President Biden stands down and endorses VP Kamala Harris

| July 23, 2024

The political news this past weekend, after a successful Republican Convention in Milwaukee WI, was that President Joe Biden finally succumbing to pressure and bowed out of his 2024 re-election campaign. For most paying attention, it has been clear for sometime that age was catching up to him. Most in the know, saw the obvious […]

Republicans at unparalleled unity after their 2024 Convention

| July 20, 2024

Every once in a while when reading a favorite 3-column news website for “political animals,” TheHustings.News, I will reply with a comment — especially when I receive an email from the editor who ask me to add a “right column” post or comment. 😉  So this week as a non-writer, I responded while watching the […]

A bit of news people news: Tucker Carlson is no longer at FoxNews

| April 25, 2023

Although it is not unusual for news organizations to let very popular news opinion personality go … with FoxNews I can recall Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly … most regular viewers were probably shocked to see Tucker Carlson let go on Monday (April 24, 2023). It was interesting to hear Glenn Beck comment on it […]

Opinion: Do we know who the 46th POTUS will be yet?

| November 10, 2020

It has been a long week since the 2020 Presidential Election and I haven’t posted or commented on the vote or “media reported results” regarding several projections as to Joe Biden being our president-elect. For me, the tabulation of votes in key swing states is very close and legitimately contested based on several questionable issues […]

Suspect ALL are glad presidential elections are 4-years apart?

| October 24, 2020

Contentious … doesn’t begin to explain the sentiment around the looming November 3rd 2020 election. Although I don’t mind discussions and debate on political thought and philosophy, this year the emotions and fervor I see and experience between a lot of Republicans and Democrats make open exchange and discussions nearly impossible. Emotions have reached uncomfortable […]

Biden and Trump debate as the 2020 Presidential Election nears

| September 30, 2020

“INCOMING!” (reference to the diving falcon photo)  With best intentions, I had hoped to post on Tuesday night’s first of 3 presidential debates for Wednesday morning – nope … maybe over lunch? I am with those who are embarrassed at what we now see and hear from our political leaders. To be honest, the “offensive […]

The Tale of Two Puppets

| April 23, 2015

Just filling space today … but I thought the resemblance between Jeff Durham‘s “dummy” Walter and President Obama‘s Joe Biden was amazing. (it made me chuckle, no offense intended)

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog