RichC | June 10, 2022
A semi-disaster struck as my iMac choked on a Parallel 17 "virtual Windows" update on Thursday. It reminded me of the movie "Blackhawk Down" or perhaps "White House Down" … hence the subject line for Tech Friday. The virtual Windows 10 side of my computer booted, but everything from the connected drives to the display […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Financial, Movies, Technology |
Tags: apple, blackhawk, crash, imac, lenovo, m2, macbook air, parallels, stock market, tech friday, techfriday, timemachine, white house down
RichC | March 19, 2021
Although I’m not in the market for a new iPad just yet, I am (or was) a multiple hours a day user back when traveling a bit more and interested in what a Thunderbolt and M1 chipped iPad Pro might offer. At least that’s the rumor for the April 2021 launch … but who knows […]
Category: Apple, Gadget, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, brydge, ipad, ipad os, ipad pro, keyboard, lenovo, m1 chip, rumor, silicon, tech friday, techfriday, yoga 710
RichC | December 11, 2020
Not that it would ever be noticed in my “rarely proofread” blog, but for the past year I’ve been using a plugin app called Grammarly (it unfortunately doesn’t work with Open Live Writer, the aging software I use for blogging ever since Microsoft abandoned LiveWriter). So far it has been helpful in checking my emails […]
Category: Computer, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: brave, browser, chrome, chromium, firefox, grammarly, lenovo, livewriter, microsoft, tech friday, techfriday, vocabulary, windows, writing
RichC | September 20, 2019
Today’s Tech Friday tip is something that has changed in recent weeks likely due to an update that is suppose to make reading on devices easier on the eyes. Based on lighting conditions, automatic settings will filter out blue light — a lot more when the room is dark. The problem is that this can […]
Category: Advice, Computer, How-To, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: blue light, eye care, lenovo, settings, snipping, Software, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | March 22, 2019
There is isn’t anything wrong with my current 2014 Apple iPad, it is just getting older as far as technology goes, and is a little sluggish (or so it seems). It is still the single most used tech device that I have … and the reason I’ll likely replace it with another when the time […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, Personal, Productivity, Tablet, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: apple, brydge, chromebook, device, gadget, imac, ipad, iphone, lenovo, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | November 6, 2018
This year Brenda and I voted absentee … or by mail. I knew it was an important mid-term and wanted to be sure our votes counted, but do miss the feeling of standing in line with others and waiting my turn at the polls. That said, minus the hiccup with our verification system (missing digits […]
Category: Computer, Politics, Weather |
Tags: informed, lenovo, orca, taylor, vote, voting, weather
RichC | August 24, 2018
What’s new with the popular and well loved Apple MacBook Air? Nothing yet, but this week heated up with rumors that 8-year old Air is getting a big makeover for the end of 2018 (2017 CNET review of last years Macbook Air). First on the "hope for rumors HAS" list is that the device remains […]
Category: Apple, Computer, News, Technology |
Tags: air, apple, Computer, laptop, lenovo, macbook, notebook, rumor, tech friday, techfriday, yoga710
RichC | April 14, 2017
Last week someone asked me about my large screened notebook, the 15.6″ Lenovo Yoga 710 with an Intel i5-7200U CPU (2.50GHz), 8 GB memory and a rather smallish 256GB SSD. The question was whether I would recommend it. The answer is yes … if you can live with a couple small nits that I have […]
Category: Advice, Computer, Technology, Video |
Tags: Computer, lenovo, notebook, review, tech friday, techfriday, youtube
RichC | February 3, 2017
The cursor on my new Lenovo Yoga 710 Windows 10 notebook has been driving me crazy. It jumps around the screen when I’m typing and often ends up add or deleting text in previous paragraphs. In an attempt to diagnosis the problem, I’ve fiddled with the trackpad thinking that my palms or thumbs must be […]
Category: Advice, Computer, How-To, Tidbits |
Tags: lenovo, microsoft, mouse, tech friday, techfriday, trackpad, windows, yoga
RichC | November 25, 2016
It is easy to forget just how much software one ends up with after 9 years using a computer. There was everything from odd ball utilities to a variety of outdated Adobe Creative Suite design software that I occasionally need. These were all versions installed from CD and are not openly supported anymore. Unlike my […]
Category: Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: adobe, Computer, lenovo, microsoft, office, tech friday, windows
RichC | November 20, 2016
I couldn’t take the continued typos anymore and had to map the "right-shift" key on my new Lenovo Yoga 710 to the "arrow-up" key. So as not to lose my "arrow-up" key, I mapped that to the rarely used "right-ctrl" key. Now all is well with the world. … although I really struggled coming […]
Category: Computer, Tablet, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: hack, keyboard, keys, lenovo, microsoft, registry, remap, windows10, yoga
RichC | November 19, 2016
I just couldn’t pass up burning my $280 Best Buy credit on a new mid-level Windows 10 Lenovo Yoga notebook computer. It is going to take some time tweaking it before I’m comfortable with it, but I decided that a new MacBook Pro was not in the cards for me (too expensive and missing so […]
Category: Business, Computer, Travel |
Tags: Computer, lenovo, notebook, touchscreen, yoga