RichC | August 31, 2023
Brenda and I have transitioned from “mostly news” in the late evening to watching a half-hour of vintage comedy on TV … at least before bed. The repetitive drumbeat of depressing, anger-inducing news is not very conducive for a good night’s sleep. One of the funny shows we enjoy is the late 1960’s sitcom “Get […]
Category: Automotive, Technology, Volkswagen |
Tags: brenda, don adams, get smart, herbie, jeep, karmann ghia, richc, shoe phone, sitcom, TBT, television, volkswagen, willy's truck
RichC | August 30, 2023
The good news is that Hurricane Idalia waited until morning to come ashore and did it in a less populated area of Florida, know as the Florida’s Nature Coast. The bad news is that it is low and ill prepared compared when it comes to construction (more manufactured homes and less hardened hurricane capable buildings). […]
Category: News, Weather |
Tags: big bend, florida, hurricane, idalia
RichC | August 30, 2023
Jim Brown played for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League (NFL) from 1957 through 1965. Considered to be one of the greatest running backs of all time, as well as one of the greatest players in NFL history. (Link)
Category: Sports, TBT |
Tags: browns, cleveland, football, jim brown, mud, nfl, TBT, wikipedia
RichC | August 29, 2023
There is no plan to buy more stuff, but I’m collecting ideas for the wall behind my newly upgraded router table for the accessories. Previously I have either just hung the jigs, etc on the wall individually or put them in a drawer nearby with my table saw parts and jigs. Now that I finally […]
Category: Ideas, Woodworking |
Tags: bits, featherboard, router, router table, shelf, workshop
RichC | August 28, 2023
While winding down the last of the lazy summer pool weekends (photo from 2016) this August 2023, there aren’t many better songs than those from the singer/songwriter Bertie Higgins. A few years back his “Just Another Day in Paradise” was a Music Monday selection and probably a favorite … but equally enjoyable is “Key Largo.” […]
Category: Memories, Movies, Music, Video |
Tags: bertie higgins, classic movies,, music monday, musicmonday, summer, youtube
RichC | August 27, 2023
One can be sure that I will always laugh at “toilet humor” … but this one is for Drew!
Category: Humor |
Tags: clog, dutch, holland, Humor, toilet
RichC | August 26, 2023
Since I now have a few more featherboards to use with my table saw and router table, it seemed like a good idea to add a couple T-Tracks. Most modern woodworking workshops now seem to use these anodized aluminum tracks for a variety of purposes … they will be helpful for hold downs on my […]
Category: Ideas, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: fence post, router, router table, t-track, tablesaw, workshop
RichC | August 25, 2023
Our Wyze security cam detection continues to struggle with determining if birds are people. One would think that with artificial intelligence improving that software would be much better at detecting the difference between birds and people? But for years now (one, two, three), our friendly and curious cardinal regularly enjoys getting his photo uploaded to […]
Category: Nature, Technology, Video |
Tags: birds, cardinal, mp4, security, wyze
RichC | August 24, 2023
While visiting with my extended family at my Uncle Sonny’s Celebration of Life earlier this month, a few of us exchanged phone numbers so we could better stay in touch. My cousin Dan forwarded a paper that highlighted my Grandfather Corbett’s Sinclair gas station and Earl’s Auto Service in South Toledo. It was interesting to […]
Category: AI, Archive, Automotive, Aviation, Business, History, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT, Tidbits |
1 Comment
Tags: 1937, auto service, boeing, chatgpt, clipper, earl corbett, family, ohio, pan am, prouty, sikorsky, spencer, toledo
RichC | August 23, 2023
Just filling up some space and using these photos as excuses to post a cicada “live photo” (saved as anigif) AND a cute “smiling dogs” photo from the social network “X” … formerly known as Twitter. I’m enjoying the nice warm weather as long as it lasts — August is disappearing fast.
Category: Misc, Photos, Social Media |
No Comments »
Tags: anigif, cicada, filler post, smiling dogs
RichC | August 23, 2023
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Category: Archive, Education, Financial, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, ellerie, family, housing, inflation, property, school, taxes, zillow
RichC | August 22, 2023
I really did have the best of intentions to used the new knobs from Rockler to upgrade my existing router table fence, but after putzing around with my 40 year old angled aluminum non-adjustable fence, decided that an upgrade from the Amazon Warehouse (Outlet) for $133.64 made sense — although I could be wrong? The […]
Category: Shopping, Woodworking |
Tags: amazon, featherboard, powertec, rockler, router, router table, tinkering, upgrade, workshop
RichC | August 21, 2023
William Royce “Boz” Scaggs “recalled: “Lido Shuffle” was a song that I’d been banging around. I … took the idea of the shuffle [from] a song that Fats Domino did called “The Fat Man” that had a kind of driving shuffle beat that I used to play on the piano, and I just started kind […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: boz scaggs, georgia, lido shuffle, music monday, musicmonday, silk degrees, wikipedia, youtube
RichC | August 20, 2023
One of the frustrations in setting up tools of any kind is to get the settings precisely adjusted quickly and accurately on the first or at least close to the first try. For years I’ve struggled with my old questionable router table (35 years old) and dislike a few of the set up items. I […]
Category: Ideas, Productivity, Shopping, Tools, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: jerry rig, knobs, rockler, router fence, router table, tools, workshop, youtube
RichC | August 19, 2023
Those who have spent any time with me, or reading my blog, know that I’m a big fan of Sperry Boat Shoes. I’ve been a steady buyer of their Topsiders, sandals, water shoes and flip-flops over the years (first post about them in 2006?).I often comment on their wear, insoles and occasional issues (all minor) and […]
Category: Advice, History, Misc, Personal, Shopping |
Tags: boatshoes, capitalone, sperry, topsider, topsiders
RichC | August 18, 2023
Obviously this is a first world problem, but it is frustrating that with all the computer power and connected technology in the shipping and delivery business, FedEx can’t tell me when to expect a package. It was scheduled to be delivered on Thursday, August 17th. It’s not like this is the first time FedEx has […]
Category: Computer, Misc, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: delivery, fail, fedex, frustration, problems, updates
RichC | August 18, 2023
Proton Mail offers a free email service with limitations … as expected. There is a paid version which over time I’ve contemplated switching to for both the enhanced privacy and ability to use my old original business email domain: The monthly (yearly) subscription price is reasonable, but since I already run several Linux servers […]
Category: Advice, Business, Computer, How-To, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags:, email, gmail,, netaddress, proton, protonmail, tips, trash,
RichC | August 17, 2023
My friend Jeff and I regularly talk about the books we are reading over lunch or on the back porch (too infrequent though) and he sent me one to read last week. I told him I would start as soon as I finished Pappy Boyington’s “Baa Baa Black Sheep” that I’m thoroughly enjoying. “Conservatism, A […]
Category: Archive, Books, Friends, Personal, Photos, Recreation, Travel |
Tags: camping, conseratism, ebook, friend, hiking, jeff pitts, jeffp, kindle, north carolina, TBT, Yoram Hazony
RichC | August 16, 2023
Deep down … I think most people know that there is something corrupt when it comes to climate science, grant money and politics. Still we are hesitate to question anything because “who am I to question these complicated issues?” It has always bothered me that so many things become an immediate, high priority “crisis” when […]
Category: Art, Education, Environment, Politics, Science |
Tags: bingai, climate change, enviromentalism, money, Politics, power, science, youtube
RichC | August 15, 2023
Having a customer for over 30 years is something that I should be super happy about (and for the most part, I am), but in August like clockwork it is a trigger for me that it is the end of summer and the beginning of a new printing year, at least with the Greater Akron […]
Category: Business, History, Memories, Music, Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: akron audubon, bob dylan, Business, cpp,, customer, printing, publishing
RichC | August 14, 2023
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video, Volkswagen |
Tags: annalyn, birthday, brenda, claire corbett, cousins, dairy queen, drew, ellerie, family, herbie, katelyn, michigan, posey lake, ron corbett, uncle sonny
RichC | August 14, 2023
Although the “new wave” music genre isn’t something I generally listen to or know much about, hearing the 1982 song “I Melt With You” as aTV business news segment change did catch my ear. I think I said something like, “I like that. Perhaps a song from the band Modern English would make for a […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: band, british, modern english, music monday, musicmonday, new wave, youtube
RichC | August 13, 2023
As mentioned previously, I ordered an inexpensive “knockoff brand” Dust Deputy cyclone gizmo to use primarily with my router table and DeWalt planer. I “cheaply” updated the lift mechanism so that I could continue to use my OLD heavy duty 3HP Ryobi router BUT adjust it quickly and accurately. The scissor-lift works amazingly well with […]
Category: Gadget, Productivity, Shopping, Woodworking |
Tags: beast epic, cyclone, dewalt, dust collector, dust deputy, jerry rig, planer, router table, ryobi, scissor lift, vacmaster
RichC | August 13, 2023
It is late in the summer grass cutting season to be buying a new piece of lawn equipment, but keeping my favorite weedwacker going has finally gotten the best of me. If it were a normal lawn season and turning dry by August, this might not be a problem … but the regular rains this […]
Category: Archive, Shopping, Tools |
Tags: cordless, homedepot, ridgid, string trimmer, tools, yardwork
RichC | August 12, 2023
Although by the time “we” get to these years, celebrating another birthday isn’t the same as it was when we were pinning tales on donkeys, wearing cone shaped hats and eating as much cake and ice cream as we wanted. I asked Brenda how she wanted to celebrate her birthday and it was more like […]
Category: Archive, Humor, Personal, Photos |
Tags: bicycle, bike, birthday, brenda
RichC | August 11, 2023
As My Desultory Blog approaches 8000 posts, it has become increasingly clear that tags and categories are becoming worthless. Besides having too many, they are all too full and do little for me to find anything (or anyone else). The search feature has always been a problem and makes it difficult for even me to […]
Category: Blogs, Social Media, Software |
Tags: api, blog, categories, change, php, plugins, tags, tech friday, techfriday, themes, twitter, updates, wordpress
RichC | August 10, 2023
My dad’s younger brother, my Uncle Sonny, passed away in his home on July 20, 2023. He lived a full life, had a loving family and enjoyed living on a small southern Michigan lake for much of his life. I remember him most clearly from when I was a boy as the energetic and high […]
Category: Archive, Obituary, Personal |
Tags: corbett, dadc, earl corbett, family, michigan, obit, Obituary, posey lake, uncle sonny
RichC | August 9, 2023
Fifteen years for a diesel mower in my book is not old, but it does seem to be about the time for parts to wear and repairs to start (or continue). Last week was the second time that I’ve had to replace the fuel pump on our Kubota ZD326s zero-turn mower. The Kubota has been […]
Category: Archive, Diesel, Misc, Repairs |
Tags: blades, fuel pump, kubota, lawnmower, maintenance, zd326s
RichC | August 8, 2023
Archiving an article from last week’s Barron Magazine which highlighted what I’ve been noticing with homeowner insurance rates on our condo in Florida. When I called the agent about the increase last year, she commented that I should be thankful for the increase as it was on the lower side compared to most. Yikes .. […]
Category: Archive, Financial, News, Travel |
1 Comment
Tags: barrons, condo1718, florida, homeowner, inflation, insurance
RichC | August 8, 2023
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Category: Archive, Nature, Personal, Photos, Technology, Travel |
Tags: annalyn, chatgpt, drew, ellerie, family, hiking, katelyn, openai, vacation, zion national park
RichC | August 7, 2023
The songwriter Mark James wrote the song “Hooked On A Feeling” that became a hit in 1968 for singer and entertainer B.J. Thomas (see Geraldo video below) and then became a hit for Swedish rock band Blue Swede six years later. Both versions are memorable, although the Blue Swede producer Jonathan King’s “ooga-chaka” introduction on […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: 8-track, album, ani-gif, anigif, bj thomas, blue swede, cassette, geraldo, hooked on a feeling, jonathan king, mark james, music monday, musicmonday, youtube
RichC | August 6, 2023
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Category: Archive, Automotive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Volkswagen |
Tags: annalyn, beetle, bompa, ellerie, herbie, homebuilding, megan, oma, oostra, taylor, vw
RichC | August 5, 2023
The making of a traditional black walnut box, for the military service flag I was presented at my father’s funeral, has long been on my mind. As I close in on almost a decade since his passing and the flag still lives in the plastic holder provided by the funeral home. It has been my […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Millitary, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: american, dadc, flag, military, project, walnut, woodworking, workshop
RichC | August 4, 2023
When trying to transfer photos and video from SD cards to a computer, you really need some kind of card reader. I have several that are USB readers, but none that are USB-C and will plug into my MacBook Air M2. So instead of a bulky dongle with extras, I opted for a small Anker […]
Category: Computer, Gadget, Photography, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: anker, cardreader, gadget, tech friday, techfriday, usb-c
RichC | August 3, 2023
My current knife when it was new in 2012. As a previous post mentioned, my Grandpa Bluhm (photo with my Uncle Bob) gave me my first pocketknife when I was 5 years old (yes, 5). Believe it or not, I still have that “tiny” souvenir knife that my grandparents brought back from Florida. At one […]
Category: Gadget, Memories, Personal, Photos, Shopping, TBT |
Tags: bluhm, grandpa bluhm, pocketknife, speedcar99, swiss army knife, victorinox, wenger
RichC | August 2, 2023
Not my photo, but I’m not sure how comfortable the average passenger flying this “budget” airline (???) are when seeing the tape on the wing? Also while sitting on the back porch a little Praying Mantis came to visit (video below).
Category: Aviation, Photos, Social Media, Video |
Tags: aircraft, airlines, airplane, insect, mantis, mp4, praying, tape, twitter, wings
RichC | August 1, 2023
There are plenty of books on my Kindle, in my “ebook pile” and “printed paper” book pile to read, but most of them are not particularly enjoyable “to me” to read. They either arouse political anger and frustration in the direction our country is being lead … or personal improvement books that “I interpret” as […]
Category: Aviation, Books, History, Millitary |
1 Comment
Tags: aviation, corsair, gregory boyington, hero, marine corps, pacific, pappy, world war 2