Palm Pre users are not alone with battery life issues

July 3, 2009

I’ve been grumbling about battery life since moving from the Palm Treo to the Sprint Palm Pre for the past couple weeks, but it seems Apple iPhone users, besides having a high heat problem, are grumbling too. There are a few software items on my ‘disappointed’ list, but top on my software and hardware list […]

More fun with the Palm Pre and GPS in car use

June 8, 2009

My new smartphone, the Palm Pre, is growing on me and although I’m slow to change the smooth skipping stone of a phone is growing on me. Productivity with it is not happening just yet since the keyboard layout has change over the Treo and Centro line (moved some keys around). I’m am surprised how […]

A few more thoughts on the Palm Pre as June 6th nears

June 4, 2009

As a long time Palm OS user from Palm Pilots to Handspring Visors to Samsung i500 phones (my mother is currently using it) to the latest Treos and Centros … I’m waiting … and waiting … for the new Web OS … and waiting for a new physical keyboard PDA smartphone. The Palm Pre is […]

Sugarsync account for free – limitation is 2 GB

May 29, 2009

Here a great way to try, or to just use without paying for more storage, my favorite backup and multiple computer file sharing service from Sugarsync. I’ve commented positively before and have no problem paying a monthly for the service, but here’s a way for students, skeptics and light users to give Sugarsync a ‘long […]

Time is short to win the Palm Pre giveaway from Sprint

May 16, 2009

Enter now for your chance to win a Palm Pre from Sprint. The newest Palm smartphone could change the iPhone dominated playing field if the product operates as expected … but the hurdle is set pretty high. Nevertheless, by entering your email address (stick with your junk mail address) and phone number before May 18th […]

Online video performers Rhett & Link here in SW Ohio

May 14, 2009

I was disappointed last week to have missed seeing Rhett and Link in Fairfield Ohio while out of town on Thursday, but since then I’ve noticed them on several network news shows talking about a controversial  Red House Furniture video (my previous post).  I didn’t find the video all that offensive or really all that […]

Skype used by FoxNews to report on pirate hostage crisis

April 13, 2009

I wanted to archive the success and impressive work of the U.S. Navy and bravery of the captain of the Maersk Alabama, east of Somalia this weekend and have been debating how to include the event. After listing to a podcast about the new Skype app for the iPhone, decided that a major networks use […]

The Palm Pre is showing up in Sprint advertising

April 8, 2009

Perhaps I’m offering up some free advertising to Sprint and their soon to be release Palm Pre smartphone, but I am pretty ‘geeky’ excited about getting my hands on this new gadget and don’t mind being used. Some expect it to show up this month (I doubt it), while others believe its release will be […]

Smartcar photos from “snowy” Seattle

December 23, 2008

My daughter’s good friend Nora headed home for Christmas in Seattle about the time heavy snow socked in all, but the most capable of winter vehicles … you know … snowmobiles, large 4×4 trucks, Jeeps and Smartcars! (thanks Nora for the great iPhone photos of your dad’s car that I’ll post below)

Oil sets new record today over $135/barrel

May 22, 2008

The price of oil hit a record high above $135 a barrel this Thursday morning which is more than twice what it cost a year ago. According to press reports, latest surge was driven by data showing that supplies of crude in the US had fallen by 5.4 million barrels. “US light, sweet crude for […]

First look at Palm Treo 800w is disappointing

May 16, 2008

As someone who started with a Palm Pilot many years ago and who has been wondering what will replace my business oriented Palm Treo, I am disappointed at seeing the new Palm Treo 800w (at least displayed side by side with the new Blackberry Bold). I can’t imagine many new smartphone shoppers will select this […]

Smartphone news: Blackberry Bold … Nice!

May 12, 2008

Palm better get their act together with a new high end Treo because Research In Motion introduced their new Blackberry Bold today. They seem to be catching up with Apple’s iPhone although some say Apple is prepping for the gen-2 iPhone … still they suffer from not having a dedicated tactual keyboard. There might still […]

Pondering the future for Palm Treos

April 3, 2008

Those of us using Palm Treos (and Centros) are curious as to what’s next in the Treo lineup … and Andrew from the Treonauts blog posted an interesting illustration. He speculates that there is a significant Apple influence at Palm and points to the latest hires from that innovative company. I’m not sure what this […]

Steve Jobs of Apple makes annual announcements

January 15, 2008

It is the highly anticipated MacWorld 2008 keynote speech from Steve Jobs that draws thousands of loyal Apple fans to attend or tune in every year. This year was no exception and included me … by web video. I’ll briefly outline the theme and products: First, the high end ‘big’ Macintosh had the early announcement […]

Samsung SPH-i500, my previous smartphone

October 2, 2007

I was discussing cellphones the other day while discussing the new full featured iPhone, Blackberries and Treo lineup and recalled my older Samsung SPH-i500 flip phone. Hmm … it was the one device that I wish would have seen continued development and adoption in the U.S. (the similar SCH-i539 is said to be sold in […]

Palm’s Folio is being pulled & Centro looks real

September 5, 2007

Well the Palm Folio didn’t last but a few months … a blunder from the start in my opinion. Palm created a notebook looking sidekick for it Treo users that just didn’t offer enough reasons for users to buy it. Its not quite a notebook, but still a big enough package to not want to […]

Pumping cold weather biodiesel

January 12, 2007

Here’s a little more on fuel, particularly biodiesel being pumped in colder weather. On my way home from Northeastern Ohio I stopped to fill my VW Jetta TDI at my normal stop, the I-71 Sunoco renewable fuels biodiesel pump. (see previous posts) It wasn’t all that cold (40 degrees Fahrenheit) but the B20 ran very […]

What do you think about Apple’s phone

December 18, 2006

Sloooow down … it hasn’t been announce just yet (1PM EST), but the rumors are swirling that today, Monday December 18th, Apple Computer might just announce a long anticipated combo phone and media player. I’m not sure what it will look like, but was surprised to see that Cisco/Linksys has a VOiP phone call the […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog