RichC | February 28, 2006
Since our nation has started talking about alternatives, I’ve been reading a little bit about the different alternative fuels and vehicles. One company taking a different tack is BMW, sort of re-inventing the steamer. Using an innovative concept, their engineers have successfully been harnessing the heat energy in a car. They are combining an innovative […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Innovation, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: BMW, steamer
RichC | February 27, 2006
Motorweek updated their views on the Jeep Liberty CRD. They were impressed with the performance but the mileage was far lower than even most avid diesel drivers could tolerate. Here is a short video clip. The Jeep Liberty CRD on Motorweek A regular poster that I know from a couple of forums is also a […]
Category: Automotive, Video-TV |
RichC | February 26, 2006
The Cincinnati Auto Expo was busy on Saturday afternoon when my 16 year old son and I visited. We spent about 2-1/2 hours checking out the new and seasoned vehicles each auto maker had on displayed. As auto shows go, it seemed very well attended, and in my opinion, of an appropriate size for a […]
Category: Automotive |
Tags: auto, cincinnati, show, taylor
RichC | February 24, 2006
I can’t help myself … here are three quick “Vee Dub” commercials that we may not see in America? EDIT: Thanks to Dennis and Ron, I will retract my “may not see in America” comment as according to these two automotive gurus, the ads are aready here! I need to watch more TV … “honey, […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 24, 2006
UPDATE as of 2/24/2006 -15:30 EST: Judge James R. Spencer of Federal District Court in Richmond, declined to rule on an injunction that would shut down Research in Motion’s Blackberry service. The judge indicated that he was disappointed that the companies had not been able to reach a settlement. ================================================ As the Blackberry (RIM) situation […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 23, 2006
No, the new diesel SUVs are not here yet … even if you can cost justify them. I’ve been monitoring the diesel options soon to be available from the likes of Mercedes (Alabama build SUV GL-class above), BMW and Audi as they have all commented that more diesels will be available in the United States […]
Category: Volkswagen |
Tags: volkswagen
RichC | February 22, 2006
And you thought “Quisp was for kids?” (or is that Trix?)
NV Satyanarayana, a science graduate based in India, has developed a Micro Windmill Mobile charger designed to use the wind to charge cells phones. It is fan blade connected to a generator with an output wire which connects to your mobile phone. The […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 21, 2006
Someone forwarded me this interesting piece of driving from somewhere in Russia. Its a BMW M5 chasing an old style Audi RS4 down a busy 4 lane highway. Considering this clip is ‘real’ and not Hollywood, its sort of frightening. I does make me realize just how quick the M5 is. Hey, Dave can you […]
Category: Automotive |
Tags: audi, BMW
RichC | February 20, 2006
George Washington was actually born on February 11, but a bill drafted in 1968 becoming law in 1971 has created a day that celebrated two US Presidents: Washington and Lincoln. The final day picked to celebrate these men ended up being the 3rd Monday in February, but the name was never officially changed from “Washington’s […]
Category: Video |
1 Comment
RichC | February 20, 2006
I’ll make this a short post as the video (click read the rest of story) pretty much tells the whole story. First, “the girl,” yes female rider, driving the motorcycle is fine. She had no broken bones and is thankful not to have been rear-ended. After watching these kinds of accidents, no matter how much […]
Category: Misc |
1 Comment
RichC | February 19, 2006
The Daytona 500 ran today, as it does every year at this time to kick off the NASCAR season. Jimmy Johnson won in his Lowes sponsored #48 Chevrolet ten days after his crew chief was kicked out for illegally altering his car. Besides the ‘taint’ on the victory, Johnson drove a competitive race as did […]
Category: Automotive, Video |
Tags: bonjovi, daytona500, nascar, racing
RichC | February 18, 2006
How many specialty lubricants are made for cars? I don’t know but there sure are a bunch. Do we need them all? I participate in several car forums and nothing causes as much debate as what oils and lubricants to use in and on our cars. Opinions vary and loyalty to brands can generate strong […]
Category: Misc |
RichC | February 17, 2006
Automotive News published a story shedding a few more details on Volkswagen’s new Golf-sized SUV code named “Concept A.” VW brand chairman Wolfgang Bernhard indicated that they wanted to have a vehicle that would compete with the BMW X3 (I’m not sure they can?) and referred to the Concept A as the Touareg’s “Little Brother.” […]
Category: Uncategorized |
1 Comment
RichC | February 16, 2006
Thanks to EAA friend Mark Keener and his scrutiny of all things aviation, a video clip of Larry Neal flying his Super Sky Cycle was brought to my attention – its an interesting flying motorcycle prototype nearing kit production. I know what you’re thinking, “But Rich, the media has been telling us about these kinds […]
Category: Aviation, Video |
Tags: larry neal, super sky cycle
RichC | February 16, 2006
Ready for something different? How about a bedtime story about an Octopus and a Shark. Once upon a time …. Google Video embeds are no more, but here’s a “cute” subsitute photo link
Category: Environment, Nature |
Tags: great white shark, sharks
RichC | February 15, 2006
Belco Holdings Limited announced that it has entered into a contract with Current to Current Bermuda Limited, a subsidiary of the U.S. firm Current to Current Corporation based in Massachusetts, to purchase electical power generated by underwater currents. Power should be available by the end of 2007 through a generator and turbine sunk in the […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 15, 2006
(left to right) Tony Anderson, Fayette Co. Commissioner; John Carey, Senator; John Schlichter, State Rep; Steve Durham, ASAlliances; Fred Dailey, Director, ODA; Mike Wagner, Ohio Corn Growers; Dwayne Seikman, Ohio Corn Growers; Ruth Kimmelshue, Cargill Ag Horizons; David Williamson, ODOD The Tri-State Clean Fuels Network announced the ground-breaking for Ohio’s 100-million gallon per year Ethanol […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 14, 2006
The U.S. now has an estimated 7066 pairs of nesting Bald Eagles in the lower 48 and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today reopened the public comment on its 1999 proposal to remove the bird from the endangered species list. The director Dale Hall states that “The recovery of the bald eagle, our national […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 13, 2006
Update Feb 14: Paul Hackett has changed his plans to run for Senate with some arm twisting from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and New York Senator Charles Schumer. Hackett indicated his frustration saying “For me, this is a second betrayal,” Hackett said. “First, my government misused and mismanaged the military in Iraq, and […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 13, 2006
EAA284 had a good turnout this past Sunday afternoon at Red Stewart Field. February 12th at 2PM was our regularly scheduled meeting and thanks to Les Garber’s presentation it was both interesting and educational. Les, the author of “The Wright Brothers and the Birth of Aviation,” gave an outstanding presentation on the amazing engineering aspect […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: eaa284, flying, red stewart
RichC | February 12, 2006
Last week at the National Biodiesel conference in San Diego, Singer/ Songwriter and Activist Willie Nelson filled his tour bus and announced a new BioWillie location … San Diego, California. According to the National Biodiesel Board, the conference was an outstanding success. Perhaps Willie Nelson said it best, “It is the future. (refering to biodiesel) […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 11, 2006
Although Google news tells me there are over 2000 news stories about the record breaking flight of Virgin Atlantics Global Flyer piloted by Steve Fossett, I felt it necessary to close my mutiple posts with a follow up comment. (I’m sure for details there are plenty of news stories) Nevertheless, the experimental Scaled Composite plane […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 11, 2006
Heres a short video clip testing some of the Google Video capabilities (or lack there of) in broadcasting clips on the internet. Aerobatics Pilot flies under jumping motorcycle
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 10, 2006
Once upon a time I intended to be a photojournalist. I even spent the summer between my junior and senior year of high school on an enrichment scholarship to begin my college education in photojournalism. I’m not sure what happened to dissuade me? Nevertheless, I still admire and appreciate those with the talent to capture […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 10, 2006
UPDATE: 1:45 EST The Global Flyer is 51,000 feet directly above San Diego heading on a direct path toward Orlando Florida. (draw a line) If you are anywhere in this path be sure to check the sky. (although at 51,000 feet that is the highest Steve has flown so far) I suspect that the coverage […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 10, 2006
Category: Uncategorized |
1 Comment
RichC | February 10, 2006
UPDATE: A quote directly from mission control – 1:14UTC Feb 10th (8:14 p.m. EST on Feb 9th) “Halfway point reached: Hurrah!” Problems: The initial problem was on takeoff according to Mission Control — the GlobalFlyer lost 750lbs of fuel leaving the Kennedy Space Center. According to calculations, the final let to Kent Airport in England […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 9, 2006
A couple days ago I posted a commercial (Video Clip for Bird Lovers) and figure it only fair to return the politically incorrect post. This one is for cat lovers. 
Category: Automotive, Humor, Misc, Video, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: bird, car, Humor, mp4, video
RichC | February 9, 2006
NGV America, formerly Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition, ran an ad in several major newspapers across the country yesterday. The ad encourages the President and federal policy makers to include natural gas fuels and vehicles in our nation’s energy security planning. I’ll be interested to find out who else feels left out. I’m not sure where […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 8, 2006
Steve Fossett took off in an experimental plane today at 7:20 a.m. on an 80-hour flight. He hopes to set a nonstop distance record in the GlobalFlyer aircraft sponsored by Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic Airways. Steve Fossett, is a 61 year old excentric millionaire who has “ballooned” (pun intended) his way to fame in a […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: flying, fossett, global flyer
RichC | February 8, 2006
Now just because it was printed in Business Week doesn’t make it ‘fact,’ but the January 31st article, “The Top Ten Hybrid Myths” by Brad Berman gives a pretty good primer on what hybrid technology is and isn’t. For those interested in cars and paying attention to automobiles, most of this isn’t new, but a […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 7, 2006
Yes, discovered –a red faced, wattled honeyeater — its a bird.
An area high in the rainforest of New Guinea is being described as the “lost world.” I read through an article published yesterday in “The Independent” that details the unknown and rare animals that have been discovered by a team of international scientists. […]
Category: Nature |
Tags: animals, birds, birdwatching, New Guinea
RichC | February 6, 2006
I’m at a quandary as to comment on the actual game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Seattle Seahawks? Do I opine on the performances, or lack there of, from either team — or just focus on the individual achievements? I suppose I could eulogize about Seattle or reflect on the mediocre performance of the […]
Category: Misc, Sports, Video-TV |
RichC | February 6, 2006
I know … this internet video encoding is getting old, but there is a reason for my tinkering. I’m getting ready to publish a VW TDI Intake Manifold Cleaning “How To” clip and trying to decide if there is a way to offer Google Video downloads and still not damage the DVD donations. I’m embedding […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 5, 2006
I’m guessing that across the pond there don’t worry about political correctness in their advertising? This Ford Sportka ad is rather disturbing. “Here kitty – kitty – kitty.” 
Category: Automotive, Humor, Video |
Tags: birds, cars, cats, Humor, mp4, video
RichC | February 4, 2006
PBS’s Motorweek celebrated 25 years of reporting on the auto world this past weekend and after taking a look back, also looked ahead to what is in our automotive future. Since I’ve been tinkering with video and encoding this weekend, I’ll include the tail end clip that mentions of diesel making a comeback and visions […]
Category: Automotive, Tidbits, Video-TV |
Tags: anniversary, motorweek, mp4, tv, video
RichC | February 4, 2006
I’ve been wanting to be able to incorporate a series of short video clips in my blog. Some clips have most likely been spotted on the internet before, others might be new and a few I’ve recently encoded. Instead of ‘forwarding’ to friends I thought I would share them here. Without further ado I’ll put […]
Category: Humor, Video |
Tags: jerry-rig, jury-rig, redneck, video
RichC | February 3, 2006
As we move forward with alternative energy and ways to displace petroleum as a primary fuel, I believe it is important to encourage industry and the country to explore a variety of option. The old adage of “placing all your eggs in one basket” apply to the predicament of what energy source we should consider. […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | February 2, 2006
U.S. Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the underdog to acting leader Rep. Roy Blunt becomes the new majority leader today in a 122 to 109 vote. He will replace the Texan Tom DeLay in hopes to clean up the scandal-rocked house. Blunt will remain in the House Republican leadership, holding onto his job as majority […]
Category: Uncategorized |