What’s the difference between Jury Rig and Jerry Rig?

March 6, 2014

Earlier this week I used a term in the title of a post, “Jury rigging SeaTalk connections on marine electronics,” and was sent an email questioning me about using the term Jury-Rig instead of Jerry Rig. Jury-Rig is the term used in my nautical books and magazines and I’ve adopted that, but  I like the […]

Tech Friday: Fing and some terrific simple little hacks

February 14, 2014

Fing is a great little network scanner app available on iOS and Android devices that helped when diagnosing a network printer problem this week. It not really necessary, but is so convenient that I wanted to share it with others. If you are overwhelm with devices, ip and mac addresses and odd names showing up […]

My old Gateway Notebook has a new lease on life

January 14, 2014

{adinserter 2} My aging 2007 Gateway NX570XL notebook computer is now running like it did when it was a new computer thanks to replacing the harddrive this past weekend. I replaced my “previously replaced” 320GB 7200RPM drive when installing Windows 7, but the porky speed was beginning to become an issue. This time I opted […]

Staying in touch with family by video calling

November 2, 2013

Although video chatting isn’t for everybody, I do appreciate seeing a face and a smile when catching up with my son in North Dakota and daughter in Columbus. Skype was once my preferred method (when “Skype to phone” was free), but now between iPads, iPhones and iMacs it is easier to jump on Facetime. Katelyn […]

Announcement from Apple on a variety of devices

October 23, 2013

Yesterday’s Apple product event came on the heels of last months lackluster iPhone 5c and 5s announcement (I watched on and off on my iPad – Jony Ive in photo on right) . First off, there wasn’t anything earthshattering just as with the new iPhones, but the updates and upgrades will be “want to have” items. […]

The Freedompop MiFi500 4G LTE hotspot finally arrived

October 15, 2013

I don’t have time to play with a new gadget just yet, but did I received the new Freedompop MiFi 500 hotspot today — it was ordered on August 22. From a quick wireless connection I think it is going to be a reasonable replacement in order to connect to the Internet while traveling. When I switch […]

The new Apple iOS7: My impression after a couple hours

September 19, 2013

Evening: After struggling to download the over-the-air install of Apple’s new iOS on both iPhone and iPad (should have installed iOS7 with iTunes), the new mobile operating system is finally up and running. My first impression was my usual “oh I miss my old familiar look and feel … and I want it back.”  Now […]

Walgreens shifting employees to Obamacare exchanges

September 18, 2013

Walgreens WSJ article … but actually playing with the postie plug-in for WordPress early this morning. EDIT: Failed to get a video posted directly by email from my iPhone to the blog.

Chewing string cheese to reduce tooth decay

September 10, 2013

Saw this in the Wall Street Journal personal section today and although I knew about the gum, I did not know about the string cheese (for the fun of it, I’m trying the iPhone’s Mobile OCR app to capture text). Studies show two things people can chew to help ward off tooth decay. One, Dr. […]

Will soon be trying Sprint LTE with a Freedom Spot MiFi 500

August 23, 2013

As a long time Sprint customer, I’ve been waiting for the LTE service to become in order to have better data connectivity for my iPhone 5 and with a wireless MiFi hotspot. Their service has been a painfully slow rollout in Ohio, but looks like it will soon be here. More importantly, I’m looking forward […]

The Apple rumors are rolling today …

August 13, 2013

New devices, September dates, bigger screened iPhones, Carl Icahn taking a position in $AAPL stock. As the Mazda ad goes … zoom, zoom. Reportedly, Apple Inc (AAPL) will unveil its much anticipated next generation iPhone on Sep 10. The device tentatively called iPhone 5S (can be 6 also) is rumored to feature a larger screen, […]

Met up with a high school/college friend after 30+ years

August 11, 2013

Thanks to Facebook, I had a chance to meet up with a friend from high school (and grad school) that I haven’t seen in 30+ years. We had a mutual love for photography and both headed in different directions after school. She married and moved to Cincinnati and I married and started life in Cleveland. […]

Sprint LTE testing in and around Cincinnati Ohio

August 9, 2013

A friend of mine (thanks Tim) mentioned that it looked like Sprint was testing their LTE setup along I-75 in and around Cincinnati. I’ve been trying to remember to check it when in West Chester after hearing it was on north of the I-275 outer belt. so, while in town this we I remembered as […]

Initial thoughts regarding the Freedompop Overdrive Pro

August 2, 2013

Disappointing to say the least. The latest device available from Freedompop (low cost/ free wireless hotspot) is the Sierra Wireless Overdrive Pro utilizing the Sprint 3G/4G WiMaxx network which I thought might be similar to their previous 4G only devices – Photon. Unfortunately the refurbished Overdrive Pros are all that impressive from the moment one […]

Interesting products and the Earhero Pro

July 8, 2013

I’ve recently started to follow the product launch and shopping site called The Grommet as a few of the recent product introductions are intriguing. The One Log Fire and Sun Mullet were both interesting project ideas for the do-it-yourselfer and the Lazy Bunz for … well … just being lazy in the pool or while […]

Cleaned my gutters this morning

July 6, 2013

Whoa! Lots of summer rain this morning and used the excuse to try a couple more panorama photos with the iPhone 5. I’m not sure how much came down or how fast, but from the water shedding off our back acreage (and neighbors) was significant, at least in Liberty Twp. Ohio. The morning was spend […]

This Key Lime Pie photo was suppose to post yesterday …

May 28, 2013

I still don’t have my Postie WordPress plug-in working from my iPhone, hmm?  So I’ll re-post the photo of the delicious Memorial Day pie that my wife made, since we still have one pie left for tonight. Mmm, it is THAT good  … and a long with the corn on the cob signifies that summer […]

Learning to manually shutdown my old Mercedes diesel

May 12, 2013

EDIT: Still working the bugs out of the WordPress plug-in Postie (missing the text?) when it comes to including images and video via email from my iPhone and iPad. The above is a short test video demonstrating shutting down an idling 1982 Mercedes Benz 300DT 5-cylinder diesel using the manual shutoff under the hood.

Tech Friday: iOS apps stuck in updating mode

April 19, 2013

Sometimes the iPhone or iPad will get stuck in updating mode from the App Store and no matter how many “kills” of the app or rebooting of the device the app continues to show a stuck progress bar or “waiting” message. Often an easy fix: On the home screen, tap the icon until you see […]

Financial markets down and Apple nears $400/share

April 17, 2013

Who is calling for Tim Cook’s head? Apple shares were down 4.7% to $406 this morning and nearing the psychological $400 mark. If it drops below that point, Apple executives better start circling the wagons if they haven’t already. The stock has not traded below the $400 mark since late December 2011 and have slid […]

The Apple HDTV or the Apple iWatch – which is better?

April 9, 2013

With Apple struggling to keep its stock price from dipping any lower (although it really doesn’t look like they care), analysts and tech watchers speculate that there will be an Apple HDTV offering and a less expensive (cheaper) iPhone, but who knows what the new product(s) will be? I’m in the camp that sees the […]

Opened the pool this weekend … before the snow started

March 24, 2013

I took advantage of a nice Saturday afternoon to open the pool before the snow started on Sunday. I’m adding water at the moment and am watching the snow at the moment … maybe I should take a swim? I’ve finally got the hang of closing with the right chemistry which makes turning things on […]

The Jawbone Jambox and testing the WordPress Postie plugin

March 20, 2013

The addition of a new bluetooth Jambox speaker has certainly improved the audio quality of my iPad … AND the new Postie plug-in for WordPress looks to be a great replacement for Posterous (shutting down next month). Here’s a 2 minute snippet from the iPhone of a post to our EAA284 site. Let’s see if […]

Impressed with the new half-priced Jambox bluetooth speakers

March 19, 2013

Occasionally I make one of those spur-of-the-moment impulse purchases that doesn’t give me buyer’s remorse. I have been wanting a bluetooth speaker to improve the sound coming from my iPhone or iPad without resorting to plugging in the 3.5mm cable or using earbuds. I thought, “hmm, this will work great on the desk and even […]

Where am I?… just for fun. [postie test]

February 28, 2013

Although this image is not realtime ( see this one for current), I was clearing a few photos off my iPhone and curious if the city skyline is familiar? Besides I wanted to see if my WordPress plugin Postie was still working.

School: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Science and CODING

The United States spends more on education than any other country in the world. Is the money we invest in our children focused on teaching the correct disciplines? Personally, I’m glad to have had math and science pushed during the space race of the 1960’s (thank you JFK) and the opportunity study engineering and technology […]

A War Between China and Japan: What It Could Cost You

February 16, 2013

Shared per Emily Stewart of Online MBA blog … Thanks.   Global economists are keeping their eyes glued to the Asia-Pacific region, where a bitter feud is brewing between two of the world’s most powerful nations over a small collectivity of islands in the East China Sea. The Chinese government argues that a treaty signed […]

Apple ($AAPL) to report earning after the closing bell

January 23, 2013

Apple Inc. (AAPL) will report results for its first fiscal quarter this afternoon. Investors are on pins and needles wondering just how business has been going with slowing computer sales and increased pressure from Android devices on iPhone and iPad sales. Apple stock has already been beaten down and if the numbers are lackluster could […]

Tech Friday: Protect your expensive phone for resale sake

January 11, 2013

Here’s a helpful “Tech Friday” post that is really just some smart advice – it has nothing to do with the photo of Tootsie above except that it was taken with the iPhone 5. Anyway, a client of mine regularly upgrades his high end phone (and now his iPad) every 2 years as permitted by […]

It is time to upgrade my original Slingbox and add an iOS app

November 19, 2012

Upgrades, discounts, sales, coupons … way too much temptation. There is yet another reason to ignore email advertising or online marketing. Unfortunately I’m not taking my own advice and caved in to SlingMedia’s offer of a discount to upgrade my device either of their newer Slingboxes – 350 or “melted and warped” 500. I’ve opted […]

Tech Friday: iOS Passbook, Eventbrite & RomneyRyan Rally

November 2, 2012

I found an excuse to use the Apple iOS Passbook app on the iPhone 5 yesterday while adding tickets to a Romney Ryan Real Recovery Road Rally being held tonight just north of Cincinnati in my hometown of West Chester Ohio. The ticket distribution site EventBrite makes easy checkout and automatically adds the QR coded […]

FreedomPop: A free wireless 4G Internet connection

October 8, 2012

Last week I started testing the new wireless Internet being offered by FreedomPop.com. The service is interesting because light data users can connect and use the Internet basically for “free.” Higher data use plans are available for those needing more, but requires paying for it, helping to build out the user base or completing offers […]

It is septic tank pumping day at our house

October 2, 2012

Maybe I’m just looking for an excuse to play with the panorama feature on my new iPhone 5, but decided to take a photo before digging to find the lid of the septic tank. The photo above is current October 2012 and the photo below was as we built the house in 1995 and put […]

How long will the dollar be worth a dollar?

September 27, 2012

After three rounds of Federal Reserve quantitative easing and the pumping money into the system, the economy remains depressed and there is growing concern over eventual inflation. The buying power of the U.S. dollar is noticeably weaker for those with stagnate earnings — most of middle-class America. Who knows when government inaction on trade, deficits, […]

Those Google Goggles may not be that far off?

September 26, 2012

The Internet was down for a while yesterday (might have been my network issue) and realized I could no longer tether to my Palm Pre. Now that I have the iPhone 5, I’ve lost the emergency wifi connection that had come in so handy. Hmm, next best thing was to connect my Kensington bluetooth keyboard […]

Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T Mobile: Comparing LTE markets

September 21, 2012

While waiting for delivery of a new 4G LTE phone, it made sense to compare carriers who currently have markets offering these higher data rates (currently Verizon, AT&T and Sprint). For many in the U.S. and overseas who are locked into existing contracts or not near LTE metro areas, buying a 4G LTE phone will […]

Apple’s iOS 6 is available for download to many devices

September 19, 2012

Ahead of the “hopeful” Friday delivery of a new gadget, the iPhone 5, I figured I’d give the new Apple iOS 6 a try on my iPad2. The download was made available this afternoon, but was a bit slow … which is no double due to it being 561 MB and that a “couple” other […]

HP Palm Pre 2 Be Resurrected as HP Android Bender?

September 18, 2012

Rumors arrive as soon as I succumb to Apple iOS and the new iPhone 5. Hmm … After HP ditched webOS, the Palm Pre and the HP TouchPad, it stopped producing smartphones at a great loss. Recent rumors suggest that HP will get back in the smartphone fold with an Android device. It has been […]

Android and Apple iOS devices to be less similar in the future

September 9, 2012

After Samsung’s recent lost to Apple in federal court, Android users will start to see a few changes to the look and feel of their phones and tablets and those being designed by Apple. One would assume that the individual manufacturer’s tweaks to Google’s Android — skins –will be modified from the current attempt to […]

One thing is for sure, Apple knows how to make money

September 7, 2012

I read a simple article reviewing where Apple ($AAPL) makes their money … product mix, not geographic location. Anyway, I thought it was interesting that they make over 70% of their total sales (trailing 12 months) on the iPhone and iPad … that in comparison to Macintosh computers, software and services and even their Music […]

Jury says Samsung infringed on six patents held by Apple

August 25, 2012

It’s no secret that I’m a long time Apple user and have done my part in supporting the company as computer and gadget buyer and as an $AAPL shareholder, but I’m also rebellious when their eco-system boxes out competitors. I dislike Apple telling me what software I can and can’t install on my computer devices […]

Investors are expecting strong sales and profits from Apple

August 6, 2012

At this point I’m still happy to be an Apple shareholder, although worry the current two week 10% stock price rise could be a little much for $AAPL. That said, the demand for their superior technology products coupled with their above industry profit margins … and devoted buyers … should keep the company flush with […]

Sprint and the Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE

August 1, 2012

I’m keeping my eyes on replacements for my Palm Pre and it is interesting to see what is being offered by Sprint. I’m also contemplating what the new iPhone will be like and if it will be worth the money. That said, I do like what I’m seeing from Motorola, as the physical keyboard does […]

Verizon’s New Sharing Plans Signal A Shift To Data

June 12, 2012

As our five phone Sprint plan nears the anniversary date, I’m continuing to look around at what others have to offer. I’m not anxious to re-up for 2 more years with any particular company, but not sure I’m ready to purchase five new phones just to be free of Sprint either. After a little reading, […]

Tech Friday: Zite – a personalized magazine app for the iPad

April 13, 2012

There are a number of news reading and article assembling type apps available for computer, phone and tablet platforms. I’ve looked at a few, but tend to shy away since they collect too many articles. Zite is a free one for the iPad (and iPhone) that I’m starting to like … probably because I’m only […]

My Apple iPad 2 and Kensington keyboard/folio thoughts

April 7, 2012

Here are a few more first impressions … well I suppose second impressions … as I start to incorporated the “new to me” Apple iPad 2 in my daily use. One of the additions wanted was a bluetooth keyboard and some kind of case, so added the Kensington KeyFolio Pro2 bluetooth keyboard and folio/case. The small […]

What does NASCAR, Tide and Twitter all have in common?

February 28, 2012

All highlighted at the Daytona 500 of course! In an odd turn of events, Sunday’s rain delayed big race was delayed further due to more rain for the Monday afternoon start, but eventually got underway Monday evening, much to the dismay of my wife (she would have preferred something other then watching cars turning left […]

Will Apple rescue an ailing Sprint?

