Mass evacuations as fires around L.A. take lives, devastate homes, businesses and displace thousands of California residents

| January 11, 2025

It is difficult to fathom the amount of devastation happening in Southern California due to the out of control wildfires fueled by the yearly dry vegetation and Santa Anna wind blowing through the canyons and mountains around Los Angeles.  Having dense population and homes in the hills around the suburbs adds to the risk when […]

Remembering when we had better leadership in WashingtonDC

| April 13, 2022

It is hard to stand by and watch the wasteful spending, bloating of government and divisive polices streaming from our Federal government in Washington DC this past year. Unfortunately there seems to be no stopping the progressive Democrats in Congress who push their leftist agenda, followed by a constant stream of poor decisions from President […]

Another albatross to hang around President Biden’s neck

| August 16, 2021

The situation in Afghanistan is not something most of the civilized world wants to see, but within a few days we’ve watched the Taliban rapidly seize control throughout the country ever since President Biden telegraphed accelerating what was left of our military from our bases. Very few politicians have questioned the desire over the past […]

Time mellows the moment – The Great Christmas Tree Disaster

| January 30, 2019

In an old spinnaker (sail) from our Thistle, I finally hauled out our larger than usual Christmas tree this past week. It was then that I realized I had neglected to archive the “Great Christmas Tree Disaster of 2018” story from December. Hm, how could I have forgotten … likely for the same embarrassing reason […]

Nothing like disasters and tragedy to test a new president

| October 5, 2017

One may have thought that the divided nation after the election and political chaos in putting together an administration that worked well together would have been the biggest challenge for the unconventional President Donald Trump when it comes to being POTUS, but after the last 30 days you would be wrong. The president has faced […]

MH17 represented families should know, Jerry Skinner is not the stereotypical uncaring aviation lawyer

| February 12, 2015

The litigious society we live in gets plenty of criticism, most of it deservingly, but all to often the benefits are overlooked. Air travel for example is safer than it has ever been thanks to innovation and attention to design, maintenance, technology and training … and the improvements due to the costs forced on manufacturers […]

Are you prepared for a Coronal Mass Ejection – CME?

| July 25, 2014

Did you know that in July of 2012 that the earth was nearly hit by a CME (video)? According to the Nation Academy of Sciences, the cost of a large CME similar to the July 20, 2012 “storm” could cost $2 Trillion. On July 23, 2012, the sun unleashed two massive clouds of plasma that barely […]

BP Oil Spill: Two months after the disaster

| June 22, 2010

  The BP Oil Disaster is bound to be the story to remember 2010 by as historians archive this year. Like most Americans who’ve travelled and enjoy the gulf coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, I’m disgusted and saddened by the damage that is being done to the economy, coastline and ecosystem. As we […]

An 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile and tsunami warning

| February 27, 2010

After tuning into the news early on Saturday following the massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake which struck the coast of Chile, I checked back in this afternoon after 4PM as Hawaii waited to feel the effects from the earthquake after a tsunami warning. The large earthquake has taken the lives of over 800 people (edit: 3/4) and […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog