RichC | June 21, 2023
Who doesn’t enjoy mind benders … especially when it comes to well know art such as Vincent Gogh‘s “Starry Night“ … mentioned in a previous Meniere’s post. Look at the center dot in the top image and press play until the short video ends. Then look at the Vincent van Gogh artwork below it. Mind […]
Category: Art, Social Media, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: artwork, brainteaser, menieres, mindbender, starry night, twitter, van Gogh
RichC | August 22, 2022
While listening to Radio Margaritaville and relaxing in the backyard at the end of the day last week, another Life On The Flipside song caught my ear and started me thinking about how I’m missing sailing and the ocean. I’m not an active surfer, although “IF” I still had decent balance (see Menieres), I wouldn’t […]
Category: Health, Music, Recreation, Sailing |
Tags: backyard, glenn goodman, jimmy buffett, mac mcanally, menieres, music monday, musicmonday, ocean, radio margaritaville, sailing, surfing, wave, youtube
RichC | June 30, 2021
I enjoy the ocean but haven’t really had my equilibrium and balance back since my 2-year bout with Meniere’s Disease 20 years ago. That’s a bit depressing since I still have the desire to switch out our surfboard for a longboard (or SUP). That dream aside … my wife will tell you that I wasn’t […]
Category: Environment, Medical, Nature, Personal, Recreation, Video |
Tags: disease, longboard, menieres, mp4, ocean, relaxing, sup, surfing, swell, windsurfing
RichC | May 10, 2021
The Who was never at the top of my music listening list, but like all who grew up in the 1960-70’s era, we all knew the music. This past Wednesday was the 60th anniversary of Alan Shepard‘s flight into space and as a boy who grew up mesmerized by our NASA space program (still am) […]
Category: Aviation, Health, History, Memories, Music, Space, Video |
Tags: alan shepard, apollo, i can see for miles, menieres, moon, music monday, musicmonday, nasa, space, the who, vertigo
RichC | March 27, 2019
A couple of decades ago I suffered from Ménière disease (Ménière’s disease) and struggled to find treatment and relief from the miserably vertigo episodes. One does not understand how debilitating and miserable that this be, so much so that any potential treatment, regardless of the risk, seemed worth it at the time. In my case, […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Health, Medical, Memories, Personal |
1 Comment
Tags: archive, disease, medical, medscape, menieres, Personal, richc, surgery, treatment
RichC | September 29, 2017
After slowly giving up on ever really making my “90% hearing loss” right ear useful again (due to Ménière’s disease – posts 1 or 2), I had a chance to try out my buddy Jeff’s After Shokz bluetooth headset a couple weeks ago. I’m not saying it was like I was binaural again, BUT the “bone conduction” […]
Category: Advice, Audio, Cellphone, Innovation, Music, Technology |
Tags: after shokz, bluetooth, bone, conduction, headset, hearing, menieres, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | January 9, 2017
This content is restricted.
Category: Audio, Entertainment, Music |
Tags: art garfunkel, ear, hearing, menieres, mp3, Music, musicmonday, paul simon, song
RichC | January 12, 2015
As a conservative … politically, I probably don’t give enough credit to the Old Gray Lady for their often excellent articles covering content outside of politics. This weekend was no exception and I wanted to archive an article which has personal interest … and is something I’d like to look in to as an investor […]
Category: Archive, Financial, Health, Innovation, Personal |
1 Comment
Tags: $EARS, $OTIC, hearing, investing, medical, menieres, nytimes, tinnitus
RichC | June 21, 2012
I appreciate high profile Meniere’s Disease sufferers commenting on how debilitating it is to deal with abrupt attacks and ongoing balance/sickness issues, especially when they are as tough as UFC’s Dana White. He commented that he is “not a normal patient” while in an interview about his struggle – although I don’t think he exhibits […]
Category: Entertainment, Health |
Tags: dana white, disease, ear, Health, menieres, ufc
RichC | June 13, 2012
Although I’ve been pretty successful in dealing with Meniere’s since my surgery in 2001 (same surgery as Astronaut Alan Shepard), I regularly check back in with a few forum, blogs and websites where sufferers post their thoughts, concerns and suggestions. Last year I had to deal with the symptoms once again, hopefully just due to […]
Category: Blogs, Health |
Tags: Art, disease, medical, menieres, von gogh
RichC | September 21, 2011
I’m traveling in Ohio this week with a “pleasure stop” for pictures at the Cleveland Clinic [sarcasm] — MRI of my malfunctioning shunt (btw, all was normal in my noggin’). The imaging was precautionary after my July tympanic steroid injection – all was a follow up due to my decade old Endolymphatic decompression and shunt […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: katelyn, medical, menieres, shunt
RichC | November 16, 2010
A friend of mine posted about the Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. on Facebook and it was a reminder to me how devastating Ménière’s disease was. Back in the 1990’s I (and my family) struggled in dealing with the frustrating ringing, sudden attacks of vertigo and associated debilitating sickness (sea-sickness as I described it). Although […]
Category: Archive, Aviation, Health, History, Personal, Social Media, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: astronaut, disease, menieres, nasa