RichC | March 21, 2023
When working with Bing‘s webmaster tools, I noticed that some search results for MyDesultory were missing. After a bit of reading, it looks as if I may have crammed too much into the index HTML page? According to their guidelines (it doesn’t impact other search engines), a heavy index page (+125KB) removes a website […]
Category: Apple, Blogs, Computer, Shopping, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: Air M2,, blog, desktop, desultory, macbook, spaceship, tweaks, update, website
RichC | November 21, 2021
Saw a longer list of phrases on CNBC’s "Make It" website last week but pick out a few that I hear (or say) quite often. The easiest to correct are probably the ones that we stop saying … but can it be done? “Needless to say …” What to say instead: Nothing “Needless to say” […]
Category: Advice, Blogs, Tidbits |
Tags: avoid, cnbc, language, make it, petras, phrases, website, words
RichC | August 30, 2021
Who doesn’t know who Brian Wilson is or love his many decades of music … especially with The Beach Boys (even my kids played them on our amplified Echo and dance around a week or so ago)?
I stumbled across his timeline on the which highlights each decade with photos and highlights. A […]
Category: Blogs, Entertainment, Music, Video |
Tags: aging, beach boys, biden, brian wilson, music monday, musicmonday, video, website, youtube
RichC | February 9, 2021
Did you ever have a political discussion or receive an email that generated a desire to reply and explain? That sort of happened to me this weekend … but I decided there isn’t an upside in the one on one reply. The best approach, as is often the case when talking about faith and religion, […]
Category: Blogs, Personal, Politics |
Tags: adage, debate, democrat, government, john adams, libertarian, lost, opinion, Politics, quote, republican, socialist, taylor, thehustings, venting, website
RichC | October 30, 2020
While doing some “self” tech-oriented education this past week, I ended up distracted after a friend tweeted and shared some information on “static site generators (SSGs)” .. so off down the “HUGO” rabbit hole I went (thanks A LOT Scott, #sarcasm – LINK to his Hugo powered Bilik.Family website). I’ve never really worked with any […]
Category: Computer, Friends, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: cms, Computer, generator, hugo, scott bilik, site, Software, ssg, static, tech friday, techfriday, website
RichC | August 19, 2018
In preparation for an upcoming work related project, I need to record a video for a client’s website and include both their voice and that of someone asking questions. I was hoping to keep it as professional as possible and will be using my Lumix GX8 DSLR.f I am using my external Rode shotgun microphone […]
Category: Advice, Audio, Blogs, Business, How-To, Misc, Technology, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: gx8, interview, lavalier, lumix, mic, microphone, rode, shotgun, video, website
RichC | July 31, 2018
I’ve mentioned before as a website I work on and have helped develop for my friend Pastor Keith Thomas, but didn’t realize I’ve been doing it for 7 years — shocker. It is now time to hand it over to a new volunteer … and I’m finding it difficult to relinquish control, but also know Keith would love […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Faith, Idioms |
Tags: Faith, gospel, groupbiblestudy, hosting, keith thomas, webdesign, website
RichC | December 29, 2017
In the world of community supported software and Internet applications, there are few better than those associated with the Linux Foundation Collaborative Projects … like Let’s Encrypt. The latter provides HTTPS certificates that are perfect for lightweight Linux OS webservers and it operates on a "donate" for certs services basis. This month Let’s Encrypt plans […]
Category: Advice, Blogs, Computer, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: blog, https, letsencrypt, linux, security, ssh, ssl, tech friday, techfriday, website
RichC | July 7, 2017
Complaining is getting me nowhere … but those of us old school users of Yahoo and Google continue to be frustrated to see both companies going down the "design for smartphone – card look format" to their pages, even for large display computers. YAHOO A few weeks ago Yahoo Finance forced all users to give […]
Category: Business, Computer, Financial, Marketing, News, Technology |
Tags: complaint, design, finance, google, News, portfolio, smartphone, tech friday, techfriday, website, yahoo
RichC | November 13, 2016
Surprise! At least that’s what I found out when I opened a couple virtual invoices from Amazon for my two AWS accounts (personal and business). After moving files for online web content to Amazon’s fast and reliable S3 cloud-based servers a couple years ago, I’ve been happily adding content regularly since then as the cost […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Cloud, Computer, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: amazon s3, archiving, glacier, server, storage, webhosting, website
RichC | June 2, 2016
Kiplinger has long been one of the many websites who’s content, along with their magazine, that I’ve enjoyed reading. I follow several contributors to their content on social networks and complained recently that I disliked their multi short page approach for reading content. I’m sure they want to generate "clicks" and therefore break and article […]
Category: Advice, Business, Financial, Marketing, News, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: ad blocker, kiplinger, magazine, practices, website
RichC | October 10, 2014
Sort of a timely website find if you are an amateur meteorologist or just enjoy watching and learning about weather. Check out or their MeteroEarth smartphone app for $2.99. (explainer video) There are some pretty powerful features and the real time software offers stunning visual views of weather happenings — like the current Typhoon […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Software, Space, Technology, Weather |
Tags: app, hurricane, meteoearth, techfriday, typhoon, vongfong, weather, website
RichC | March 9, 2014
Keith Thomas, writer, pastor and good friend of mine, has been using his “small group” expertise to help teach others how to lead Bible studies and to be more effective disciples of Christ. His writings and excellent Bible teaching materials are available at for all who are interested … share the Good News! I’ve […]
Category: Faith |
Tags: bible, christianity, keith thomas, missions, study, teaching, website
RichC | April 14, 2012
I noticed a spike in my normal web traffic the other day as a weekend post was mentioned on a high traffic website. As someone who posts to a tiny personal blog, it still amazes me how many clicks and visitors My Desultory Blog generates. Over the years I have also noticed that viewers are […]
Category: Blogs, Business, Social Media |
Tags: advertising, blogs, website
RichC | March 30, 2012
Click and be impressed …
Category: Computer, Misc, Weather |
Tags: Art, weather, website, wind
RichC | February 17, 2012
As the years go by I find myself forgetting which of the links and information sites I’ve signed up for … and I’m probably not alone. Anyway, if you are online at all, it might be helpful to have a personal landing page, especially if you’re not interested in your own URL and web server […]
Category: Computer, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: landing, page, recommendation, techfriday, website
RichC | January 20, 2012
I saw the Shapecatcher link highlighted on one of the technology media sites and thought it might make for a good a Tech Friday post. Yes, it has been a while since Friday has seen a technology related idea … so here’s any easy way to find the correct Unicode hexidecimal equivalent for a particular […]
Category: Computer, How-To |
Tags: shapecatcher, trademark, website
RichC | February 1, 2011
It is nice when websites run and link to webOS friendly media content. One of the better sites is remembering President Ronald Reagan’s legacy and his upcoming February 6th birthday – he would be 100. In browsing with my Palm Pre yesterday I found it to be one of the few utilizing content and […]
Category: Cellphone, Politics, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: browser, design, gop, palm, reagan, webos, website
RichC | July 8, 2010
I’m struggling once again to keep my blog’s shared database running — hassling with tech support on and off today. Hopefully my low cost host will sorting things out. Yes I’ve threatened to leave once before and magically I was moved to a more efficiently running server. We’ll see how long my patience holds out […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: blog, progressive, taxes, website
RichC | September 4, 2009
I used an excellent free conference call product from yesterday. The registration took about 3 minutes and a conference call can be scheduled in about 5 minutes. I set up my first call and had very good results while conferencing with three others … that is, right up until the end — see comment […]
Category: Computer, How-To, Productivity, Technology |
Tags: conference, website
RichC | March 30, 2009
FoxNews kicked off a new interactive site call on March 30th in order to “leverage its brand online, especially among conservative true believers,” and by broadening the reach of “high-decibel” stars such as Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck to an online audience. After a quick review and watching the 1000s of comments flood in, […]
Category: News, Politics, Technology |
Tags: foxnews, thefoxnation, website
RichC | February 24, 2009
If you enjoy ‘grass roots’ aviation, you’ll enjoy the StoriesThatFly site based in the Northeastern part Ohio … or read a little bit about it here.
Category: Aviation |
Tags: aviation, ohio, website