January 31, 2012

After hearing an employee at Sprint talking about the iPhones  substantial impact on activations last week, I pondered the value of the carrier to Apple. With Sprint buying 30.5 million iPhones worth $20B to the cash rich Apple (AAPL) and the Sprint (S) trading at uncomfortable lows, there are rumors that Sprint needs to return […]

Apple looking to make a $400 million buy?

December 13, 2011

With the “in the news” section of Anorbit a bit quiet, the rumor that Apple may be buying the company makes the story a bit more interesting. There might be a good reason for cash rich Apple to begin acquiring a few more of the parts they need to assure production continues for their hot […]

Fooling around with the Kodak Playsport Zx5 in camera mode

November 1, 2011

Kodak Playsport Zx5 macro focus testing (click for larger) While shooting some video with the Brenda’s Kodak Playsport Zx5 this past weekend I thought about the excellent autofocus camera on the new iPhone 4s and decided to test the macro focus on our my wife’s all-weather camcorder; if the lighting and distance is right, it […]

Reports are hinting that HP is nailing the webOS coffin shut

October 31, 2011

Since HP’s new CEO, Meg Whitman, reversed course on spinning off their PC division (link), many who use and appreciate Touchpads and Pre smartphones have been hoping the same thing might happen for the webOS division. Some believe (or believed) that there was new hope for webOS devices like the Touchpad and Palm Pre smartphones […]

Bridging from a physical keyed phone to the virtual keyboard

October 13, 2011

If you were a Sprint users and were tempted to upgrader to a new Apple iPhone4s, but demanded a physical keyboard, would adding on a bluetooth slider be worth it? It would sure makes the slick iPhone a less attractive device to slip into a pocket, but if it worked well might be a nice […]

Cooler evening, still air and hot air balloons

October 9, 2011

As the autumn weather takes hold in my part of Ohio, we’re seeing a few more hot air balloons drifting by in the evening. This past weekend we had one a bit lower than usual which in turn set the dogs off in the neighborhood … especially when the gas burner roared. I happened to […]

Taking count of my Apple life after the passing of Steve Jobs

October 6, 2011

   I’ve been thinking about the passing of Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) and realized that there wasn’t enough time to include all I wanted over a lunch hour. First, his innovative vision, business savvy and keen sense of “what customers wanted” have earned him a place in my list of […]

Somewhat underwhelming was the anticipated Apple event

October 5, 2011

I wasn’t alone in paying attention to Tuesday’s much publicized Apple event which showcased a new an updated iPhone. Perhaps the enthusiastic hype isn’t Apple’s fault as “we” have reason to anxiously wait, considering the the cool new stuff that comes out of Cupertino California. Unfortunately the “updated” hardware and new software integration wasn’t as […]

Sprint to double Upgrade Fee to $36 starting September 9th

September 1, 2011

Good grief … when will the Sprint “nickel and diming” end? Yet another subtle increase coming to Sprint customers thinking about upgrading their phones. SprintFeed is reporting that we should brace ourselves for yet another hike in one-time charges on September 9th. This time, it’s the oh-so-beloved Upgrade Fee that’s the victim of inflation, getting […]

Good looking new Samsung Galaxy S2 coming to Sprint

August 29, 2011

As the news from HP/Palm sinks in for me in regards to a webOS Pre3 option (although rumors persist), I’m keeping my eyes on what new Android models might interest me. One of the new release from Samsung coming to Sprint (my carrier) looks pretty interesting from the surface – Samsung Galaxy S2. It is […]

Chucking at the perception of “4G”

August 12, 2011

In the tech and gadget world, few devices are attracting buyers like smartphones and their grown-up counterparts the “touchscreen” tablets. Besides deciding on which carrier offers the best price/service, consumers chose a mobile OS and the manufacturer of their device. One of the most confusing decisions we make is “4G” — a loosely defined higher […]

Smartphones and mobile apps are all sharing your personal info

April 27, 2011

Most of us understand computer tracking cookies and many users (and web browsers) to make easier for users to keep some of their information private. Obviously advertisers and content providers see your online information valuable (just as do physical store offering credit and ID cards for discounts, etc). The latest stories in the news have […]

Eye-Fi SD X2 cards play nicely with the Apple iPad

April 21, 2011

I’ve enjoyed my older Anniversary Edition Eye-Fi SD card for a couple of years now and have appreciated the way it uploads photos to my waiting computer via my home wi-fi access point. I’ve been watching Eye-Fi innovations and have often thought how much much more convenient it would be to have photos uploaded directly […]

Apple CEO Steve Jobs says US will have iPad2 on March 11th

March 2, 2011

The big tech announcement today came as Steve Jobs introduced a follow up iPad 2 to Apple’s previous tablet success. Apple has pretty much been the only game in town since the introduction of the iPad. This year’s model isn’t necessarily full of surprises, but does hold the price point while adding a camera, some […]

Just a few sharks off Florida’s Gold Coast

February 1, 2011

Should I show this to my wife (or hold back) before she heads out for her hours of long distance swimming off Florida’s Gold Coast? I’ve never seen that many sharks in one place and am surprised to see that many migrating in such tight schools along Florida’s east coast. [flv:Sharks_spotted_PalmBeach.flv 490 260] Pilot Steve […]

Learning a bit more about the “4G” network hype

January 11, 2011

While staying on the smartphone subject trend, I’ve been curious as to where the market is going besides the phone’s hardware and operating system – yesterday’s grumbling about HP/Palm and webOS. The devices is only half the picture and far less of the investment – the carrier may be the game changer. In reading a […]

My continued Palm Pre webOS grumbling, although with hope

January 10, 2011

Well I’m not giving up on the HP/Palm and their WebOS entirely just yet as it does look as if there might be a few improvements in the new 2.01 operating system to keep me happy with my current Palm Pre for a little bit longer … if it is made available? Thanks to a […]

Android phones show strong growth in the smartphone market

January 4, 2011

It’s not hard to gauge the dominate players in smartphone market … iPhone, Android and Blackberry, the later feeling the pressure no doubt. Here’s a link to a good article by Joe Wilcox that sums up who is the biggest beneficiary of Apple’s one carrier (ATT) deal … the Android OS with its many carriers […]

A video look at the French released Palm Pre 2

November 6, 2010

Although the new HP Palm Pre 2 has shown up in France, and according to rumors (an accidental web posting) will be available on Verizon in a couple days, I’m having a hard time getting too excited. That’s probably a good thing since my carrier Sprint may not have it for a while. The added […]

John Kasich: To win in November, focus on smaller and local

July 19, 2010

Candidate for governor John Kasich would be smart to focus his campaign on what is impacting Ohio residents — focus on “smaller and local” needs: Jobs, Economy & Taxes. As the Tip O’Neill saying goes, “all politics is local.” There isn’t anything quite as local as a paycheck and a job … whether one is […]

Google Docs now works much better on the Palm Pre

June 28, 2010

Thanks for the tip Dieter Bohn – PreCentral.net … Google Docs is much improved on the Palm Pre; it is actually usable now!   Fire up Google Docs on your webOS browser and you’ll find a nicer interface, courtesy of Google finally up and getting Document viewing working for Android browsers. The Google Mobile Blog […]

Windows: So Easy Even a Child Can Do It

June 22, 2010

I found this online security story from one of the tech blogs I read interesting. This is from Paul Thurrott who co-wrote the book Windows 7 Secrets who shared a bit about his kids online spending spree. This is amusing to me because my kids are 8 and 12 years old. You may have heard […]

Sly as a Fox: Or is it just ‘genius’ in Apple’s case?

June 7, 2010

FLASH VIDEO REMOVED While watching smartphones and connected portable devices (tablets and pads) continue to take center stage in the technology world, it is interesting to contemplate the marketing and “name recognition” angle.  I spotted a forum post sensing that Steve Jobs of Apple knew exactly what he was doing in releasing their new iPhone […]

One year with Palm webOS and the Pre smartphone

May 17, 2010

It seems much longer than a year, but the Palm based webOS smartphone has been out for almost 1 year  on the Sprint network. It has expanded to Verizon and recently to AT&T and is available through carriers in Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, Irerland, Spain and France. Still, between the recession ridden economy and stiff […]

Which takeover would be better for Palm and webOS users?

April 11, 2010

After the stock bouncing on Friday, Palm Inc shareholders and smartphone users continue to speculate just was will happen to their financially troubled company. Rumors continue to be battered around (article below) as having interest in Palm – the latest being HTC Corp. On a personal note, I am beginning to embrace my Palm Pre […]

Apple iPad is made available to the public today

April 3, 2010

Once more Apple has inspired their devoted advocates into waiting in long lines for the chance to get a limited number of “first” iPad tablet computing devices — link. Many believe that the new product will usher in a new wave of computing, one that is slotted between the smartphone led by the Apple iPhone […]

First iPad Reviews Are In – Apple iPad

March 31, 2010

Gizmodo posts a few first look iPad review snippets from the “pro” technology gadget reviewers. Do you want an iPad? http://gizmodo.com/5506824/first-ipad-reviews-are-in The first iPad reviews are in and so far they’re sounding pretty great with very few reservations. Here are the highlights of what the early reviewers are saying: The WSJ’s Walt Mossberg is in […]

Volkswagen to push “Think Blue” to the automotive forefront

February 27, 2010

Starting February 27th, Volkswagen will be implementing a "Think Blue" marketing campaign stressing the company’s focus on "sustainable mobility" which to CinciTDI and TDIClub members highlights the fuel efficiency of VW TDI diesel vehicles and the environmental awareness of new "clean diesel" TDIs and biodiesel fuel options. Volkswagen is building on the "BlueMotion" label and […]

Checking PALM stock health awaiting for 1.4 webOS update

February 25, 2010

While waiting for the expected Palm webOS 1.4 anticipated update, I’ve been thankful not to have invested in PALM stock after last years new products. As more and more competitors jump into the smartphone market and take the limelight off the Pre and Pixi phones, the concern is over the profitability (and survival) of the […]

Dreaming Up Textbooks on an Apple Tablet

January 5, 2010

While I enjoyed reading on my daughter’s new “Nook” last week, it still leaves much to be desired. A well designed “tablet” might eventually be the best option. It will be interesting to see how Apple sees there up and coming device fitting in to the niche. By Geoffrey A. Fowler With Apple’s much-hyped tablet […]

New Palm webOS powered Pixi already being discounted

November 20, 2009

Neither Palm or Sprint can be happy seeing the recently released (11/15/2009) Palm Pixi being heavily discounted by big box retailers who are handling their new “mass appear” smartphone product. The struggling Palm has had good press and reviews for its sleek Palm Pre and was no doubt hoping to build on the buzz with […]

Worth a chuckle from Wired Magazine

September 24, 2009

Wired Magazine‘s Streeter Seidell offered a bit of tech humor with the 10 Best Things We’ll say to Our Grandkids, with an illustration by Nishant Choksi (well I probably won’t say it … but perhaps my kids will). 😕 1. Back in my day, we only needed 140 characters. 2. There used to be so […]

Smartphone ownership may not be so fiscally smart

July 31, 2009

While on vacation ( updated blog posts here) I happened to meet a UK ‘tech writer’ who was up-to-date on the current smartphones. He has several phones and was comparing both the Palm Pre and iPhone 3Gs ( no UK GSM phone service for Pre yet). I found his comparison interesting and was very impressed […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog