Books: “Killing the Rising Sun” by Bill O’Reilly (2016)

| February 1, 2025

When it comes to reading downloaded books on my Kindle, sometimes I need to pick up where I left off. Last year I started to reading Bill O’Reilly’s 2016 book “Killing the Rising Sun” and put it down to read something else. So this year, I’ve picked it back up again while spending some extended […]

A bit of news people news: Tucker Carlson is no longer at FoxNews

| April 25, 2023

Although it is not unusual for news organizations to let very popular news opinion personality go … with FoxNews I can recall Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly … most regular viewers were probably shocked to see Tucker Carlson let go on Monday (April 24, 2023). It was interesting to hear Glenn Beck comment on it […]

Audiobook: Bill O’Reilly and “Killing the SS” on the Libby app

| September 5, 2021

Last week I downloaded a new library app called Libby that is an Overdrive component for audiobooks for borrowing digitally from the library. I put it to use immediately after checking out the Bill O’Reilly book “Killing the SS.” So far it is very interesting considering I’m only in chapter 2, but love the storytelling […]

Entertained by Dennis Miller and Bill O’Reilly in Cincinnati

| April 26, 2014

In keeping with my springtime mood and a slight (ok, big) twist on some oldies music with a “December 1963” Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons music video below… “oh what a night” we had at the Taft Theatre in Cincinnati last night. It was a good time being entertained by a couple “oldies” themselves […]

Governing and economic thoughts from Jon Meacham

| January 22, 2013

Pulitzer-Prize winning historian and biographer Jon Meacham made a few comments that had me nodding my head Monday evening in a discussion with Bill O’Reilly. I snagged a bit of audio while replaying for my wife. He was able to succinctly communicate the fiscal issues facing our nation and the seeming lack of urgency President […]

Campaign Pro Karl Rove concludes …

| March 8, 2008

Last night Bill O’Reilly, of the O’Reilly Factor, had former Bush advisor Karl Rove on his television program to discuss campaign strategies. Rove concluded that although last Tuesday was a win for Senator Hillary Clinton, she will need to win 58 percent of the remaining delegates whereas Senator Barack Obama needs only 42 percent. That’s […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog