RichC | December 16, 2023
NASA’s Perseverance rover continues on its Mars exploration mission that I’ve followed from the start. The Twitter feed along with the geology exploration and rock sample collection is space science at its best. For those not following the mission as closely, a YahooNews/CNN story last week that summarized the 1000 days of “roving” and of […]
Category: Science, Space |
Tags: cnn, explorationm, geology, helicopter, ingenuity, mars, pdf, perseverance, rover, space, yahoo
RichC | February 8, 2019
Yup … I have over 1000 photos. Once again, the lesson to take to heart is to "control your own data" whenever you can or be blackmailed into new subscription rules or lose everything. Even more challenging if a company goes out of business or deciding you have infringed on their user policy without warning […]
Category: Business, Cloud, Photography, Photos, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: account data, flickr, Photos, psa, tech friday, techcrunch, techfriday, yahoo
RichC | August 31, 2018
Tech news this week highlighted Yahoo and AOL brand email services. There are still plenty of users still using them and unknowingly being spied on (including me since I still use Yahoo for "junk" mail — I started with AOL & Yahoo in the early 1990s kept the simple rdc2@ addresses). The search algorithms and […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Computer, Marketing, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: advertising, aol, email, oath, opt-out, optout, tech friday, techfriday, wsj, yahoo
RichC | September 20, 2017
If Joanna Stern (WSJ) moves too fast, check out this longer list of iOS11 features by David Pogue at
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Software, Tablet, Video |
Tags: apple, ios11, joanna stern, pogue, wsj, yahoo
RichC | July 7, 2017
Complaining is getting me nowhere … but those of us old school users of Yahoo and Google continue to be frustrated to see both companies going down the "design for smartphone – card look format" to their pages, even for large display computers. YAHOO A few weeks ago Yahoo Finance forced all users to give […]
Category: Business, Computer, Financial, Marketing, News, Technology |
Tags: complaint, design, finance, google, News, portfolio, smartphone, tech friday, techfriday, website, yahoo