RichC | March 1, 2023
With student loan forgiveness in the news again as the U.S. Supreme Court looks at the Constitutionality of President Biden’s authority with a stroke of his pen to be able to forgive student loans. Common sense would question the question of this extraordinary power, but past presidents have paused payments due to emergencies … so […]
Category: Education, Financial, Memories, News, Personal |
Tags: afsa, biden, college, executive, forgiveness, letter, order, president, student loans, supreme court
RichC | June 26, 2022
Friday’s Supreme Court decision has us all pondering where our country is heading? We’ve had 65 million legal abortions since 1973 and now after 50 years of “abortion being a protected right” since the Rowe v. Wade ruling, we breaking new ground. As some have said, “science and sonograms have enlightened most people on the issue […]
Category: Faith, News, Politics |
Tags: abortion, dobbs, rights, rowe v wade, supreme court
RichC | September 5, 2021
Last week I downloaded a new library app called Libby that is an Overdrive component for audiobooks for borrowing digitally from the library. I put it to use immediately after checking out the Bill O’Reilly book “Killing the SS.” So far it is very interesting considering I’m only in chapter 2, but love the storytelling […]
Category: Audio, Books, History, Tidbits |
Tags: audiobook, bill o'reilly, frewsburg, jamestown, killing the ss, libby app, library, nazi, new york, nuremberg trials, overdrive, robert h. jackson, supreme court, tidbits
RichC | November 10, 2020
It has been a long week since the 2020 Presidential Election and I haven’t posted or commented on the vote or “media reported results” regarding several projections as to Joe Biden being our president-elect. For me, the tabulation of votes in key swing states is very close and legitimately contested based on several questionable issues […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: commentary, corruption, donald trump, election, election2020, fraud, joe biden, law, News, opinion, Politics, president, presidential, supreme court
RichC | October 9, 2020
A Hollywood style TRUMP sign goes up in California “on private property” … then it is promptly taken down by California Department of Transportation citing “a life and safety issue.” Hm … I’m sure that’s what it was … and that it has nothing to do with the aggressive, anti-Trump, left-leaning politics of politicians in […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: california, campaign, censorship, constitution, election, Politics, sarcasm, supreme court, trump
RichC | October 29, 2019
It has been 26 years since the U.S. Supreme Court decided on Roe v. Wade. In 1973, our nine justices decided that pregnant women should have the right to legally choose an abortion (would it be different today?). Our national debate has continued non-stop for decades, but the call is getting louder to re-address the issue […]
Category: Education, Faith, Health, History, Human Interest, Science, Technology |
Tags: abortion, imaging, life, medical, pro-choice, pro-life, roe v wade, science, statistics, supreme court, ultrasound, worldmeter
RichC | October 6, 2018
As we watch the Brett Kavanaugh hearing play out in the political circus that has become Washington DC politics, some Americans have lost sight that there are actual people and lives at the center of these hearings. Senate confirmation hearings were once straight forward, and usually concluded with a vote to confirm, if the appointed […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: brett kavanaugh, government, hearing, nomination, nytimes, opinion, Politics, scotus, senate, supreme court
RichC | February 14, 2016
Politics and the upcoming presidential election seem to be dominating the discussion in my online social networking circles … at least on my Twitter feed. The news of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death on the afternoon of the South Carolina GOP Debate Saturday left most who appreciated his 30 years of conservative jurisprudence in a very […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: campaign, gopdebate, scalia, south carolina, supreme court
RichC | June 28, 2015
Read ONLY if you don’t’ mind getting lost in the weeds. I felt bit lost in my own country after the Supreme Court decisions this week and am concerned for the future. As a Christian, I’m trying to looking past my own traditional value and faith-based Biblical beliefs which have long been part of our […]
Category: History, News, Politics |
Tags: History, marriage, opinion, riots, scotus, supreme court, values
RichC | June 27, 2015
Read ONLY if you don’t’ mind getting lost in the weeds. I felt bit lost in my own country after the Supreme Court decisions this week and am concerned for the future. As a Christian, I’m trying to looking past my own traditional value and faith-based Biblical beliefs which have long been part of our […]
Category: History, News, Politics |
Tags: History, marriage, opinion, riots, scotus, supreme court, values