RichC | October 12, 2024
Snipping from my digital woodworking magazines definitely become a habit, although I’m not sure I’ll remember how to find them, even though they are archived on the blog (or keep myself from marking up the image with digital red marks)!
Nevertheless, the one above might be useful IF I make the edge guide a […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Ideas, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: clipping, ideas, magazine, snippet, woodworking, workshop
RichC | September 8, 2024
If you’ve been checking in daily, you’re likely tired of seeing woodworking ideas, tidbits and magazine clipping? I’ll try to promise that this is the last of them in my “to archive on the blog” folder for a little while. First, the Rockler sled is something I sort of already have … but still worth […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: articles, glancys, jibs, magazine, oil finish, rockler, snippets, tablesaw, woodworking
RichC | August 29, 2024
Last year about this time, I posted about making or buying a Rockler Box Joint Jig for my router table. Eventually I did buy it on sale a few months ago but with summer arriving, I didn’t find the time to work in the basement workshop. While catching up on some woodworking magazine reading last […]
Category: Hobby, Ideas, Tidbits, Woodworking |
1 Comment
Tags: box, jig, lumber, magazine, project, rockler, router, router table, woodworking
RichC | July 17, 2024
Just a clipped “Pick of the Tricks” from Woodworker’s Journal (publishing will end with October 2024 issue) 
Category: Ideas, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: apron, idea, journal, magazine, tablesaw, woodsmith, woodworkers, woodworking, workshop
RichC | May 11, 2024
As someone who has spent their career in printing and publishing, I should know this, but why do so many creative people and graphic designers make reading magazines and some newspapers so painfully difficult? The typography in some is ridiculous. I enjoy reading in the evening when my eyes are tired and the lighting is […]
Category: Business, Human Interest, Memories, Tidbits |
Tags: brenda,, design, facility, foreign affairs, magazine, printing, reading, soma, typography
RichC | January 22, 2023
Reading periodicals from the library on the computer is not really something I do … but last week while checking out a couple of ebooks (one avaiilable the other on a long hold), I looked at the latest issue of the Woodworkers Journal magazine and realized just how much the iPad app for reading digital […]
Category: How-To, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: journal, magazine, razor knife, woodworkers, workshop
RichC | August 21, 2022
While I generally do not plug things on My Desultory Blog, I do enjoy reading the paper edition of a couple of publications. Barron’s Magazine is my go-to weekend reading, but their shrinking size and poor delivery has me giving up on renewing again. If they would promise Saturday delivery again, perhaps with the WSJ, […]
Category: Business, Memories, Misc, Weather |
Tags: almanac, barrons, dow jones, farmer's, forecast, magazine, prediction, reading, winter, wsj
RichC | March 5, 2022
What parent doesn’t enjoy seeing their adult children respected enough in their profession to be asked to comment? Since I’m one that does keep an online scrapbook of sorts (this blog) … I’m archiving a recent article with Katelyn in Toledo Area Parent titled “Less Mealtime Stress with Responsive Feeding.” Seems like a week to […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Health, Misc, Personal, Tidbits |
Tags: archive, article, dr katelyn oostra, feeding, katelyn, magazine, melanie potock, parenting, pediatrician, promedica, toledo
RichC | October 13, 2018
A friend from a Facebook group posted a 1982 Mercedes Benz advertisement with a W123 beauty – I thought it looked pretty close to my ‘82 MB 300D Turbodiesel. Nice! When the W123 went out of production in 1986 it had surpassed the Stroke Eight as the bestselling Mercedes-Benz with more than 2.5 million cars […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, History, Marketing, Mercedes, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: 300d, advertising, car club, diesel, facebook, hagerty, magazine, mercedes benz, turbodiesel, W123
RichC | June 24, 2018
While there is no doubt the "fabricated" Time magazine cover photo has impact and tugs at everyone’s heartstrings, the deeper story represents far more than the current illegal immigration debate over separating children from those who bring them across the U.S.-Mexican border, whether with parents, relatives or traffickers. ("fabricated" in that the photo is obviously […]
Category: News, Photography, Photos, Politics |
Tags: alien, border, cover, crossing, illegal, immigration, magazine, media, photo, time
RichC | November 10, 2017
There is not a single "cruising" sailor my age who hasn’t been influenced one way or another by Lin and Larry Pardey. Their "go small, go simple, go now" sailing books, videos and decades of article contributions to the sailing community have been huge for generations of dreamers and sailors. I really enjoyed a recent […]
Category: Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: article, cruising, crusing world, lessons, life, magazine, pardey, sailing
RichC | June 2, 2016
Kiplinger has long been one of the many websites who’s content, along with their magazine, that I’ve enjoyed reading. I follow several contributors to their content on social networks and complained recently that I disliked their multi short page approach for reading content. I’m sure they want to generate "clicks" and therefore break and article […]
Category: Advice, Business, Financial, Marketing, News, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: ad blocker, kiplinger, magazine, practices, website
RichC | June 1, 2016
Soft shackles made from Dyneema are lighter and stronger than stainless steel, they are also kinder to your boat and your hands. Yachting Monthly demonstra Source: VIDEO: How to Make a Soft Shackle >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News
Category: How-To, Sailing, Video |
Tags: Dyneema, How-To, knots, magazine, shackle, soft, tying, video, yachting
RichC | May 2, 2016
From the Christian perspective, I have mixed thoughts on using the "Think eternal" line for a 1963 classic Volkswagen Beetle cover on Hagerty Classic car magazine. It is of course a Peope’s Car with a l-o-n-g and beloved history by VW enthusiasts, but the word "eternal" when it comes to "earthly material things" can be […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Faith, Mercedes, Volkswagen |
Tags: 300d, beetle, eternal, hagerty, magazine, mb, odometer, sidney, turbodiesel, vw
RichC | April 10, 2015
Jared Keller’s article in The Atlantic last month focused on the observation that “outside the U.S., fewer people in rich countries describe their day as a good day.” For the most part, Americans are hopeful and optimistic as compared to their peer in other first world countries. (the graphic below is interesting on several levels) […]
Category: Misc |
Tags: america, happiness, magazine, optomism, reading, the atlantic
RichC | January 31, 2014
It’s depressing to be back from a few days of sun (and rain), after a long drive from Florida yesterday, but also good to be home. It has been a morning clearing a few bills and accumulated mail off my desk and a light work day before Superbowl XLVIII weekend. One piece of mail, a […]
Category: Marketing, Misc |
1 Comment
Tags: magazine, newspaper, radio, siriusxm, subscription, wsj
RichC | July 25, 2013
After participating in a smartphone and tablet mobile device survey today and analyzing the apps that I regularly use, only a handful stood out. One app that has impressed me as each subscribed magazine issue arrives is Zinio. I’m not sure that I’m totally ready to give up the trip to the mailbox for the […]
Category: Tablet, Technology |
Tags: app, ipad, magazine, reader, tablet, zinio
RichC | January 26, 2013
It is great to see the entrepreneurial spirit alive and well in the niche publishing of local “paper-based” magazine, Domestica (Domestica Magazine). This venture is somewhat close to home seeing that it is local … and edited by Rachel Kirkwood, a friend of our family. She started the community oriented publication using Kickstarter last year […]
Category: Audio, Business, Local |
Tags: cincinnati, domestica, magazine, rachel kirkwood
RichC | April 13, 2012
There are a number of news reading and article assembling type apps available for computer, phone and tablet platforms. I’ve looked at a few, but tend to shy away since they collect too many articles. Zite is a free one for the iPad (and iPhone) that I’m starting to like … probably because I’m only […]
Category: Productivity, Social Media, Tablet |
Tags: app, ipad, magazine, zite
RichC | August 15, 2011
Couldn’t resist dreaming of exotic ports of call and far away anchorages … this one is from the Chagos in the Indian Ocean (he archipelago has the largest expanse of undisturbed coral reefs in the Indian Ocean, as well as rare and endangered species of birds and other wildlife. There are strict conservation rules, which […]
Category: Photos, Sailing |
Tags: anchorage, chagos, cruising, magazine, sailing, world
RichC | July 29, 2010
While traveling this week, I enjoy a point of view and odd story for NPR which had self-proclaimed “liberal Democrat” Dan Baum about his Happiness is a worn gun article in Harper’s Magazine on the radio. (currently a PDF version of the article here) He addresses the subject of the love of guns from the […]
Category: Audio, Politics |
Tags: guns, harper's, kuer, magazine, npr, radio, whyy
RichC | July 27, 2010
Although the article is from last year, my son noticed that our Australian Cattle Dog / Blue Heeler made the top 12 mens’ dogs list in Men’s Journal magazine (Below – Sept 4, 2009 p.56). There is certainly some accuracy to the characteristics, although I’m not sure how well our dog would do on a […]
Category: Archive, Human Interest, Personal |
Tags: dogs, magazine, men, tootsie
RichC | April 15, 2010
I’ve been using Posterous to post to my blog from an email for a few months and found that the blogging platform handles video, audio and photos quite well, but wondered how it would post a PDF? I saved an online sailing story about Somalia pirates by author Fatty Goodlander for travel reading — “A […]
Category: Misc |
1 Comment
Tags: article, fatty goodlander, magazine, sailing
RichC | December 31, 2009
I’ve mentioned my favorite sailing magazine (Cruising World) before on my blog, but a fraction of a second appearance of a December 2003 issue in one of my favorite CBS television programs, NCIS, made my night. We’ve been working our way through the television series when during the ‘Untouchable’ episode in Season 3 of […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Sailing, Video-TV |
Tags: cruising world, magazine, ncis, sailing, television, tv
RichC | September 17, 2009
Since my mind in on planning our trip to Annapolis and sailing, it seem fitting to tie today’s post to Tuesday’s when I mentioned my favorite periodical Cruising World. My collection of that magazine is similar to may who have a collection of back issues of National Geographic magazine. Anyway, it’s a good time to […]
Category: Books, Misc, Sailing |
Tags: crusing world, fatty goodlander, magazine, sailing