RichC | November 30, 2009
I’m archiving — and sharing — a good sailing advice blog and video series by shipwright and rigger Jerr Dunlap (@myboatworks) out in Marina del Rey, California — thanks Jerr. He has several great video “how-to” clips … here are two on how to fit a Norseman Fitting.
Category: How-To, Sailing, Video |
Tags: boat, dunlap, jerr, norsman, rigger, sailing, shipwright
RichC | November 29, 2009
I’ve blogged couple times on identity theft and credit reports and I thought was relatively up-to-date on on how credit reporting and ‘credit scoring’ works … but I was wrong. I didn’t realize that the three major credit collecting and reporting companies all have their own “credit scoring system” on top of the relatively popular […]
Category: Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: credit, FICO, identity, VantageScore
RichC | November 27, 2009
My buddy and I have plotted our lunch driving today, and hopefully have MapQuest our route avoiding the day after Thanksgiving hoards … Black Friday. I think we’ve found a lunch spot and route free from retail stores …
Why is it called “Black Friday?” It is the day retailers hope that they will […]
Category: Misc, Personal |
Tags: black friday
RichC | November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving and safe travel to my friends and family on the road. We are enjoying a day of turkey and tasty food at my brother and sister-in-law’s house today, which is becoming a tradition. Although I don’t say it often, I couldn’t ask for a better brother and if ask what I’m thankful for […]
Category: Computer, Personal |
Tags: clicker, internet, television, thanksgiving
RichC | November 25, 2009
The Discovery Channel is active in reviewing science research in alternative energy and can usually dice apart the ‘self-promotion’ of company researcher as well as combat the establish energy industry’s lobby efforts. One industry that I advocate is ‘algae to biofuel fuel’ research. The benefit in using algae as a feedstock for biofuels is that […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Environment |
Tags: algae, biodiesel, biofuel, energy, ocean
RichC | November 24, 2009
Although I’m not complaining about fuel prices considering our weak dollar — especially as we roll into a week of heavy travel — I did find it shocking that regular unleaded gasoline prices are nearly 40% higher today than they were last year at this time. (photo left taken 11/23/2008 in Monroe, OH) Of big […]
Category: Automotive, Financial, Politics |
Tags: commodities, economy, gasoline, investing, trading
RichC | November 23, 2009
John Matras, Auto Review Examiner, posted a great write up on his Road Test of a 2010 Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen TDI. It’s an enjoyable and informative read highlighting a few lessor known features on Volkswagen vehicles. “The Jetta SportWagen’s front seats must be moved forward to lower the rear seats but then can be moved […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Volkswagen |
Tags: review, sportwagen, tdi, volkswagen, vw
RichC | November 22, 2009
Relatively new EFE Gazebo – replaced after Hurricane Ike in 2008 While enjoying a calm and warm November afternoon, I visited with my neighbors and envied watching the helicopter land and takeoff in their backyard. He mentioned (and chuckled) that since he saw the life-flight land and take off a few days ago that it […]
Category: Aviation, Local, Photos |
RichC | November 21, 2009
Belated adding of an update regarding biodiesel fuel prices from my trip to New York last week. This Sunoco is a favorite renewable fuel station even though I’m no longer driving a diesel vehicle. The current price is and has been higher than regular unleaded gasoline ($2.51), so it doesn’t bother me too much; the […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel |
RichC | November 20, 2009
Neither Palm or Sprint can be happy seeing the recently released (11/15/2009) Palm Pixi being heavily discounted by big box retailers who are handling their new “mass appear” smartphone product. The struggling Palm has had good press and reviews for its sleek Palm Pre and was no doubt hoping to build on the buzz with […]
Category: Cellphone, News, Technology |
Tags: palm, pixi, smartphone
RichC | November 18, 2009
Although I use shortened URLs regularly, I create them manually unless I’m using a program with built in services — like Tweetdeck for Twitter — but recently I’ve gone against my rule of fattening up programs and added the shortener button to Firefox. Most of the URL shortening services (see list below) offer a single […]
Category: Computer, Productivity |
RichC | November 17, 2009
From Time Magazine’s How Audi is Cleaning Up with Clean Diesel‘s question and answer with Johan de Nysschen, president of Audi’s U.S. division: Audi is instead touting the benefits of diesel technology. How do you get around the negative perception of diesel cars in the U.S.? Clean-diesel technology represents an immediate technological leap — you […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Volkswagen |
Tags: audi, diesel
RichC | November 16, 2009
Currently upgrading and testing a new embed for flash video, although it might not work with current 2.8.6 version of WordPress. Nevertheless, it offers a few extra features that most have become accustom to such as a poster frame and full screen video. I’ll be tweaking the flash encoder on the Mac in order to […]
Category: Politics, Video |
Tags: foxnews, healthcare, wordpress
RichC | November 16, 2009
As the number of NASA Shuttle lift offs wind down, I find myself appreciating the space program more and more. I don’t want to miss the final scheduled six launches which should complete the life of the Space Shuttle program and end of an era … a successful one I might add. Today was a […]
Category: News, Space, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: atlantis, foxnews, nasa, shuttle, space
RichC | November 16, 2009
There were quite a few improvements made in the Palm webOS 1.3.1 update, but not all are going to be helpful on my Palm Pre smartphone. One benefit is that Yahoo users will see synergy improvements, including the calendar. Another feature being waited for is improved SMS messaging … particularly forwarding and copying of messaging. […]
Category: Cellphone |
Tags: webos
RichC | November 15, 2009
No I’m not talking about the Ohio State Buckeyes win over the Iowa Hawkeyes this weekend OR the “whodey” Bengals defensive triumph over their rival the Pittsburgh Steelers (for a 5-0 record in their division and 7-2 overall – but who am I to boast) … although both were local football wins and worthly bloggable […]
Category: Local, Personal, Sports |
Tags: buckrub, deer, football
RichC | November 14, 2009
Rather frustrating, but it happens – my @RichC Twitter account was hijacked and direct message bombarded with a bogus link to those who are following. After logging in and changing my password and eliminating the three connections that I had registered with, I’m hoping things will return to normal? We’ll see, but for now it […]
Category: Misc |
RichC | November 14, 2009
It was another “kardiac Ohio” performance. CINCINNATI (AP)—Far from perfect, No. 5 Cincinnati was good enough to stay unbeaten. Tony Pike threw two touchdown passes in a cameo appearance Friday night, and the Bearcats overcame a self-destructive first half to beat West Virginia 24-21 for the best start in school history. Cincinnati (10-0, 6-0 Big […]
Category: Sports |
RichC | November 14, 2009
The high performance wind powered Hydroptere (blogged about back in 2007) has shattered sailing records the world over by averaging 51 knots over 500m (.5 kilometers) in 28 knots of breeze. It’s hard to imagine traveling that fast on the open water, let alone one a boat without an engine.
Category: Sailing, Video |
RichC | November 13, 2009
I enjoyed lunch with a good friend of mine that just returned from the laborious task of going through his mother’s estate. He kept a few antique furniture items and uncomfortably stuffed them in his apartment while trying to figure out just what to do with the balance. While we were standing by our cars, […]
Category: Cellphone, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: antique, civil, collectible, newspaper, philadelphia inquirer, war
RichC | November 12, 2009
Seeing a Honda key used in a Wall Street Journal ad promoting classified auto listings made me chuckle — I’ve never noticed a Honda being advertised with the columns of Bentley, Ferrari, Maybach, Lamborghini, Aston Martin and Maserati nameplates. Perhaps the recession is impacting auto selection of WSJ subscribers? 
Category: Automotive, Humor, News |
Tags: auto, wsj
RichC | November 12, 2009
Netbooks are growing up and the slightly larger models now sport a bit more memory, larger displays and the excellent Windows 7 OS. As a family, we’ll be gifting a new HP 311 netbook to my mother-in-law this year for Christmas. We’re hoping to re-introduce her to using a computer — primarily for email and […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Technology |
Tags: 3G, Computer, gobi, hp 311, netbook
RichC | November 11, 2009
After the massacre at the Fort Hood Army post just a few days ago, there is understandably more attention on our Veterans today. The sacrifices our men and women in uniform make serving our country is deserving of respect and remembrance today and everyday. I thank all who serve and have served our nation. President […]
Category: History, News |
1 Comment
Tags: Holiday, military, veterans
RichC | November 11, 2009
In a recent forwarded email there were a few excellent “under construction” photos of the bridge being build to bypass the Hoover Dam on U.S. Rt 93. The $160 million dollar project is 900 feet above the Colorado River and will more efficiently links the states of Nevada and Arizona. The two massive concrete arches […]
Category: History, Photos, Travel |
RichC | November 10, 2009
An EAA284 friend of mine sent me a YouTube link of a “near death CFIT” (Controlled Flight Into Terrain) and watching it reminds many of how we’ve become too dependent on low cost electronics. Many recreational pilots have become too GPS focused and a video clip of a close call reminds us not to use […]
Category: Aviation, Video |
RichC | November 10, 2009
Changes in the “big three” … world automakers that is: Volkswagen Toyota Ford VW overtake Toyota as the world’s largest automaker Well ahead of VW initial projection of becoming the world’s largest automaker by 2018, it has now officially surpassed Toyota Motor Corp. worldwide in unit production this year. Over the weekend, German reports put […]
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
RichC | November 9, 2009
Enjoyed the nice afternoon weather and headed to the airport for our monthly EAA meeting. Today we reviewed the successful first flight (very impressive) and later accident of Mark Dusenberry’s 1905 Wright Flyer replica — NTSB preliminary report. Bob Luken reviewed his video of the flight and the accident (only the FAA has a copy […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: aviation, dayton, dusenberry, eaa, eaa284, mark, ohio, wright flyer
RichC | November 8, 2009
As I watched the paramedics and emergency workers waiting for the life-flight helicopter and cutting apart the car that a young man was driving on Bethany Road behind our house on Sunday morning, I couldn’t help but feel for the boys’ parents who stood looking on helplessly. From preliminary reports, he was heading home from […]
Category: Automotive, Local, News, Photos |
Tags: accident
RichC | November 7, 2009
Although I’ve tried a a couple other blog editing and posting tools, I usually go back to web based WordPress posting. This is a test of the Windows Live Writer free software, a test I did once before with a different theme. I’m also adding a photo from deer “buckrub” damage to be sure all […]
Category: Computer, Misc, Productivity |
1 Comment
Tags: buckrub, deer, windows live writer
RichC | November 6, 2009
With the tragic news coming from Fort Hood (yesterday) and Orlando (today), and the unemployment numbers shocking economist nationally — now at 10.2% — I was in the mood for a bit of comedy. Jon Stewart to the rescue with a parody on the popular FoxNews celebrity Glenn Beck who is recovering from appendicitis. Enjoy! […]
Category: Humor, News, Video-TV |
Tags: comedy, glenn beck, jon stewart
RichC | November 5, 2009
If you enjoy snapping your Volkswagen around a corner or stopping fast enough launch your sunglasses into the windshield, then you might want to consider the VW TDI Cup “Street” Edition. It’s closest kin is the Jetta GLI … but with a diesel engine. Volkswagen announced that the TDI Cup Edition Jettas should be in […]
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
Tags: diesel, jetta, racing, tdi, volkswagen, vw
RichC | November 4, 2009
I’m a regular reader of Paul Thurott and he had a great article on the “convoluted, ridiculous and hard to understand” pricing and option packages associated with upgrading a Microsoft Windows PC to the new Windows 7 operating system. He compared it to the “Bataan Death Match … but this time, the victims are your […]
Category: Computer, Productivity, Technology |
Tags: leopard, mac, microsoft apple, snow, win7, windows
RichC | November 3, 2009
Volkswagen’s clean diesel TDI models continue to perform especially well. Jetta TDI sales accounted for 40 percent of total Jetta sedan and SportWagen sales, while sales of all TDI models accounted for 24 percent of total October sales. (LINK) HERNDON, Va., Nov. 3 /PRNewswire/ — Volkswagen of America, Inc. today reported October 2009 sales of […]
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
RichC | November 2, 2009
Although most of my conservative friends would be appalled I listed to National Public Radio, they produced an appreciated story reflecting on the life of Capt. David “Seth” Mitchell, 1 of 14 Marines killed on October 27th and played the story nationally (MP3 Link). It was good to hear how the community of Loveland (NE […]
Category: Audio, Local, News |
1 Comment
Tags: cincinnati, loveland, marine, military, npr, ohio
RichC | November 1, 2009
Reposting — Bob Luken (EAA284 President): On October 1, 2009 Mark Dusenberry was engaging in practice flights in preparation for the 104th commemorative celebration of the Wright Brothers demonstration of the first practical aircraft, their 1095 Model III Flyer. Mark completed one successful flight in the morning. During his second flight of the day the […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: eaa284, wright flyer dayton ohio mark dusenberry