Enjoying life and leftover President’s Day weekend family photos

| February 19, 2025

My reading from a week ago has stalled … and I have no idea why? “Area 51” by Annie Jacobsen is an interesting book, and beside walking, neither Brenda or I are doing much more than pretending we are on a long vacation.   One of our pleasures is seeing the same people each morning […]

Archive: Celebration of Life for Uncle Sonny and a stop on the way home in Perrysburg to sing Happy Birthday to Brenda

| August 14, 2023

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Obit: A Celebration of Life for my Uncle Sonny (Earl D. Corbett)

| August 10, 2023

My dad’s younger brother, my Uncle Sonny, passed away in his home on July 20, 2023. He lived a full life, had a loving family and enjoyed living on a small southern Michigan lake for much of his life. I remember him most clearly from when I was a boy as the energetic and high […]

Archive: The Oostras short summer 2023 vacation to Michigan

| July 19, 2023

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Leftover Labor Day weekend photos from the Oostras

| September 6, 2022

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Archive: A Sunday afternoon Happy Birthday to Ellerie (photos)

| February 20, 2022

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Home video memories from September 9, 1989 for #TBT

| September 9, 2021

Last month when we were together with the kids, they were talking about enjoying trips to Michigan for long weekends during the summer (Drew’s parents have a house on Lake Michigan). It brought back memories for us and I mentioned that once-upon-a-time we thought about buying cabin property in the Upper Peninsula on Lake Huron […]

A favorite photo of Drew flying his Quadrotor 5 years ago #TBT

| July 29, 2021

While reviewing and purging a few backups to stay under one of my cloud storage service’s data caps, a favorite photo popped up that was backed up on OneDrive. It was a pre-children time for Drew and Katelyn visiting his parent’s place on Lake Michigan when there was free-time for self, hobbies, tech gadgets and […]

Wouldn’t it be nice to cool off in the pool on hot summer days?

| July 10, 2020

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In Big Ten football, The Ohio State Buckeyes dominated Michigan

| November 25, 2018

After an uncomfortable win against Maryland where Ohio State’s defense failed to show up … this week in the big 10th ranked OSU vs 4th ranked Michigan rivalry, both the defense and offense performed for the Buckeyes and their fans at the Shoe. Besides a few mistakes and penalties costing the Buckeyes points (fortunately they […]

Fun and frustration rigging up an old Little Tikes swing

| July 22, 2018

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Storms and more storm in Ohio, but it sure looks nice up north

| July 22, 2018

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Music Monday: Want-to-be politician Kid Rock – Born Free

| August 7, 2017

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A beautiful quadrotor aerial video from Lake Michigan

| September 1, 2016

My son-in-law Drew shared a really impressive Phatom3 movie clip on YouTube after his July 2016 vacation in Michigan. There were some incredibly beautiful views, sunsets and shoreline video … of course it didn’t hurt that the weather was perfect for Katelyn and Drew’s vacation at his parent’s “cabin” (as they call it). Although I’ve […]

A 12-pt Albino Buck taken by an 11-year old in Michigan

| October 21, 2014

Having never seen an albino deer, let along a 12-pt buck albino, it is shocking to know a young 11-year 6th grader old hunter with a crossbow shot the deer. Gavin Dingman from Oceola Township in Michigan knew the deer was in the area his family hunted since they have spotted it several times over […]

Highways can only handle so much rain … be careful

| August 13, 2014

Unbelievable rainfall causing flooding this morning in Long Island NY (photo above – Southern State Parkway near Exit 37 – Belmont Ave) this morning a day after watching the same thing happen in southeastern Michigan yesterday (photos below).   It is shocking to see these kinds of “highway” photos, but one can only imagine how […]

Ever been to Traverse City Michigan? This might inspire you.

| July 31, 2011

If you’ve ever enjoyed a summer (or fall, spring or winter) trip to Traverse City Michigan, you then know that it is a great All American town. I’ll bet you’ll love this  Traverse City LibDub 2011 video, at least I know Michigander Steve will, although some Buckeyes are pretty set in their ways?

A roof over your head … and one over your boat(s)

| March 23, 2011

The Winns’ residence in Charlevoix, Michigan has a “modest” boathouse and in viewing the video, they have a couple nice boats to put in it too (HGTV video below). The 10,437 square-foot Round Lake home and 8,537 square-foot boathouse of long-time Charlevoix residents John and Zita Winn is an architecturally stunning masterpiece. One of the […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog