RichC | October 27, 2024
One of the feeds and blogs that I enjoy following is BrilliantMaps. They are based out of the UK and are always post interesting maps. Last week, this one caught my eye likely because I flew small planes before Menieres … and still enjoy aviation as a hobby. What Are Air Traffic Control Zones? […]
Category: Aviation, Blogs, Hobby |
Tags: air traffic control,, flying, maps, united states
RichC | September 25, 2020
Since I posted last year about the new Real ID regulations for domestic flying and travel, I figured it was appropriate to update the one-year reprieve. Due to circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the national emergency declaration, the Department of Homeland Security, as directed by President Donald J. Trump, is extending the REAL […]
Category: Travel |
1 Comment
Tags: airport, corronavirus, covid19, flying, real id, regulartion, Travel
RichC | November 20, 2019
Actually needed a short video for testing the updated .mp4 embed code for WordPress.
Category: Blogs, Millitary, Misc, Video |
Tags: beach, coding, embed, florida, flying, formation, jets, military, sunset, testing, wordpress
RichC | August 28, 2019
Category: Aviation, Ideas, Innovation, Photos, Tidbits |
Tags: aerospace, airplanes, aviation, birds, design, engineering, flying, inspiration
RichC | March 11, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Aviation, Personal, Travel |
1 Comment
Tags: airlines, annalyn, baby, california, drew, family, flight, flying, katelyn, san diego, Travel
RichC | November 10, 2016
When contemplating just how crazy men were when trying to fly in the era of the Wright brothers, you realize "some" are still testing the envelope when it comes to craziness and flight (or perhaps "stupidity and flight?")
Category: Aviation |
Tags: crazy, experimental, flight, flying, Photos, wright brothers
RichC | June 21, 2016
My son-in-law Drew had a special treat after an evening at the Ridgeview Medical Center fundraiser in Waconia, Minnesota. It looks like my daughter Katelyn persuaded her colleague, fellow pediatrician Dr. Adam Weber, to take Drew up for an evening flight in his Bellanca Citabria (Of interest: When the original manufacturer Champion Aircraft derived the name for this […]
Category: Aviation, Video |
Tags: adamw, drew, family, flying, katelyn, minnesota
RichC | August 25, 2015
After getting a chance to play with a quad copter last week, I’ve been a little more intrigued with the advancements in “drones.” Who knows, this innovation may find its way into the first realistic personal transportation device someday? Sony’s Aerosense drone that takes off and lands vertically but during flight gets most of its […]
Category: Aviation, Technology, Video |
Tags: drone, flying, quadcopter, sony, video, youtube
RichC | July 11, 2015
It was a quick and inexpensive flight to Florida this past week to do a little tropical weather prep aboard Encore. Summer is the time of year that “commuter cruisers” double their line, remove sails and store an extra windage in case hurricane winds target the area … besides I really was looking forward to […]
Category: Advice, Aviation, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: airlines, cheap, cnbc, encore, flying, frontier, hurricane
RichC | June 13, 2015
If you have already traveled by airplane, chances are you’ve noticed a tiny hole on the lower portion of all airplane windows The hole is designed to balance out the pressure between the last two layers of a typical pressurized-cabin window. For more images and a more detailed explaination see the article at Interesting Engineering.
Category: Aviation, Misc |
Tags: airplane, design, engineering, flying
RichC | March 26, 2015
News is slowly trickling or leaking out as to what may have happened to Germanwings Flight 9525 with 150 people on board in the mountain region of southern France. The lastest indication from a New York Times report is that one of the pilots left the cockpit after having a “very smooth, very cool” conversation […]
Category: Aviation, News |
1 Comment
Tags: airbus, crash, flying, germanwings, nytimes
RichC | January 14, 2015
Imagine the Elio if it also came with wings? It might look something like the Aeromobil 3.0 prototype. I have to admit that I’m one of those dreamers who envisioned a flying car in my lifetime. Perhaps it is just a pipe dream, but I do envy those fortunate enough to be working on projects […]
Category: Automotive, Aviation, Innovation, Video |
Tags: airplane, driving, flying, vehicle, youtube
RichC | December 15, 2014
Expedia posted a lighthearted polling of what annoys airline passengers which got me thinking about what I notice and where I may offend. I already do my best to be overly attentive to most of these annoyances, but probably would rank “The Aromatic Passenger” as #1 followed by the “Back Seat Grabber” as my #2 […]
Category: Aviation, Humor, Poll, Travel |
1 Comment
Tags: airlines, flying, Travel
RichC | September 7, 2013
I’m at a loss for words … and might even have a nightmare about this! (video below)
Category: Aviation, Misc, Video |
Tags: cats, flying, popsci, quadrotor
RichC | September 1, 2013
It was a great “most of the day” on Saturday to be at Red Stewart Airport in Waynesville Ohio getting our EAA284 hanger ready for the pancake breakfast on Sunday. Yes it was hot, but it is still August. The Stewarts were gracious hosts as always and we enjoyed their pulled pork and corn on […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airplanes, eaa, eaa284, flying, waynesville
RichC | May 9, 2013
An article in Thursday’s WSJ highlighted airline loyalty programs and just how easy it was to book a frequent flyer seat. The data collected by Switchfly Inc, looked for 2 seats on 14 round trip dates between June and October. The regular survey determined which airline made it the easiest to get the seat when […]
Category: Aviation, Travel |
Tags: airlines, flying, frequent flyer, miles, switchfly, wsj
RichC | January 20, 2013
Selling a long term project like building an airplane leaves me with mixed feelings. In part, I’m glad to be lessening my hobby load of “things to do,” but sad to part with a project that has consumed so much of my time and been a focus this past decade. As family we took trips […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Tools |
Tags: airplane, aviation, flying, project, sold, sonex
RichC | July 18, 2012
Do you ever wonder what aircraft of the future will look like? Well according to a CNET post from Edwards Airforce Base and the Dryden Flight Research Center, the X-48 “flying wing” inspired prototype could look something like the next generation aircraft … or are we closing in on spaceplanes? (click images for slightly […]
Category: Aviation, Space |
Tags: aircraft, flying, future
RichC | July 2, 2012
I’ve posted a few times back in 2009 regarding the flying car from the MIT developers called the Terrafugia Transition and after phase one flight testing in New York it is one step closer to being ready for production. As we all know, here in the United States things are not as simple as they […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: car, flying, terrafugia, transition
RichC | February 28, 2012
My EAA friend Steve posted this aviation history video to his site and I wanted to share and archive it on my site too. Probably should make a copy in case it disappears from YouTube …hmm?
Category: Archive, Aviation, History, Video |
Tags: airplane, aviation, flying, History
RichC | February 23, 2012
Here’s a flying wingsuit jump that didn’t go as planned; the January 120mph collision with a mountain cliff isn’t something many adrenalin junkies survive to talk about. (broken legs and a 5 weeks in the hospital)
Category: Aviation, Recreation, Video |
Tags: flying
RichC | December 1, 2011
I’ve posted on Yves Rossy and the Breitling team since his original flights over the Swiss Alps and here’s his “new feat: Flying in formation at full throttle together with 2 jets from the Breitling Jet Team … at their minimum speed. Beautiful images for an outstanding achievement!”
Category: Aviation, Video |
Tags: aviation, breitling, flying, jetman, yves rossy
RichC | November 5, 2011
Reposted from EAA284 … thanks Steve. One of our EAA284 members, Steve Dilullo, keeps a personal flying blog and posted a great article for those wanting to create videos of their flights. His how-to article is a great starting point for those who might want to capture their flights on video and are looking for […]
Category: Aviation, How-To |
Tags: aviation, eaa, eaa284, flying
RichC | September 22, 2011
I have posted some of Yves Rolly’s video in the past on my blog and thought I would archive his flight over the Grand Canyon from May 2011. A friend mine (a psychiatrist, by the way), email me the link saying that this clip reminded her of me. Hmm, I told her “when I strap […]
Category: Archive, Aviation, Video |
Tags: aviaiton, flying, jetman
RichC | December 22, 2010
I had thought that I had found the near perfect pair of pants from Eddie Bauer for traveling and after buying a first pair in khaki color, opted for a second pair in olive. Besides being comfortable and having strong triple stitched seams, there are a few design features that are worth pointing out. For […]
Category: Advice, Personal, Photos, Shopping, Travel |
1 Comment
Tags: clothes, flying, pants, Shopping, Travel
RichC | December 15, 2010
I’m not endorsing this $259 GoPro Hero camera (“Naked” as they call it) since I haven’t used it, but from the promotional photos, and particularly HD video (see below), it looks great. The fixed lens setup may be a limitation but it is one of the nicest action sports cameras I’ve seen to date and […]
Category: Photos, Recreation, Sports, Technology |
Tags: action, camera, flying, hd, sports
RichC | November 19, 2010
The latest expensive gift catalog arrived from Hammacher Schlemmer in our mailbox just in time for me to add the Terrafugia Transition to Santa’s list. Actually I was shocked to see the “flying car” appear on the cover … a perfect gift for someone with money to burn. It is priced at $350,000, although you […]
Category: Automotive, Aviation, Shopping |
Tags: flying, Shopping
RichC | August 28, 2010
Sharing a video from EAA Airventure 2010 … not mine. Thanks for the link Steve. (for another good video from the previous 2009 Airventure click here)
Category: Aviation, Video |
Tags: airventure, eaa, flying
RichC | April 17, 2010
It’s hard not to appreciate Gary Sinise and his Lt. Dan Band and what they do for veterans as they travel around the country (and world) supporting causes that benefit our troops … and the children our soldiers find themselves protecting: Operation Iraqi Children both in Iraq and Afghanistan. For aviation advocates, and in particular […]
Category: Aviation, Entertainment, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: airventure, aviation, eaa, flying, oshkosh, warbirds
RichC | February 5, 2010
A friend of mine forward me a nicely produced video that Doug S., Doug G. and Jim W. from PRA Chapter 40 posted online after their visit to the Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on Labor Day 2009. I also added the clip on the Taildragger Fly-In tab on our website as it highlights a […]
Category: Aviation, Video |
Tags: eaa284, flying, red stewart
RichC | February 2, 2010
According to an Experimental Aviation Association bulletin, the long awaited revisions on the docket in the Federal Register support the 22 FAA proposed changes affecting sport pilots. Changes include allowing Sport Pilots to fly higher and safer in mountainous regions and permit weight-shift control aircraft and powered parachute to gain experience in towered airport airspace. […]
Category: Aviation, Misc |
Tags: aircraft, aviation, FAA, flying, sport pilot
RichC | January 23, 2010
NASA’s Puffin electric-powered, super-quiet personal VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft concept is ideal for those wanting a quick commute to work on a traffic congested morning … particularly if you’ve got a charging station on your buildings helipad … and who doesn’t? The USMC V-22 Osprey looking aircraft could offer a bit more promise […]
Category: Aviation, Technology, Video |
Tags: aircraft, aviation, concept, flying, nasa, wright
RichC | March 21, 2009
As mentioned before, the Terrafugia Transition car-based airplane is being developed on the east coast this year and the above is a bit of video from the first runway based test flight on March 5th. Retired USAF test pilot Col. Phil Meteer comments that the test was “remarkable for being unremarkable.” Performance Cruise: 100 kts […]
Category: Aviation, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: aircraft, airplane, aviation, experimental, flying
RichC | February 17, 2009
A friend of mine passed this along and I though a few here might enjoy the inspirational story and watching the video. Jessica Cox, born without arms, recently earned her sport pilot license at Ray Blair Airport in San Manuel, Arizona. She flies this Ercoupe plane the way she does most other things in her […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: aviation, flying, inspirational, sport pilot
RichC | September 3, 2008
In keeping with short posts and photos, my EAA Chapter 284 had its annual Fly-In and Pancake breakfast this past Sunday morning. Thanks to the great weather and hungry pilots, our event was well attended and the most profitable in the last several years. Who said high priced AVGas would keep taildraggers away?
Category: Aviation |
Tags: eaa284, flying, red stewart
RichC | June 12, 2008
Our EAA chapter (EAA284) had an enjoyable Sunday afternoon meeting this past weekend at the Lebanon, Ohio home of one of our members, Ivan Reznor. Our gracious host let us check out his Zenithair Zodiac 601 taildragger project taking over part of his garage and half the basement. (his wife must be one of a […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: eaa284, flying, red stewart
RichC | June 4, 2006
Terry Hessler of Hessler Machine Tool gave an interesting lecture and then demonstrated his detail study and reproduction of an early Wright Brothers aircraft engine. His endeavor was covered on a History Channel TV special and DVD detailing the Wright Brother’s technology and first flight. We learned not only that Charles Taylor, the builder of […]
Category: Aviation, Video |
Tags: dayton, eaa284, flyer, flying, huffman, prairre, wright
RichC | March 13, 2006
The EAA284 chapter meeting was at Red Stewart Airfield yesterday, March 12th, after a drenching evening of rain, which continues today. The grass strip was absolutely soaked yet a T-craft and Cub successfully ‘rutted’ down the runway and sprayed their way into the air. (from the care of the runway perspective, I didn’t think it […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: eaa284, flying, red stewart
RichC | February 13, 2006
EAA284 had a good turnout this past Sunday afternoon at Red Stewart Field. February 12th at 2PM was our regularly scheduled meeting and thanks to Les Garber’s presentation it was both interesting and educational. Les, the author of “The Wright Brothers and the Birth of Aviation,” gave an outstanding presentation on the amazing engineering aspect […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: eaa284, flying, red stewart
RichC | February 8, 2006
Steve Fossett took off in an experimental plane today at 7:20 a.m. on an 80-hour flight. He hopes to set a nonstop distance record in the GlobalFlyer aircraft sponsored by Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic Airways. Steve Fossett, is a 61 year old excentric millionaire who has “ballooned” (pun intended) his way to fame in a […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: flying, fossett, global flyer
RichC | January 8, 2006
EAA Chapter 284 will feature Les Garber at our February 12, 2006 meeting. He will share and discuss his latest book, “The Wright Brothers and The Birth of Aviation” and not doubt field a few questions. Although I haven’t read the book yet, this 13 Chapter book published by Crowood Press, is said to be […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: eaa284, flying, red stewart
RichC | July 11, 2005
EAA Chapter 284 had another great meeting on Sunday afternoon. The weather was warm and atomsphere at Red Stewart field enjoyable. As always, I enjoy the feeling of stepping back in time surrounded by flying antique aircraft and the the rustic grass field (40I) that many taildraggers call home. Long live Red Stewart Field.
Category: Aviation |
Tags: eaa284, flying, red stewart
RichC | May 10, 2005
Next month I’ll have a chance to personally check out the AMV Aircraft. (well not ‘be’ checked out.
) Actually it has been seen as the personal aircraft of the future by some and just another prototype design by others. No matter … I like it. What is unique is that this small two […]
Category: Aviation, Mazda |
Tags: aircraft, airplane, amv-211, experimental, flying, VTOL