Investing during the first quarter 2019 has been rewarding

May 1, 2019

Those of us invested or following the stock market either with individual stocks, mutual funds or ETF index funds have to be pleased with the rebound in the economy since December 2018. The first quarter has rewarded those who remained invested (so as long as they have been diversified) for the long haul. Even with […]

Information on the collusion-Russia-Trump investigation

March 7, 2018

The long time investigative correspondent for CBS, Sharyl Attkisson did an excellent job of “fairly” building a timeline in the “Collusion against Trump” details on her website. If you really want to understand what we know so far regarding the Russian connections, it is worth at least skimming the points below. On a separate note, […]

The Tale of Two Puppets

April 23, 2015

Just filling space today … but I thought the resemblance between Jeff Durham‘s “dummy” Walter and President Obama‘s Joe Biden was amazing. (it made me chuckle, no offense intended)

Will the toy quadcopter be used in the next wave of terrorism

January 26, 2015

It’s really not a laughing matter, but a drone flying around the White House is unfortunately a sign of the times. Technology has advanced to the point that a person who wants a quadcopter or UAV can probably buy/build and fly them … some more successfully than others, sorry Vice President Biden. WASHINGTON –  A […]

How Costco is planning for the expected tax increase …

November 30, 2012

Playing the tax game as a big business or 1%-er investor must be a challenging problem to have? [sarcasm] Here’s a Wall Street Journal op-ed commenting on Costco’s recent “early” dividend announcement. Uncertainly in the tax code, along with the credits, deductions and complexity, slows economic growth, deters job creation and demonstrates that the more […]

A nation divided – countdown to the 2012 presidential election

November 5, 2012

One more post before election day as we’re finally on the home stretch to 11/6/2012. Thankfully a presidential election, and the ridiculous amount of money being spent, takes place only once every 4 years. Let’s hope we can shift this same kind of energy to governing our country and dealing with the enormous fiscal problems. […]

With the electoral college, what does a popular poll mean?

October 15, 2012

I’m not sure I would put a lot of faith in polling this year, especially following 2008 which saw a turnout unique in our recent history. Who knows if the motivation and base for either party will vote in the same numbers … and who knows if it even matters with the electoral college vote? […]

So how did the VP debate go?

October 12, 2012

Some are having difficultly getting beyond mannerisms — Laughin’ Joe. 🙂 Ralston Report’s Jon Ralston: “Biden’s facial expressions guarantee he will have a talk show after his elected career, but may not be good for a debate.” (Jon Ralston, Twitter Feed, 10/11/12) NBC News’ David Gregory: “Biden’s smile is out of control.” (David Gregory, Twitter […]

A new generation of patriots — the 9/11 Generation

September 11, 2011

I knew reflecting on the tenth year anniversary of 9/11 was going to be difficult to capture in a single blog post — I have been mulling  what to archive. Watching the names scroll by on FoxNews coverage on 9/11/2011 The obvious would be to reflect on those Americans who were killed and are the […]

The inauguration of President Barack Obama

January 20, 2009

On January 20, 2009,  Americans saw the power of peaceful change as President George Walker Bush stepped aside and heard the crowds cheered as President Barack Hussein Obama took office. Throngs of well-wishers filled Washington DC preceding today’s inauguration and many others gathered around televisions to watch this historic moment. It is a great testament […]

Gov. Sarah Palin in West Chester Ohio

October 17, 2008

Although the polls and news are not positive for McCain/Palin in many parts of the country, in the area north of Cincinnati Ohio, they are a very popular pair. So when Gov. Sarah Palin stopped in West Chester Ohio across from the local Lakota West High School, she had a great crowd — about 15,000. […]

Political mud slinging is getting more intense

October 11, 2008

As the political campaigns near November, we’re starting to see more from each campaign attempting to discredit the other. Political action committees and independents from Hollywood to news organization are getting in the act to take swipes at either McCain, Palin, Obama or Biden. It is particularly noticeable with the Gov. Palin “troopergate” investigations (smears) […]

Video: Sen. John McCain and Country First

September 6, 2008

On Thursday night at the RNC, prior to Senator John McCain‘s speech accepting his party’s nomination, he was introduced by a short movie about his love for country and his life of service to our nation. His mother posed the question: “Where else in the history of the United States of America, have you had […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog