RichC | July 31, 2011
If you’ve ever enjoyed a summer (or fall, spring or winter) trip to Traverse City Michigan, you then know that it is a great All American town. I’ll bet you’ll love this Traverse City LibDub 2011 video, at least I know Michigander Steve will, although some Buckeyes are pretty set in their ways?
Category: Travel, Video |
Tags: libdub, michigan, Travel, traverse city, vacation
RichC | November 15, 2010
The 2004 Jean-Claude Picot seriolithograph from our trip to Bermuda this past summer finally arrived (Trip archive: Post 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ). I’m saving an image of the painting so that at least I’ll have a record somewhere. Our Saturday afternoon unboxing Since 1956, Jean Claude Picot has been working exclusively as […]
Category: Archive, Art |
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Tags: archive, artwork, bermuda, cruise, vacation
RichC | October 31, 2010
The final day of our mini-vacation was spent in the sun and ocean. We relaxed on the beach and enjoyed the sunshine and warm wind. The waves were large enough to make the body surfing fun as Brenda and I soaked up the last few hours before getting ready to head for home. While I […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: aviation, b-17, ocean, surfing, vacation, wwii
RichC | August 23, 2010
I’m wrapping up a final post from a fantastic family summer vacation. The trip to Bermuda and back has me wondering where the week went? The time was both relaxing and exciting … and especially nice considering the four of us enjoyed it together – I probably should “thank” Brenda for pushing the trip even […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
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Tags: bermuda, dawn, family, ncl, vacation
RichC | August 22, 2010
Being an atoll, Bermuda is surrounded and protected by an outer barrier reef system which would be more appropriately named a “great barrier reef” since it rings the entire chain of islands. The distance to the outer reef varieties from 1 to 9 miles offshore. Today we “sailed” (powered due to light wind) several miles […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: bermuda, family, ncl dawn, snorkeling, vacation
RichC | August 20, 2010
No we’re not the next Tucker family (Teddy Tucker) of Bermuda and even though we were looking at one of the 200+ shipwrecks around the “Devil’s Islands,” we did not find gold. Another day of water sports and fun in the sun, today was spent kayaking over the coral colonies, looking at fish and an […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: bermuda, family, ncl dawn, sunset, vacation
RichC | August 19, 2010
Day 2 of our family vacation was spent on a southeast leisurely passage at about 8 knots cruising toward Bermuda from New York City aboard the NCL Dawn. We enjoyed a sunny day at sea relaxing on one of the aft decks … a surprisingly private spot. Although the sun was tropical, the breeze over […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
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Tags: bermuda, cruise, dawn, ncl, vacation
RichC | August 18, 2010
On Sunday we arrived at NYC and boarded the NCL Dawn for Bermuda. Sprint 3G bandwidth is nearly non-existent with MyTether on the Palm Pre at the docks. 🙁 On the other hand, not much to say about our Delta flight from Cincinnati to NYC and traffic heavy but quick transfer through the city. […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
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Tags: bermuda, dawn, ncl, new york, nyc, vacation
RichC | March 9, 2010
While I do enjoy a routine that includes focusing what’s going on in the world, it’s nice to escape and check out for a few days. After a perfect ‘beach Monday,’ our day Tuesday was cloudy and smattered with sprinkles, although temps were in the 70’s. We spent the morning hiding from the rain, but […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
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Tags: delray beach, florida, vacation
RichC | March 8, 2010
We’re enjoying a relaxing spring day listening to the wind and waves in the Florida sunshine. It is a welcome change from the 2009 – 2010 winter that seemed to have lasted long enough, at least in our corner of Ohio. Hopefully we will return in a couple days feeling regenerated … I’m sensing my batteries […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Travel |
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Tags: beach, break, delray, dunes, florida, sand, spring, vacation
RichC | August 1, 2009
While updating my blog for yet another day from our recent vacation, I noticed that backdating vacation posts was more the norm than an exception. I glanced at the “Years ago on this date” right sidebar and re-enjoyed my blog archive about summer of 2005 trip to Calgary, Alberta, which was posted in August after […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: alberta, archive, calgary, canada, canadian rockies, taylor, vacation
RichC | July 26, 2009
The final flight crosses the Ohio River and lands at CVG We arrived home safely after a long day of traveling. Up at 4:45 AM in Southampton UK (5 hrs ahead of home EST) and grabbed a quick breakfast on the NCL Jade before ‘debarking’ and recovering our luggage. The trip to London Heathrow was […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: europe, jade, ncl, vacation
RichC | July 21, 2009
Today, we mark our return sail back toward the west steaming east in the Mediterranean on this near perfect day. The sky is blue, the water bluer and there is just enough breeze for a lone sailboat to make way well out in the clear horizon (digitally enlarged 300mm telephoto above). It’s now day 10 […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Travel |
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Tags: cruise, europe, jade, ncl, vacation
RichC | July 20, 2009
We debarked in Chivitavecchia, Italy on Monday and headed by bus to the ancient city of Rome (Roma) and a visit to the Vatican. The thoughts that I had prior to visiting Rome were of just another old and somewhat dirty city, but the impression I left with was one of awe … and a […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: cruise, europe, italy, jade, ncl, rome, vacation, vatican
RichC | July 18, 2009
It is hard to believe that I can actually lose track of time while less than a week into a vacation, but knowing I’m posting a day or two behind has me looking at the calendar for perspective. We are having a great time and enjoying our vacation … both the rest and relaxation of […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Travel |
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Tags: europe, jade, ncl, vacation
RichC | July 17, 2009
As usual, I’m behind in jotting down a few notes in which to archive our trip and thoughts after a couple of days in Spain. We toured the old part of the city of Barcelona (only wide enough streets to walk) and thankfully had our English speaking guide in which to mention several relevant spots […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Travel |
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Tags: barcelona, europe, jade, ncl, vacation
RichC | July 16, 2009
After a long day in Malaga, Spain we set sail at 6PM on Wednesday evening. We were all tired out from our day and turned in with a movie on our cabin (Benjamin Button) after a celebration Japanese dinner. Celebration since the scores for my daughter’s Step One medical boards were passing (taken after year […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: europe, jade, ncl, spain, vacation
RichC | July 14, 2009
We spent day two and now three of our vacation at sea and are enjoying the day’s relaxing … as well as eating (too much food). The weather was cooler on Monday, but much warmer today. The winds the first day out were near gale force as we traveled south from the English Channel through […]
Category: Personal, Travel |
Tags: cruise, jade, ncl, vacation
RichC | July 12, 2009
View of the Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 in the berth once home to the Titanic The first day of vacation proved to be an excellent 8 hour through the night flight direct from CVG (Cincinnati) to London. Thankfully we processed through customs relatively painlessly after gathering our luggage and taking a motor coach (bus) to […]
Category: Personal, Travel |
Tags: europe, jade, ncl, vacation
RichC | June 18, 2008
My own family has ganged up on me in a ‘vacation’ game of Risk. Its been an enjoyable few days on vacation and we’re all getting plenty of sun — although it has been raining on and off here in Delray Beach, Florida. Today was particularly nice as we topped off the day with a […]
Category: Misc, Personal |
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Tags: brenda, family, florida, katelyn, taylor, vacation
RichC | August 1, 2007
We enjoyed being out of touch on an extra long weekend these past few days with my family celebrating my parent’s 50th Wedding Anniversary. Its is wonderful mile-marker for mom and dad which provides both my brother and me with an excellent marriage example. Our families booked a semi-surprise long weekend at The Water’s Edge […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Travel |
1 Comment »
Tags: anniversary, dadc, family, island, momc, trip, vacation
RichC | July 31, 2006
I’m looking for a light reading book for my upcoming vacation. Geoffrey Nunberg’s book, Talking Right, might just be the ticket. It looks humorous enough to keep the reading light, but topical enough to hold my interest. I’m open for opinions and will offer a few tidbits if they are worthy after our family vacation. […]
Category: Books, Travel, Video |
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Tags: book, conservative, mp4, reading, vacation
RichC | August 2, 2005
I had planned on updating our trip to the Canadian Rockies daily, but as with most vacations, the time went by way too fast, besides that, the days were long and tiring. My son and I flew into Calgary, Alberta the last week in July and were picked up by Jeff, a long time friend […]
Category: Friends, Misc, Personal, Photos, Recreation, Travel |
Tags: alberta, canada, canadian rockies, canmore, jeffp, rockies, taylor, vacation