Busy dealing with health concerns for our parents

| March 15, 2015

The past couple of months have been filled with caring for our parents as both my wife’s mom and my dad are facing common issues associated with aging. No matter how you deal with it, having health issues in your eighties is neither easy for elderly parent or the family struggling to care for them. […]

March marched in like a lion with weather and health concerns

| March 7, 2015

A catch up post since hear in Cincinnati we have had a much snowier February and early March than usual … although a change is coming, so I hear? Sharing a few medical concerns: Activities this first week of March have revolved around medical care for a few in my family. Most pressing concerns are […]

An update on my dad and checking the weather

| February 16, 2015

On a personal update, my Dad is doing a better with a bit of supervision and improved eating and sleeping habits … thanks to my brother Ron and his wife Claire. The last couple weeks instead of living alone at home, they have moved him in with them temporarily (we’ll see?) in order to get […]

Beautiful spring-like weekend weather in Cincinnati

| February 8, 2015

It was a beautiful mid-February weekend here in southwest Ohio and perfect for driving the old Mercedes and washing the salt off our Honda Pilot. On Saturday I drove up to my brother and sister-in-law’s house to see my dad for the afternoon and take him out to lunch. He is currently staying with them […]

Celebrating an 86th birthday with my dad over the weekend

| January 26, 2015

We celebrated my dad’s birthday this past weekend with pizza and conversation at my brother and sister-in-law’s in home. While it is difficult to see my dad getting older and more feeble, I’m still thankful he is able to enjoy time with his family. His spirit is good, although for the first time in my […]

An update on my dad and his not so friendly visitor

| December 13, 2014

Wow … just couldn’t believe the lower gas prices this week as oil continues to tumble down under $60/barrel. The abundant supplies and inventory along with the recession in Europe and slowdown in China has really put pressure on world prices. I’ve seen news photos of gasoline selling under $2.00 out west and while driving […]

Weekend wrap up with my dad and ethanol problems

| December 8, 2014

The last week or so has been busier than usual with my dad needing to make a surprise visit to the hospital after a fall. He lives alone since my mom past away (2 years ago – wow time flies) and has not been doing the best job with fixing meals for himself or monitoring […]

Visiting Dad, having breakfast and enjoying the fall colors

| October 17, 2014

I stopped to check in on Dad this week while driving as is my work routine since my mom passed away in 2012 (1 year 10 months ago to the day). We had our normal breakfast at Bob Evans in Sidney, Ohio and I filled him in on Katelyn, Drew and Taylor (sometimes it’s dinner, depending […]

A busy and productive weekend ended with a beautiful sunset

| September 28, 2014

I hate thinking it is an Indian summer, but the weather in SE Ohio has been beautiful. Besides working around our yard (many projects) I was up to Sidney and helping my brother work on dad’s out-building. The combination workshop/garage/barn is showing its age with a few areas under the rear west-facing eves decaying. Ron […]

Settling into a comfortable routine of visiting with my dad

| June 28, 2014

Bob Evans with my dad has been almost weekly routine for over two years now – we started going when my mom moved to Dorothy Love, for what at the time was planned rehab. After visiting mom, I’d take dad out to eat — and and if he didn’t have other coupons, it was often […]

Happy Father’s Day 2014 to my dad … and brother

| June 15, 2014

This first year and a half after my mom’s death has been a new chapter for my father and our family, but thankfully dad has been quick to adapt and has adjusted to living alone. Just saying “alone” is depressing, but his positive attitude makes it just a little bit easy on his kids (note […]

Archive: A short video history clip on Sidney, Ohio

| April 7, 2014

I don’t necessarily call Sidney, Ohio “home” since I only spent the last couple years of high school there and then was off to college, but I do returned regularly to visit my dad who has been there over 30-some years.  I’m not really sure exactly what I should call a “hometown” … something my […]

Archive: A Packard documentary from the History Channel

| October 8, 2013

I ran across a “Packard: An American Classic Car” documentary on You Tube the other day and know it is something my dad will enjoy watching. I downloaded a copy to my iPad (using McTube Pro) and am archiving the 44 minute clip to my blog — might purchase the DVD as it would make […]

A day with my dad in Sidney Ohio at the Applefest and Carshow

| September 8, 2013

My dad and I enjoyed the day together doing something we both enjoy – looking at cars and being together. As usual, he took his 1958 Packard Hawk to the Shelby County Applefest in downtown Sidney Ohio on Saturday and wondered if I was going to enter my Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel this year. I […]

Carry-in Easter dinner and conversation with mom and dad

| April 9, 2012

We spent Easter Sunday with Mom and Dad this year. Brenda packed up a nice and simple dinner along with a table cloth and candles (a nice touch) to lighten the chores for dad. We still unfortunately spent too much time discussing health issues, but it is what it is this year. Mom’s week was […]

Memorial Day 2011 – Remembering …

| May 30, 2011

I’m remembering the honor trip I took with my father and brother to Washington DC with WWII and Korea veterans last year this Memorial Day weekend. I hope you all enjoy a safe holiday and remember those who died protecting and defending our freedoms and this great nation. I’m including a little video below from […]

Trip to Washington with Shelby Co Ohio WW2 & Korea Veterans

| May 24, 2010

Veterans from Shelby County Ohio at the World War II Memorial Saturday, May 22, 2010 I intended to blog this past weekend (May 21-23) while volunteering with the WWII and Korea veterans honor trip to Washington DC … but my hands were full from dawn until dusk … and then some! That’s not to say […]

Back from “The Water’s Edge” on Kelleys Island

| August 1, 2007

We enjoyed being out of touch on an extra long weekend these past few days with my family celebrating my parent’s 50th Wedding Anniversary. Its is wonderful mile-marker for mom and dad which provides both my brother and me with an excellent marriage example. Our families booked a semi-surprise long weekend at The Water’s Edge […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog