RichC | July 9, 2024
Usually workshop tinkering is saved for rainy days and shorter days, but I decided that there were too many jigs and router table components just laying around. When I had fewer items, I could stick them under the table, but now I’m accumulating a few too many jigs, hold-downs and push stick type items that […]
Category: Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: blower, filler, jigs, light, ridgid, router, router table, shelf, workshop
RichC | September 26, 2023
Here’s another idea for the router table that might work better than the table saw for cutting splines in the corners of small frames, simple drawers and boxes. I usually struggle with lining up and clamping framed boxes multiple times using my table saw and a tendon jig (with box that cuts splines) and thought something […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Woodworking |
Tags: cornhole, ideas, janky, jigs, router table, spline, workshop
RichC | September 10, 2023
A couple of my short “cheap” T-tracks arrived last week that I’m planning to use for either a router table or table saw jig … or both? I’m not sure exactly how I’m planning to integrate them yet, but I have been collecting a few idea. Initially I was going to use them for featherboard […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Woodworking |
Tags: jigs, router, router table, t-track, table saw
RichC | February 1, 2022
For a soon to tackle project in the woodworking workshop, I tinkered with my older plug cutter in order to hide the heads of a few drywall screws. For a test, I used contrasting wood just to see how much gap there was going to be – it looks as if it will work. To […]
Category: Photos, Shopping, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: coping sled, fixtures, jigs, plugs, rebate, rockler, router, router table, sale, tinkering, tools, woodworking, workshop
RichC | January 19, 2022
For the lack of a better subject line, this will be called a Workshop Wednesday post … even though I’m rarely in the workshop on Wednesdays (it was last weekend). Anyway, I was busy making a jig to help cut the “cheap” (and I mean “cheaply made”) crown molding that I purchased from Wayfair for […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Tools, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: bemus point, chautauqua, Corbett Chronicles, fred howard, jigs, mark howard, molding, mp4, new york, wayfair, workshop
RichC | February 24, 2021
After setting up my router for better, cleaner and easier woodworking dados last week, I started thinking about something better than using my table saw’s stock miter gauge for making “coping” style end cuts on the router table. Beside a $220 commercial Coping-Jig (left), there are hundreds of homemade plans on the Internet to do […]
Category: Ideas, Photos, Woodworking |
1 Comment
Tags: coping, ideas, jigs, mark jones, projects, router, sled, tools, woodworking, workshop
RichC | July 5, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Ideas, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: aluminum, annalyn, bees, birdhouse, bluebird, box joint, carpenter, finger, granddaughters, jigs, katelyn, table saw, woodworking, workshop
RichC | June 27, 2020
I’ve used the same combination of featherboards on my table saw for years (photo left). I also have a Shopsmith commercial featherboard which fits the smaller table perfectly, but it only works to hold larger sized pieces against the fence on my cabinet saw. Then there is the temporary one that I made 40 years […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Woodworking |
Tags: clamping, featherboard, jigs, mark jones, tablesaw, woodworking
RichC | April 23, 2020
After cutting a few miter joints earlier this month with a 45 degree jig on my table saw crosscut sled, I started to contemplate the best way to cut clean tendons and dadoes. In the past I’ve used an added fence to the stock miter gauge, but it really doesn’t do a great job. Of […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: clamps, crosscut, dado, dovetail, fixtures, jigs, microjig, miter, project, sled, tendons, woodworking, workshop
RichC | April 9, 2020
Last week while continuing to s-l-o-w-l-y work on the bookshelves and painting project, in-between outdoor yard cleanup and cutting the lawn for the first time in 2020, I also used the frame cutting miter jib previously mentioned. It is amazing just how much more accurate this set-up for my table saw crosscut sled is over […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: bookshelves, cabinetmaking, doors, featherboard, frames, hold down, jigs, paintings, panel, rails, stiles, table saw, tablesaw, tools, woodworking, workshop
RichC | March 29, 2020
This is a two-purpose post: A woodworking (sort of) bookshelves project archive update and shared information on a jig I made. First, the bookshelves and music room/ library painting coming along slowly. I’m bogged down with putty, sanding and painting after adding a strip light shield (wood to hide the LEDs that I’m planning to […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: bookshelves, crosscut, discussion, jigs, jon peters, painting, project, sled, tools, woodworking
RichC | November 17, 2019
When it comes to clamping, I ascribe to the rule of thumb that you can never have too many clamps when woodworking. That said, I often don’t have enough when I’m working on a project … and lately it has been even worse since a few of my tools are in Florida (Condo1718 projects). Currently […]
Category: Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: clamps, doors, frames, homemade, jigs, panels, wood, woodworking
RichC | September 21, 2019
While talking with my good friend Mark Jones about accurately drilling pin holes to mount a few glass shelves in a tight space, he gave me a great idea to use a piece of peg board to align all the holes accurately. Thanks Mark, a great tip! But in my case, I didn’t have a […]
Category: Friends, How-To, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: drill, drilling, fisch, jigs, omni, pattern, ridgid, right angle, shelves, template, tidbit, woodworking, workshop
RichC | October 9, 2018
One would think that will all the years that I’ve been tinkering with tools and woodworking that surely I would have made a few "hand-cut" dovetails? Nope, I’ve always used a simpler joint for hand made projects or for bigger "repeat" projects opted for a router and dovetail jig — which was handmade by me […]
Category: Hobby, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: cabinetmaking, dovetails, jigs, jointery, maple, practice, project, wood, woodworking
RichC | November 24, 2015
After cleaning out the garage workshop to prepare for my woodstove addition, I removed the drawing table/desk area that I added when I was building the Sonex airplane (no longer needed since selling my project). The desktop was almost a perfect fit for the corner area in my basement workshop so I put it in […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: jigs, kreg, tools, wood, workbench, workshop