Nice to have a young LOCAL conservative running with Trump

| July 16, 2024

Semi-surprised at the VP pick by the almost GOP nominee, Donald Trump (later this week), but for those who would like to see someone younger, JD Vance from our area of SW Ohio is not a bad choice. I enjoyed learning about his background from both his book, Hillbilly Elegy  … and movie by Ron […]

An assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump

| July 14, 2024

Yesterday’s failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler Pennsylvania will forever be burned in our memories and another dark stain in our divisive politics (unfortunately it has happened throughout history … no matter the country). The soon to be Republican nominee for POTUS (the GOP convention is this week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin), was targeted […]

Using Perplexity.AI and the news of the day: Trump Convicted

| May 31, 2024

It is Tech Friday, but because I’ve already prepared and posted, I still wanted to highlight the newsworthy headline story regarding the politically motivated trial against former president and the likely Republican candidate for president, Donald J. Trump. So opted to test the relatively “new to me” AI client (Perplexity.AI) by asking: Can you summarize […]

Opinion: Do we know who the 46th POTUS will be yet?

| November 10, 2020

It has been a long week since the 2020 Presidential Election and I haven’t posted or commented on the vote or “media reported results” regarding several projections as to Joe Biden being our president-elect. For me, the tabulation of votes in key swing states is very close and legitimately contested based on several questionable issues […]

Biden and Trump debate as the 2020 Presidential Election nears

| September 30, 2020

“INCOMING!” (reference to the diving falcon photo)  With best intentions, I had hoped to post on Tuesday night’s first of 3 presidential debates for Wednesday morning – nope … maybe over lunch? I am with those who are embarrassed at what we now see and hear from our political leaders. To be honest, the “offensive […]

The state of our union is “stronger than ever before” declares President Donald Trump to Speaker Pelosi’s distain

| February 5, 2020

Without going into the 90-minute State of the Union speech detail, the economic and overall strength of the United States is incredible compared to history or any other country in the world. The numbers and confidence sure look good for President Trump’s reelection campaign. Add to that the overall disfunction of Democrats (Iowa Caucus) with […]

The politically motivated impeachment of President Trump

| December 19, 2019

How does a “relatively open minded” politically moderate to conservative American see the impeachment of President Trump? I pay relatively close attention to the news … and politics since it is a big part of our news nowadays … AND with three years of quarrelling and intense dislike for President Donald Trump by his political […]

Pres Trump meets Kim Jong Un in Hanoi for second summit

| February 27, 2019

As far as news goes, one would think that the biggest news of the day would be a second summit meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump. It was only two short years ago that “little Rocket Man” was firing missiles over Japan and testing his nuclear weapons … and […]

Books: The Great Revolt – Salena Zito and Brad Todd

| August 26, 2018

I may have pick up my favorite political book of the year with Salena Zito and Brad Todd’s "The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics." It analyzes the unusual rise of once "long shot" billionaire reality-tv GOP candidate Donald Trump who defeated 17 other Republican "politicians" and chipped off enough disgruntled Independent […]

One last uncomforting look at our presidential choices

| November 6, 2016

As someone who politically grew up at a time when Ronald Reagan instilled optimism in America and in Americans, I am disgusted and embarrassed to to watch and vote for the “least worst” person running for president. On this coming Tuesday, or for many mailing in absentee or early voting, we’ll be doing just that […]

The politics of being a connected Clinton #TooBigToJail

| July 7, 2016

Every public official who has spent decades under the bright lights of public scrutiny are in one way of the other connected to the political machinery, but few are protected as much as the Clintons. The deep Arkansas doo-doo surrounding Hillary and Bill Clinton never goes away and whether you support their political philosophies or […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog