing from Elio Motors

| June 24, 2015

Almost a year since our deposit (ALL IN was in November 2014) and our Elio delivery is still a year or so away … even if everything stays on track! Ugh. Also they are looking to raise a few dollars as a start-up company … although it goes without saying, this should be money you […]

Did you know? The ONLINE Ohio DMV is #1 in the country

| March 13, 2015

It is the time of year I need to pay the $54.88 (ST $31 + Local $20 + service fee) to renew my Ohio registration fee for each vehicle and affix the tiny stickers to my aging metal license plate. The process in recent years is far easier with the online registration (so long as […]

Always looking for the next cool thing in automotive aviation

| January 14, 2015

Imagine the Elio if it also came with wings? It might look something like the Aeromobil 3.0 prototype. I have to admit that I’m one of those dreamers who envisioned a flying car in my lifetime. Perhaps it is just a pipe dream, but I do envy those fortunate enough to be working on projects […]

Waiting on our Elio

| July 27, 2014

The interesting Elio “personal vehicle” has interested me since I first saw the companies marketing some time ago, but recentely decided that I wanted to get my reservation (with the 50% promo) in before it expires. The car, if you call it that, is price much lower than one would expect and looks to offer […]

Global obesity rates for children are up 47% since 1980

| May 29, 2014

I notice short bit in the WSJ about He Liang and his “homemade suitcase vehicle in the streets of Changsha, China,” and about the only difference I can see is that the Chinese “scooter” is a little narrower when compared to our American-sized versions? (I would include a smiley below, but it is more shameful […]

WaterCars–but are they diesels?

| November 17, 2010

I’ve always enjoyed unique vehicles such as the AmphiCars of the past or the flying Super Sky Cycle motorcycle and Terrafugia Transition flying car, but didn’t realize how far the drive-able boat has come along. Some years ago I recall the Floating Cubans attempted to escape the grip of Fidel in a 1951 Chevy pickup […]

American sized all-electric vehicles by AMP Electric Vehicles

| May 1, 2010

A few years ago when I posted about the opening of AMP Electric Vehicles in my backyard of Blue Ash, Ohio (Cincinnati), the company company was in the planning stages of electrifying two place vehicles like the Pontiac Solace and Saturn Sky. As technology and battery technology improved, so did their vision in building useful […]

Chinese automaker to bring battery car to U.S. in 2010

| December 15, 2008

According to a WSJ article in Monday’s paper, the Chinese company BYD is demonstrating their new F3DM which runs off batteries today. This “EV” can be charged from a regular electrical outlet and will be marketed to cab operators and other potential fleet customers. They plan to have their all-electric vehicle in showrooms in China […]

Licensing problem for 3 wheel EVs in Ohio

| May 5, 2008

Back in 2006 I had a chance to test drive an all-electric “high performance” 3 wheel vehicle manufactured by Myers Motors in Tallmadge Ohio. I drove it on the public roads without a special endorsement, but the Cleveland Plain Dealer has reported that the Ohio DMV currently has a problem licensing them for Ohio road […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog