RichC | December 14, 2021
Looking at the rear brake wear on Brenda’s 2010 Acura RDX is not a sign that I’ve been taking good care of her car, but she did mention her brakes were squealing a bit last month. By the time I got around to ordering brakes and discs for both the dual-piston fronts and rears, it […]
Category: Acura, Advice, Automotive, BMW, Photos |
Tags: acura, BMW, brakes, brenda, caliper, cars, disc, maintenance, rdx, repair, rotor, service, x5 35d
RichC | December 8, 2021
Since part one of a couple of blog photo posts will be pubic and not include family, I’ll archive it first. I finished (hopefully) the NINE trailer loads of leaves I mulched and raked in the front yard this year. Oh for the pre-Global Warming and now Climate Change days of burning leaves rather than […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: brakes, caliper, chores, electrical, home, house, leaves, office, passthru, projects, qled, richc, samsung, television, tools, yardwork
RichC | November 7, 2020
After a long time in a repair shop, I brought the 1958 Packard Hawk back from some transmission repair work. It came back very dusty, but I didn’t notice any damage to the paint or body (yet). The entire process from initial quote to final bill and slowness was a bit disconcerting. It was not […]
Category: Automotive, Packard, Video |
Tags: aaa, battery, benhase, brakes, engine, hawk, mp4, packard, repair, running, towing, transmission
RichC | August 29, 2020
On Friday afternoon I stopped in to talk with Rick Benhase, the guy looking at the Packard transmission for me. He is a truly old car nut and can’t seem to get rid of his “fleet” once he buys or fixes them. This applies to more than just cars, too (read below if you must […]
Category: Automotive, Hobby, MGB, Packard |
1 Comment
Tags: automotive, brakes, british, hobby, luddite, mgb, packard, printing, repairs, rick benhase, transmission, turner, woodworking
RichC | July 5, 2016
As mentioned on Saturday, the project over the July 4th holiday was to put the new plastic parts shielding the engine bay from the cabin air and water drains back under the hood of our 2010 BMW X5 35d. I’m not sure it quiets the diesel engine all that much, but should be an improvement […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel |
Tags: bay, BMW, brakes, diesel, engine, hood, plastic, SUV, x5 35d
RichC | June 25, 2016
In rounding out and connecting the dots in a couple previous posts, I’ll summarize with a short post and what happened. When reinstalling the brake caliper slides the other day on the BMW X5 35d, I snapped off my Craftsman branded hex socket when tightening down the slide. It was careless on my part as […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel, Shopping, Tools |
Tags: amazon, BMW, brakes, diesel, parts, tools, x5 35d
RichC | June 21, 2016
It was past time for brake maintenance as the wear sensor on the BMW X5 35d has been warning me to replace the front brakes for weeks. After a bit of research, I opted for the Power Stop (17-1294) Evolution-Plus Ceramic brakes and am hoping to reduce the dirty brake dust. I’m hoping for continued […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Diesel, How-To, Photos |
Tags: BMW, brakes, ceramic, disc, evolution, powerstop, rotor, x5 35d
RichC | January 20, 2015
Once I priced a rebuilt brake caliper the 1982 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel, I knew I would be rebuilding the the caliper this past weekend, especially since the seal kit was only $9.00 on eBay. The project was pretty straight forward, but removing the old “baked” on seals was not as easy at one might […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, How-To, Mercedes, Tools |
Tags: 300d, brakes, caliper, mercedes, rebuild, turbodiesel, W123
RichC | May 18, 2013
I’ve been taking too many things apart and not putting them back together fast enough, so before I go any further, I think I’ll put some new parts back on? (forgetting where all my parts are from and where they go) I’m okay with working on brakes, rotors and wheel bearing, although I’m having […]
Category: Automotive, Mercedes, Personal, Photos |
Tags: 300d, bearing, brakes, diesel, mercedes, turbo
RichC | May 8, 2013
I was up late Tuesday night taking apart the well crusted rear brakes on the new to me 31 year old Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel. It was a slower than usual process as the quality brakes were nearly down to metal to metal contact and so will require new rotor/drums as well as hoses and […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Mercedes |
Tags: 300d, brakes, mercedes, turbodiesel, W123, wheels
RichC | March 15, 2013
While Brenda spends the week getting the house ready for an in town bridal shower for Katelyn, Taylor and I did our best to stay out of her way. We decided to replaced the rear brakes on his Volkswagen GTI earlier this week while he was home on spring break … although am sure he […]
Category: Automotive, Personal, Volkswagen |
Tags: brakes, gti, taylor, vw
RichC | May 9, 2010
My wife’s aging 1998 Toyota Rav4 has been a great car for 215,000 miles. We’ve had minimal maintenance over the years and although it is showing signs (and has been) of heavy use, it’s still running strong. The Rav4 has offered both my kids a good platform to “learn to drive” and has seen its […]
Category: Audio, Automotive, Humor, Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: brakes, miami, mp3, oxford, Rav4, taylor, ticket, toyota
RichC | February 7, 2010
Replaced the rear brakes on my daughter’s 2001 Volkswagen Jetta TDI for the second time in its life this weekend. They were in pretty bad shape, but I enjoyed being able to exchange the “liftetime warranty pads” at Autozone for free. The loner tool program and easy to use warranty make it a “recommended” place […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Volkswagen |
Tags: autozone, brakes, oreillyauto, tdi, volkswagen, vw