December 7, 1941 — “a date which will live in infamy”

| December 7, 2024

There are a few dates that tend to be remembered each year; December 7th is one of them. This year marks the 83rd anniversary of the surprise attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, killing 2,403 Americans and thrusting the United States into World War II.  […]

A different kind of Memorial Day remembrance

| May 27, 2024

Each year Memorial Day holiday often brings out the best in Americans. Those I know, at least give “thought” to the service men and women who fought and died to protect and preserve our country, our freedom and way of life. It is of course, will never be enough appreciation from those of us who […]

Remembering the attack on Pearl Harbor 81 years ago

| December 7, 2022

It feels uncomfortably routine, to nonchalantly include a remembrance post on December 7th each year … but it is important to reflect on the evil of man and human devastation associated with war.  In remembering the loss of American lives inflicted by the Japanese in their “unprovoked and dastardly” attack of Pearl Harbor, I’ll include […]

Remembering Pearl Harbor and a few personal family thoughts

| December 7, 2020

Recognition and remembrance for those of the Greatest Generation who were killed on December 7, 1941 are compelling reasons why Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day rings loud with me … but my remembering is also partially due out of respect for my parents. For them (and my late mother and father-in-law), the attack by Japan and […]

Remembering the Pearl Harbor attack and the 2403 killed

| December 7, 2017

We remember December 7th, 1941 to honor those who perished and as a reminder of what lead up to Japan’s 1920’s ambition to dominate the Pacific Basin believing it was their manifest destiny (see series Pearl Harbor – Then and Now on the Defense Media Network). The unprovoked surprise attack on Hawaii in the early […]

Remember and honor those who paid the ultimate price

| May 29, 2017

While looking back at previous year blog posts Memorial Day prior to making a 2017 update in order to see how I may or may not have recognized this sacred day, I realized just how many there were and it made me think about just “how many” have paid that ultimate price. Be sure to try and set […]

Remembering D-Day, June 6, 1944 – 70 years ago

| June 6, 2014

When I posted about the growing worldwide trend we describe as Nationalism, I reflected on the sacrifice required to stop Germany and the Nazis the last time a country went down the Nationalism path. United States involvement began in earnest on June 6th, 1944 … 70 years ago. Americans along with allied troops stormed the […]

One year ago today my mom passed away

| December 17, 2013

It has been a busy year with weddings, graduations and new jobs  … and they would have been enjoyed A LOT by my mom, especially if she had better health. Unfortunately her last year of life was difficult — with constant pain, reliance on mind numbing pain medication and the inability to do even relatively […]

Before there was 9/11, there was Pearl Harbor. Let’s not forget.

| December 7, 2013

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”    – George Santayana Photograph from a Japanese plane of Battleship Row at the beginning of the attack. The explosion in the center is a torpedo strike on the USS Oklahoma. Two attacking Japanese planes can be seen: one over the USS Neosho and […]

Remembering Patriot Day and the victims of 9/11

| September 11, 2012

Today is Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance; it is a day to remember the 2,977 killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. After congress unanimously passed Joint Resolution 71 on October 25, 2001 and President George W. Bush signed it into law on December 18, 2001, we now remember and […]

Remembering the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor

| December 7, 2011

Today is the day Americans remember those who served and were killed during the Empire of Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 – a somber day for 2403 lives cut short.  In a statement, President Obama proclaimed Wednesday "National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day" and reflected on those who rose to the occasion. He […]

We Will Always Remember – 9/11/2001 8:46 AM

| September 11, 2010

List of World Trade Center Victims (not including plane crews or passengers) Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr. Edelmiro Abad Maria Rose Abad Andrew Anthony Abate Vincent Abate Laurence Christopher Abel William F. Abrahamson Richard Anthony Aceto Jesus Acevedo Rescand Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann Paul Acquaviva Donald LaRoy Adams Patrick Adams Shannon Lewis Adams Stephen George Adams Ignatius […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog