A couple oceans of the world photos – sharks, fish and rays

| June 18, 2012

  I’m either too busy or too lazy to add a post for Monday … as both Sunday night and Monday morning have disappeared. Instead, I’ll reshare  a couple interesting oceans of the world photos. (Sharks with schools of fish and a large “Batoidea” migration.)

Kayak surfing Nelscott Reef in Oregon

| May 30, 2012

Living on the edge when it comes to navigating natural hazards in the breaking ocean isn’t for the average kayak surfer … one mistake and not only will the sea and reef grind your plastic boat to bits … it most likely would do the same for flesh and bone. "There is something about knowing […]

NASA’s Perpetual Ocean currents video

| April 2, 2012

Although this has probably been around a few years, the NASA‘s Perpetual Ocean is as artistic as it is informative. Those who transit the oceans of the world know the power of currents … this video illustrates how prevalent ocean currents are.

Catch a wave you’ll be sitting on top of the world

| June 18, 2011

  Body and board surfing … who really does it better? (click on images for larger photos)   Catch a Wave (mp3) — The Beach Boys Summer of 1963

World Oceans Day may not be your highest priority …

| June 8, 2011

… but we should at least think about how we care (or poorly care) for this resource. Today (June 8th) is World Oceans Day … and not many of us even know it. I felt including a graphic below which illustrates just one aspect of our oceans – the need to pay closer attention and […]

Uniquely traveling over Indian Ocean reefs

| May 19, 2011

Who needs a dinghy … fly instead! Nice views … (Check out PercyMichael’s  YouTube clips of the Krucker amphib)

Who surfs on Lake Superior – let alone when it’s cold

| April 16, 2011

Someone who is either paid to do it … or truly a surfing NUT. (I’d rather be in Hawaii)

What’s SUP? Surfing 5.7 miles on a tanker’s wake.

| April 5, 2011

Surfing the big waves …

| March 12, 2011

Not for the novice surfer … Posted via email from RichC’s posterous

Another sunny day on the beach with B-17 Liberty Belle fly over

| October 31, 2010

The final day of our mini-vacation was spent in the sun and ocean. We relaxed on the beach and enjoyed the sunshine and warm wind. The waves were large enough to make the body surfing fun as Brenda and I soaked up the last few hours before getting ready to head for home. While I […]

Whale watching too up close and personal

| July 22, 2010

Who doesn’t appreciated the magnificent and mostly gentle giants of the oceans we think of as whales. The appreciation has created an entire industry around whale watching and has been enjoyed by hundreds of thousands around the world. One such “watcher” relayed their story from South Africa after a close call capture in photos … […]

Roz Savage, Ocean Rower, complete crossing of the Pacific Ocean

| June 4, 2010

Roz Savage finished her row across the Pacific Ocean and is welcomed into Madang, Papua New Guinea by a crowd of 5000 welcomers. Her rowing, endurance and spirit is amazing. Here’s a snippet from her blog, rozsavage.com. The first local people to congratulate me were a few fishermen, out early in their outrigger canoes, who […]

Extreme windsurfing

| May 27, 2010

From previous posts, some of you know that I enjoy sailing and the surf … and although I’ve practiced combining the two with windsurfing, I can’t imagine doing it like this.

BP oil disaster is affecting thousands and will cost billions

| May 4, 2010

According to an Associated Press report, the casualties are starting to show up on the Gulf of Mexico. Experts are hesitate to point to the oil spill as the cause of death for every specie, but it is easy to speculate that oil is a contributing factor for many of the fish and birds. Sea […]

Roz Savage TED Talk and spreading oil slick off Louisiana

| May 2, 2010

Since I follow, and have posted, the rowing and progress of Roz Savage, I thought I would post her recent Tedprize MissionBlue TED Talk (Wikipedia info). Although I don’t see eye to eye with her robust embrace of the‘green political’ bureaucracy, I do recognize the impact we humans have on oceans and the marine environment. […]

WhasSUP? How about Stand Up Paddling Surfing

| March 22, 2010

Great to know there is hope for me in getting up on the board yet! Thanks for the inspiration John Zapotocky (at 91, he’s probably the oldest SUP surfer in the world) Personal note: Due to my dealing with Menieres disease in the late 1990s necessitating endolympatic sac decompression surgery, my stability and balance has […]

Book: World Cruising Routes, an ocean crossing necessity

| January 12, 2010

For many years I’ve contemplated buying a fairly expensive reference style book — one that I really don’t currently need, but have wanted. Since I had a few Christmas dollars to spend (thanks Mom H.) I figured now was the perfect time add the $60.00 628 page book to my library. After spending a few […]

Ocean grown algae based biofuels

| November 25, 2009

The Discovery Channel is active in reviewing science research in alternative energy and can usually dice apart the ‘self-promotion’ of company researcher as well as combat the establish energy industry’s lobby efforts.  One industry that I advocate  is  ‘algae to biofuel fuel’ research. The benefit in using algae as a feedstock for biofuels is that […]

Having fun riding the waves even without standing

| October 21, 2009

Since my balance and stability are no longer functional enough even for a longboard, my only wave riding is going to come from the bodyboard or sponge. Here’s an encouraging — and well done — video demonstrating spongeboard surfing can still be quite the adrenaline rush! 😀

Roz Savage made landfall this past weekend

| September 8, 2009

This update slipped through the cracks this busy weekend, but Roz Savage made landfall in Tarawa an island in the Pacific Ocean completing her second leg of rowing  from California to Australia. The arrival at this tiny island marked 104 at sea since leaving Hawaii (see previous post). From Roz Savage’s blog: I stepped ashore, […]

Earthrace and Pete Bethune thinking Antarctica

| August 19, 2009

August must be the month for reminiscing, as I recently posted on what I remember 40 years ago (Woodstock festival) and I also just clicked a ‘Years ago on this date’ link from 2006. I had a good smile remembering what it was like to be at 13,796 feet on Mt. Mauna Kea in Hawaii; […]

Roz Savage nears 1 million oar strokes on another leg

| August 10, 2009

Although I’m not going to refer to myself as a “Rozling” (followers of Roz Savage’s adventure), I do check on her progress and follow the blog of the ocean rowing British adventurer Roz Savage. She is currently 78 days into the second of three legs of a Pacific Ocean crossing after completing the first leg […]

Volvo Ocean Race photos in Boston.com

| May 8, 2009

In my second sailing entry for the day, the razor sharp photo to the left is of Thomas Johanson (click photo for larger) the helmsman for Team Ericsson 3 in the Volvo Ocean Race. This Oskar Kihlborg was one of the featured photos in an excellent Boston.com The Big Picture page. The Volvo Ocean Race […]

Winter 08/09 surfing: Volcum House – north shore Oahu

| February 28, 2009

For those who enjoy surfing I’m embedding a couple enjoyable clips from the Volcum House Show on O’ahu, Hawaii. The first clip has some great surfing footage and tour of a three story home overlooking the big winter waves to the west of Hale’iwa (Sunset Beach & Waimia Bay) and to the east of Kaena […]

President Bush creates three Pacific Ocean National Monuments

| January 7, 2009

For those of us concerned with protecting the worlds’ oceans, President George W. Bush signing documents with Benigno R. Fitial, governor of the U.S. Commonwealth Northern Mariana Islands establishing the Mariana Trench Marine National Monument on Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009 is a positive step.  The  signing creates three new “national monuments” in the Pacific Ocean […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog