Music Monday: Linda Ronstadt and “When Will I Be Loved”

| September 16, 2024

It has been a longtime since I’ve turned up the radio louder than normal in the car (my Menieres issues) … actually I can’t remember when; it has been that long. Anyway, over the weekend I was running out to the hardware store and picking up Brenda’s favorite takeout, Chinese “Sweet and Sour Chicken” while […]

The last garden tomatoes and a workshop bar clamp rack idea

| September 15, 2024

The summer growing season is over and I’m eating the last of the tomatoes that KDAE brought from NW Ohio. They were a real treat and “all for me” since I’m the only one in the family who loves and eats tomatoes. They were so much better than store bought. Also, I know I sort […]

Once again, added a coat of Zip Guard to the garage workbench

| September 14, 2024

It really hasn’t been that long ago that I’ve recoated the garage workbench with Zip Guard. Since 2020 (4 years), there has been enough scraping and dripping of liquid on the work surface to make me think, “a little more protection won’t hurt.” Besides, the last of my Zip Guard in the jar was looking […]

Tech Friday: Planning to pre-ordered iPhone 16 Pro today

| September 13, 2024

Although I haven’t quite decided as to what Apple iPhone 16 Pro to pre-order, it will likely be a big jump from the current “borrowed” iPhone XS that I’ve been using since drowning my iPhone 7 Plus. It has been fine, but it is time to move past the smartphones of 2017 and 2018. 😊  […]

Our regular Red Fox is looking much healther on the Fox Cam

| September 12, 2024

Back in July, the Red Fox who regularly is spotted on my Wyze Cams was looking unhealthy. I  did some research and diagnosed that the fox likely needed to be treated for mange. The treatment was to inject a small amount of ivermectin into meatballs and see if I could get him or her to […]

Remembering 9/11 … with the help of artificial intelligence #AI

| September 11, 2024

In trying to do something a litte different in remembering September 11, 2001, I saw the help of AI just to see what today’s tech tools can offer. Most of us have certain memories seared into our minds of where we were and what we were doing. I found it interesting to see what artificial […]

Apple iPhone 16 Pro: this could be the first preorder for me?

| September 10, 2024

Since July’s “swim with my iPhone 7 Plus,” I’ve been using my friend Jeff’s older backup iPhoneXS (2018). Having a “Plan B” has been most appreciated after my attempt at saving a buck and buying a refurbished iPhone 15 Pro. Thankfully the reseller refunded my “Plan A” purchase in full since it was a struggle […]

Feel good snippet from — The plus side of Social Media

| September 9, 2024

Archive: Weekend photos, including a Barbie Birthday Party

| September 9, 2024

This content is restricted.

Music Monday: “I Will Play For Gumbo” by Jimmy Buffett (live)

| September 9, 2024

Back during COVID, Americans were not able to eat out the way we once did. Our habits in the Corbett household changed a bit, although we actually started cooking a bit more after our favorite restaurant closed (we were no longer just tossing food in the microwave or on the grill). One of the things […]

Posting way too many woodworking magazine snippets lately

| September 8, 2024

If you’ve been checking in daily, you’re likely tired of seeing woodworking ideas, tidbits and magazine clipping? I’ll try to promise that this is the last of them in my “to archive on the blog” folder for a little while.  First, the Rockler sled is something I sort of already have … but still worth […]

Campaign Confusion: Will the real Kamala Harris please stand up

| September 7, 2024

As the US Presidential Election looms, we still really don’t know how Kamala Harris intends to govern — it’s been 1-1/2 months since President Biden stepped down. And many of us have questions: What are her policies? From a few appearances … by that I mean ONE interview …  are we expected to believe the her […]

Tech Friday: Big Tech’s data access knows no bounds … and neither do some politicians and government agencies

| September 6, 2024

Europe and their big government overreaches in restricting personal liberty by American standards, but that same heavy handedness often does more that the U.S. to protect an individual’s privacy from Big Tech and their sweeping data collection machines.  Ever since social media and cloud-oriented companies desired to take ownership of their users data, it has […]

Capsizing Trinka triggered a traumatic memory for Katelyn #TBT

| September 5, 2024

Katelyn, my now 38 year old adult daughter, read yesterday’s wedding ring and capsized Trinka dinghy sailing memory and mentioned that I should have included her 7th grade “Time In A Bottle” artwork. She reminded me that it was a “traumatic” incident in her young life (although personally, I did feel that I had everything […]

Since today’s morning post was “family” oriented, here’s a filler

| September 4, 2024

While at the National Museum of the Great Lakes in Toledo over the weekend with KDAE, I took a photo of a surprisingly comfortable leather chair that was on the SS Col. James M. Schoonmaker. The chair was “I think” original to the ship in 1911 and looked interesting enough to dig a little deeper […]

Archive: Labor Day Weekend photos in Toledo with KDAE

| September 4, 2024

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Utility trailer wiring and Marshall Islands Atomic bomb testing

| September 3, 2024

Operation Crossroads Baker in 1946 Besides mowing the front lawn last Friday night (practically in the dark) and much of Saturday in the backyard, I did find time to replace the old cracked tires and rewire the “old” long ago broken lights on the Bame Utility trailer.  On a book reading side note, I’m on […]

Music Monday: Labor Day and listening to “Marina Del Rey”

| September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day 2024! It’s a great day (weekend) to listen to No Shoes Radio on my AfterShokz Aeropex bone conduction headset. For those unfamiliar with them, I’ve been a fan of the “open ear” headset concept since 2017 as they’ve been super helpful in returning “some” vibration hearing back to my deaf right ear […]

Not all Cordless Drivers and Impact Wrenches are the same

| September 1, 2024

As a weekend mechanic (or far less to be truthful), I’ve used air powered impact tools and a couple different cheaper branded impact wrenches for years. The Chicago Tool impact wrench from decades ago never had the power to make it even worth pulling out and so it was replaced with a Harbor Freight more-torque […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog