Another opportunity for me to opine on

| January 28, 2025

Getting an invite to write for the “right column” of is becoming a habit. Once again the editor reached out after my January 2024 comment, “Let’s Start With a Clean Slate,” mentioning that he has a very short list of conservative writers willing to be a little more pro-Trump — a couple of his […]

Another invitation to add my two-cents to

| January 16, 2025

Last year I was invited by a longtime automotive writer and friend, Todd Lassa (photo), to help with writing right column commentary for a political news site — The network of writers and journalists he taps into skew politically left for the most part … and he felt my Republican right-leaning (and pro-Trump/Vance) views […]

A language use tidbit: Who/Whom

| March 9, 2024

Language usage is not one of my particular strengths … therefore I’m with the thought that “when in doubt reach for whom over who, just to be safe. Then get the ‘overcorrected’ mistakes …”  — LINK A trick to figure it out, which we’ve mentioned before, is to substitute he or she in your sentence—and […]

Tech Friday: Using Grammarly for Chrome (Brave in my case)

| December 11, 2020

Not that it would ever be noticed in my “rarely proofread” blog, but for the past year I’ve been using a plugin app called Grammarly (it unfortunately doesn’t work with Open Live Writer, the aging software I use for blogging ever since Microsoft abandoned LiveWriter). So far it has been helpful in checking my emails […]

Archived: Author Elmore Leonard has a few writing tips

| August 17, 2014

Author and writer Elmore Leonard is known for his crime fiction, but he started out writing westerns. Leonard has written nearly two dozen novels and most of them are bestsellers (Glitz, Get Shorty, Maximum Bob  and Rum Punch).  Ten of his advice tips when it comes to being both a popular and respectable writer are: […]

English 101: What’s wrong with this sentence?

| July 13, 2008

I enjoy reading books and certain authors for different reasons — for example, I not only enjoy William F. Buckley’s sailing memoirs because of the sailing content but because use of the English language is impressive. That said — oh, and I’m not an English major (obviously) — this particular sentence from a book I […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog