RichC | May 25, 2022
Now that the desk and hardwood floors are complete, and floor finish has cured enough in my home office, it is time to tackle the trim painting, putting the closet and bookshelves back. Another project I’ve been contemplating is to revitalize my older well-worn corner computer desk. Having used it for a couple of decades […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Misc, Personal, Photos, Productivity, Woodworking |
Tags: apple, Computer, corner desk, edging, home, leather, mouse, oak, office, project, workshop, workspace
RichC | November 13, 2020
Recently I have been having problems with the Magic Mouse on my aging Apple iMac. The Bluetooth mouse once steadily held it’s connection until the AA batteries were getting weaker. I’ve cleaned the contacts with electrical cleaner and a Scotch-Brite pad but continue to have issue. A quick check on the Internet indicated that I’m […]
Category: Advice, Apple, Computer, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: batteries, battery, bluetooth, Computer, lifewire, magic mouse, mouse, tech friday, techfriday, tip
RichC | September 23, 2020
The weather has been just perfect for evenings in the garage or outside, so it is a good time to be checking off a couple of to-do list items – it was enjoyable. Although I’ve been slightly overdue for an oil change, the Ravenol oil I have been using is high quality synthetic oil so […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel, Humor, Photos, To-Do |
Tags: BMW, maintenance, mouse, nets, oil, oil change, photoshop, photoshopped, rowe, x5 35d
RichC | August 23, 2020
Even though we have a few of those ultrasonic devices plugged into the walls, mice seem to find their way into the detached and attached garage then figure out how to squeeze there way into the house. I’d like to think I’m able to trap them before they find the kitchen, but who knows … […]
Category: Advice, Gadget, Innovation, Misc, Nature, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: dremel, hawks, mice, modify, mouse, mousetrap, rat zapper, red shouldered, red tailed, repair
RichC | December 4, 2019
This is when you know you need a mouse or RatZapper…
Category: Human Interest, Humor, Video |
Tags: cat, Humor, mouse, mousetrap, mp4, rat, rattrap, trap, zapper
RichC | November 21, 2019
Hello World! It is frightening to think that I’ve been using computers for FORTY years and have used and have seen the slow evolution in input devices clustered around a device called the Computer Mouse. So for ThrowBack Thursday #TBT this week, the above is a photo of the original “mouse” in 1964 by Douglas […]
Category: Archive, Computer, History, Memories, Photos, TBT, Technology |
Tags: alto, apple, ball mouse, compaq, Computer, History, imac, magic, miami, mouse, onu, tandy, TBT, throwback, thursday, trs-80, university, xerox
RichC | October 7, 2018
Each year about this time, rodents and varmints are looking at our garage and house as a place to call home when the weather cools. So I’m usually trying to stay ahead of them by sealing up and keeping the garage doors closed more often (challenging when the weather is so nice). The bigger varmints […]
Category: Advice, Innovation, Memories, Misc, Photos, Video |
Tags: autumn, birthday, cattledog, dog, mice, mouse, mousetrap, pet, raccoon, rat zapper, rodent, sticky, tootsie, traps, varmints
RichC | September 25, 2017
Sort of laughing at myself after running out of smaller AA batteries for my Rat Zapper “electric zapping mousetrap.” Yes it would have been simpler to run to the store (or remember when I was out) to pick up “another” set of batteries for the trap, but then what fun is that? Instead Brenda was […]
Category: Misc, Tidbits |
1 Comment
Tags: batteries, mouse, mousetrap, tootsie, zapper
RichC | February 3, 2017
The cursor on my new Lenovo Yoga 710 Windows 10 notebook has been driving me crazy. It jumps around the screen when I’m typing and often ends up add or deleting text in previous paragraphs. In an attempt to diagnosis the problem, I’ve fiddled with the trackpad thinking that my palms or thumbs must be […]
Category: Advice, Computer, How-To, Tidbits |
Tags: lenovo, microsoft, mouse, tech friday, techfriday, trackpad, windows, yoga
RichC | February 13, 2015
Judging from the suggestions complaints to Google from users making an accidental “mouse swipe” through their online Calendar app, it looks like I’m not the only one frustrated. The problem of scrolling to the wrong month has existed for years and is most noticeable when using the Apple OS and their Magic Mouse. The sensitivity […]
Category: Apple, Cloud, Computer, How-To, Software |
Tags: apple, calendar, google, magic, mouse, techfriday
RichC | October 16, 2012
It is that time of year again … time to make sure the crack are sealed and doors stay closed. The mice in our backyard are doing the usual and looking for a warm place to hideout as winter looms. I happened to find this very little guy stuck to a glue trap near my […]
Category: Advice |
Tags: mice, mouse, mousetrap, trap
RichC | May 5, 2012
I was busy driving to and fro this week and had my usual granola bars and peanuts in the center console. Unbeknownst to me, I picked up a traveler … probably while in New York opening up my father-in-law’s barn for the season. I left the rear hatch open on my Honda Pilot while accessing […]
Category: Misc |
Tags: car, mouse, mousetrap, peanuts