Maine for the weekend. Congratulations Mike and Addie Agler.

| August 20, 2024

It is becoming the norm for me, but Tuesdays are often the day that I end up saving leftover weekend family photos to the Last weekend was a wedding in Maine for Taylor’s lifetime best friend Mike Agler. So Taylor (Mike’s best man) and Megan flew up to a beautiful and historic Inn to […]

Archiving photos: Our family busy doing “family stuff”

| June 27, 2024

Storm Clouds mid-June over Mankato MN  After our enjoyable and busy week with our granddaughters, I wanted to archive a few photos that have been piling up in the “maybe” for the blog folder. Above are some of the storm clouds in Minnesota that caused flooding in the midwest in mid-June — ominous! For us, […]

A wedding and reception with Katie and Jason Kirklin

| November 13, 2023

We attended and enjoyed the wedding for Taylor’s long time “birthday buddy” and grade school, high school and college friend Katie Gormas to Jason Kirklin in downtown Cincinnati this weekend. Beside a high traffic parking fiasco that almost made us late, the evening was very nice. Taylor and Megan arrived even a few minutes after us […]

Archiving a weekend wedding photo of Taylor and his college buds and an impressively engineered antique candle snuffer

| October 24, 2023

The title of this post is a little disjointed, but since I don’t have all that much to say about either topic, I’m putting them in one post. First, Taylor stretched out a long weekend with Megan in Key Largo Florida with his fraternity buddies at a wedding … and second, I’m just impress with […]

Leftover travel weekend update and photos from our kids

| August 24, 2022

While Brenda and I were in Atlanta celebrating her sister’s birthday, Taylor was once again at another wedding clear across the country. One of his elementary school friends (they stayed in touch) gave a bunch of friends a chance to get together in a nice location – Lake Tahoe. Of course this wasn’t the first […]

We hit a big milestone: Our 40th Wedding Anniversary

| June 5, 2022

A poor quality scan of our 1982 wedding with DadH, MomH, MomC and DadC Often a 40th Wedding Anniversary triggers a husband or wife to make the comment “thanks for putting up with me” or something to that effect. Although there is truth to it, spending the rest of your life with another person is […]

Weddings and Nice Weather indicates Spring 2021 has arrived

| March 23, 2021

Besides what has become an annual photo of one of our lilac bushes pushing out buds, this past weekend was the first weekend of spring. Besides the new growth and greening lawn, we celebrated with our neighbors of 25 years, Pam and Jim by attending  their son’s wedding in Cincinnati. It was a beautiful wedding […]

My son Taylor has been busy professionally and personally

| October 10, 2020

As a dad who has always kept up and archived the “goings-on” with Taylor and Katelyn on MyDesultoryBlog, I realized that grandchildren steal the limelight most of the time … that is just the way it is. But … that doesn’t mean life doesn’t keep moving along for adult children in the work-a-day world either. […]

Happy THIRD anniversary to Katelyn and Drew

| April 13, 2016

It is hard to believe that 3 years have come and gone already, but time does not stand still. Katelyn and Drew will be celebrating their wedding anniversary over the weekend rather than today; they have a special getaway planned!  I’m so glad they found each other (Pumpy Umpy is glad too).

Newly wedded Rachel and David Skinner on May 31, 2015

| June 2, 2015

It was a busy weekend as our family was in town to celebrate my nephew David and Rachel’s wedding just south of Cincinnati in Lakeside Park, Kentucky. The beautiful ceremony was held under a tent in the backyard of their home with close friends and family. Everything was artistic and couldn’t have been nicer. One […]

We had a wonderful time with Katelyn and Drew

| January 7, 2015

My daughter Katelyn and her husband Drew were in town to visit this week and we pretended it was still the week of Christmas and exchanged a couple gifts. Brenda had already shipped a box of presents to them, but saved back a frame and print for them. It was an artistic photo taken down […]

Jackie Howard married Ben Wickerham on December 21, 2014

| December 22, 2014

This past weekend was a very special one for my niece Jacquelyn as she married Benjamin Wickerham in beautiful wedding ceremony in Jamestown, NY. Besides the wedding with many personal touches and a 1920-40’s themed reception in an old train station, we were able to be with our family. Her father Mark would have loved […]

Late to the Throwback Thursday social networking trend #TBT

| December 18, 2014

I’m late to the Throwback Thursday social networking trend, but a “just arrived” photo of Brenda and her brother Mark before his passing is good excuse to start – they look too young for this to be 1991? (thanks for the photo Chris) Besides the smiling sister and brother photo (he was a dentist), our niece Jackie, […]

Mishmash of goings-on and photos from the last few days

| September 16, 2014

We had a quick but great week with Taylor and his friends. He was home for a scheduled weeks vacation from Williston, North Dakota primarily and for his long time friend Kara and Simon’s wedding. We had a great time Saturday as the weather was perfect for the outdoor wedding and for the many guest […]

Looks like another wedding … congratulations Jackie and Ben!

| September 1, 2014

The big news this Labor Day 2014 weekend was that my niece Jackie’s boyfriend Ben proposed her while on military leave. The announcement made for big excitement and the thought of another family wedding. Long time My Desultory Blog followers (those who follow the personal and family posts) might remember Jax from events like her […]

Wow, already? Happy 1st Anniversary to Katelyn and Drew

| April 13, 2014

Congratulations to Katelyn and Drew on the first anniversary of their wedding day. It is hard to believe a full year has passed since their wedding. The two of them are celebrating by looking for a place to live in Minneapolis and enjoying time together. Besides normal hotel accommodations (and an inside father-daughter chuckle about […]

Wedding weekend: Congratulations Keira and Ben!

| July 29, 2013

My brother’s daughter Keira was married this weekend to her “ONU Sweetheart” Ben Ankrom at a nice ceremony and reception in Dayton Ohio – Engagement Announcement (FYI: Sweethearts = Ohio Northern University’s name for alumni couples who marry – which includes Brenda and me). We enjoyed the entire day on Saturday and the friends and […]

Looking good — well at least the bride and groom were!

| May 3, 2013

The first 50 professional wedding photos from Shuey Mills Photography have trickled in to be reviewed. I know I’m not suppose to be sharing the previews, but can’t help myself and will include two, ok THREE since they are so good (but here were a few photos from our guests – thanks for sharing on […]

Visiting with Katelyn and Drew – the newlyweds

| April 28, 2013

We drove Brenda’s parents home to western New York last week and opening the farmhouse after a week or so of staying with us in Cincinnati. They were glad to finally get home from Florida. Brenda and I then hitched up the trailer and headed up to Columbus for Saturday. Our project was centered around […]

Aerial slideshow from Katelyn and Drew’s Wedding day

| April 23, 2013

After the big wedding weekend (4/13/2013), my daughter Katelyn and husband Drew, no longer fiancé Drew, left the Savannah Center in a helicopter for a short flight looping counter-clockwise from West Chester, Ohio. They circles south over downtown Cincinnati, the Ohio River and then looped back north over Kings Island, Mason, our house in Liberty […]

Photo booth image, although the subjects are questionable

| April 21, 2013

The photo booth at Katelyn and Drew‘s wedding was a lot of fun … and very well done.

What a great wedding photo!

| April 16, 2013

Monday is April 15th TAX day. I wish it wasn’t so.

| April 15, 2013

I had the best of intentions to update my blog regarding the special "wedding weekend," but between clean-up, wrap-up, rest-up and spending the weekend with family (Brenda‘s parents staying with us) … AND of all things an April 15th TAX day Monday, I’m wiped out.  I’m way behind on the pleasurable post detailing my daughter’s […]

The Big Wedding: Introducing Katelyn and Drew Oostra

| April 14, 2013

The day was perfect for Katelyn and Drew’s wedding and the evening before was equally as nice for the rehearsal … and the most appreciated rehearsal dinner, hosted by the Oostra’s at Jags. I can’t speak highly enough of Barb and Randy … and Drew’s two brother’s Carson and Tyler (right); Katelyn is very blessed […]

Relaxing with a little music before the big wedding day

| April 12, 2013

This content is restricted.

The Wedding Wagon is done

| April 10, 2013

Well, the wagon was actually done last weekend but I’m short on time this week and figured that I would post this as a filler.

Closing in on Katelyn and Drew’s wedding – less than 2 weeks!

| April 1, 2013

With the weather improving and Katelyn and Drew’s wedding only two weeks away, expect fewer blog posts. Katelyn was home again for Easter weekend and we enjoyed our time together working on programs, etc. I’ve continued to plug away at my wagon project and am beginning to wonder what I was thinking waiting until the […]

No offense intended – I skipped posting on Katelyn’s shower

| March 18, 2013

  Cupcakes | Madison and Katelyn with game board Well just because I didn’t include commentary or photos from Katelyn’s wedding shower this past Saturday, doesn’t mean it wasn’t important; I can take a hint and will include a few of Brenda’s snapshots over lunch today (sorry if I missed someone). As the subject line […]

Thinking spring and about the good times hiking with the kids

| March 5, 2013

The weekend visit with my daughter Katelyn and her fiancé Drew left me scanning in a few more photos that they want to use in the wedding – yikes, a little more than a month away! The photo above, although not one that they are using, reminded me of the good times we had hiking […]

Home repair and wedding projects continue this weekend

| February 23, 2013

Although I’m not really accomplishing much this Saturday morning, I am working on a few projects. Little things like setting the type and printing the dinner menus (PDF) for Katelyn and Drew’s wedding and creating the type mask for a sign project are going ok, but without the basement workshop being back together, it is […]

Mid-February flower bulbs and wedding invitation stamps

| February 19, 2013

I forgot to add a couple of photos from Katelyn and Drew’s visit this weekend in order to finish up their wedding invitations … of course we all forgot that the Post Office was close Monday — Presidents’ Day. I suppose one more day won’t hurt? Also noticed the new bulbs are popping up already […]

My daughter’s wedding approaches – where does the time go?

| February 10, 2013

While drying hundreds if not thousands of photos after our basement flooding this past week, the memories have been both great … and have pulled my heartstrings. I’ve scanned a few photos this afternoon to share (they were pre-digital) and reminded me just how many years have past … and how fast those years have […]

A wonderful bridal shower this weekend for my daughter

| December 16, 2012

   I’ve been spending most of my time by my mother’s bedside (previous post), but wanted to share a little cheer as well. My daughter Katelyn had a wonderful bridal shower hosted by the friends of her future mother-in-law (Barb Oostra) in Toledo on Saturday. They enjoyed brunch and presents at the Inverness Club and […]

Engagement proofs for Drew and Katelyn are ready

| November 15, 2012

In keeping with the last couple days of family and personal posts, my daughter and future son-in-law shared their engagement photo proof pages (slide show) from their recent photo session with Shuey Mill Photography. The weather on Sunday afternoon was perfect for the shoot and it helps that the two of them are photogenic. Katelyn […]

My girls were busy with wedding plans AGAIN this weekend

| October 29, 2012

It sure has been nice to see my daughter on weekends the last couple of months as her residency schedule has been somewhat gentler. Unfortunately she knows it will not last and the rotations will eventually be more challenging and stressful in a couple more weeks. She went to a wedding show near Kings Island […]

Three of the most important women in my life

| September 30, 2012

My weekend was filled with more wedding stuff and with three of the most important women in my life. On Saturday I chauffeured Brenda and Katelyn to and from a few more wedding planning functions as well as participated in more cake tasting. This time the final cake arrangements were made. My wife and daughter […]

We had a nice weekend with Katelyn and Drew

| September 17, 2012

I didn’t access the computer much this weekend since Katelyn and Drew were home to “cake taste” and to handle some wedding planning details … thankfully my involvement is minimal. We did have a nice time together … talking, playing cards, reading some of my mom’s “legacy box” and watching the movie “Hunger Games.” It […]

Wedding congratulations to Emily and Benjamin Skinner

| October 3, 2011

Ben, Emily, Chris and Jerry Skinner – October 2, 2011 (click for larger) We enjoyed my nephew Ben and Emily’s cool (45 degrees) but sunny Sunday morning wedding at the Darby House near Columbus, Ohio this past weekend. They were the "picture-perfect” couple and exchanged personal vows on the terrace overlooking the beautiful setting. My brother-in-law […]

Wedding bells ring for the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

| April 29, 2011

The most anticipated wedding of the year took place this morning between Prince William and ‘now’ Catherine (Kate Middleton) in London. The royal event started for me, when my wife’s alarm went off at 4 AM EST, which is when she turned on the television to watch the ceremony. I suspect I was not the […]

A busy wedding and graduation party weekend

| June 1, 2010

Two of my nephews celebrated milestones in their lives this past weekend … and of course the special events happened 7 hours apart, one in Ohio and the other in New York. My brother’s son graduated from high school and although we missed the Saturday event at Bethel High School,  we timed the Sunday afternoon […]

Congratulations to Madison and Nathan

| December 31, 2006

It has been a busy holiday week which included Christmas, New Year’s Eve, football and my niece’s wedding. I also wanted to ‘archive‘ at least one photo from from the wedding. (and what a wedding it was!) Here’s wishing both Madison and Nathan congratulations as they begin married life together. Oh … and thank you […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog