RichC | May 10, 2023
My library borrowing and Kindle game caught up with me this week as the book I borrowed, “Metathreats,” (and was in the middle of reading) expired … but because I have been keeping my Kindle in “Airplane Mode,” I continued reading. Generally I can’t finish a book without renewing so will often put my Kindle […]
Category: Books, Politics, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: america, book, florida, governor, kindle, Politics, presidential, reading, reagan, ron desantis
RichC | March 10, 2022
It looks as if the next book on my reading list will be Jonathan E. Hillman’s “The Digital Silk Road: China’s Quest to Wire the World and Win the Future.” It was release last October (2021) and after reading a review (and WSJ recommendation), I decided to download the digital e-book. I’m not an expert […]
Category: Books, History, Politics, Technology |
Tags: appeasement, book, china, communism, democracy, digital silk road, doctrine, ebook, hitler, jonathan hillman, reagan, world affairs
RichC | April 6, 2019
Obviously labeling someone as a “fascist, socialist or an authoritarian dictator” is not new in politics, but the bigger government grows, the more we U.S. voters need to defend America’s founding principles such as individual liberty and personal freedom. During the 2016 campaign and election of President Donald Trump, those on the political left were […]
Category: History, Idioms, Politics, Video |
Tags: Business, communism, economy, fascism, giovanni gentile, idiom, labels, opinion, president, reagan, socialism, trump
RichC | October 13, 2017
The early 1980s were challenging as manufacturing headed overseas, inflation ate up the buying power of every dollar and the cost to borrow was at an all time high. In fact, Brenda and I were giddy to have acquired a 12% mortgage on our first house in 1982 because our friends were applying for new […]
Category: Business, Financial, History, Memories, Politics |
Tags: Business, charts, consolidated, economy, investing, printing, reagan, stocks, tax cuts, tax reform, trump, wall street
RichC | February 19, 2016
It is fun finding out about cameo appearances in movies and TV programs … as I mentioned the other day with singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffett. Another cameo tidbit popped up after this week’s popular The Big Bang Theory sitcom. According to the commentary on FoxBusiness, the previous Fed chair Ben Bernanke and his wife are big enough […]
Category: Books, Entertainment, Tidbits, Video-TV |
Tags: bernanke, cameo, comedy, reagan, sitcom, TBBT, television
RichC | September 17, 2015
Last night’s second GOP debate on CNN at the Reagan Library wasn’t bad as debates go. The current frontrunner, the attention grabbing Donald Trump did one thing for the Republican brand … he got generated attention. His grade school behavior buffoonery brought far viewers to the stodgy GOP and that alone could help Republicans ideas […]
Category: Audio, News, Politics, Tidbits |
Tags: audio, candidates, cnn, debate, gop, idiom, mp3, political, reagan, republican, words
RichC | February 20, 2012
As I’ve mentioned before, one of the primary reasons I don’t post or visit my Facebook account very often is because it is the domain of my kids and their friends. I’m sure I would not have wanted a nosy parent watching everything I said and did … so I didn’t focus on it as […]
Category: Personal, Politics, Sailing, Social Media |
Tags: encore, facebook, gipper, reagan, sailboat, taylor
RichC | April 2, 2011
I’m looking forward to reading a new book, Rawhide Down, the near assassination of Ronald Reagan, by Del Quentin Wilber, after listening to a couple of interviews while driving this week. The history and medical component to the story really sounded compelling, particularly since it was a piece of history that I remember – […]
Category: Books, Movies |
Tags: 127 hours, book, movie, rawhide down, reagan, survival
RichC | February 1, 2011
It is nice when websites run and link to webOS friendly media content. One of the better sites is remembering President Ronald Reagan’s legacy and his upcoming February 6th birthday – he would be 100. In browsing with my Palm Pre yesterday I found it to be one of the few utilizing content and […]
Category: Cellphone, Politics, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: browser, design, gop, palm, reagan, webos, website
RichC | January 20, 2009
The Wallstreet Journal took a look at the job approval rating of our Presidents. The graph illustrates public opinion of Presidents from Truman through George W. Bush. Th popularity of each President rises and falls as they were faced different crisis situations. Only President Truman and George W. Bush have seen both support as high […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: bush, carter, clinton, eisenhower, ford, johnson, kennedy, nixon, president, reagan, truman, wsj
RichC | September 12, 2005
The Boys of Point du Hoc, by Douglas Brinkley has masterfully honored Lt. Col. James Earl Rudder and his 225 U.S. Army Rangers for their June 6, 1944 D-Day climb and the man who honored them 40 years later. Their undertaking is beyond thinking as they scaled the 100 foot cliffs while the enemy sprayed […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary |
Tags: book, boys, brinkley, History, military, pointe du hoc, reagan, ww2, wwii