RichC | December 2, 2022
It is hard to believe that watching sports and movies on a 37" television just isn’t satisfactory enough these days? So when I saw a Walmart pre-Black Friday deal on a 65" TCL Roku TV for $228, I could not pass up the deal. It is very impressive for the money and a perfect upgrade […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: christmas, condo1718, costco, deal, flashback, florida, lights, memories, tcl roku, tech friday, techfriday, television, tv, walmart
RichC | November 26, 2021
Trying to keep a mish-mash of smart devices running in our home is proving to be challenging. Not only do some devices deplete batteries at inconvenient times, but other fail due to technical glitches that I can only assume are due to software or server failures or updates gone wrong? Thankfully only a few smart […]
Category: Gadget, Technology |
Tags: Alexa, customer service, devices, led, lights, sengled, smart, smart home
RichC | December 24, 2019
For some reason, the full text of this post and photo of our 2019 family Christmas tree went missing … or maybe it didn’t post to the blog? Oh well, at least here’s the archived photo of our tree:
Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal, Photos |
Tags: christmas, christmas tree, decorate, decoration, eve, Holiday, lights, merry christmas, ornaments, poem, twas the night before
RichC | September 22, 2019
Made my favorite “good weather” drive this past week on I-40 through Tennessee and North Carolina (photo above) and visited my undeserved friends Mark and Dar Jones who recently moved to a new townhouse outside of Savannah, Georgia. What a comfortable place for both of them … offering “walk-ability” for Dar with her limited eyesight […]
Category: Friends, Personal, Photos, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: boat, cabin, dar jones, driving, encore, florida, friends, georgia, hospitality, lights, maintenance, mark jones, verdigris
RichC | December 9, 2018
One fluorescent fixture at a time … that’s how I’ve been updating the old tubes in two and four light panels to LEDs. Unfortunately I’m ending up with a mish-mash of inexpensive and unfortunately questionable quality LED strips assembled into plastic tubes. Advice: stick to name brand and big box store lights – ie. Phillips, […]
Category: Energy, Hobby, How-To, Tidbits |
Tags: convert, efficiency, energy, florescent, laundry, led, lights, tubes, workshop
RichC | October 28, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, bathroom, condo1718, delray beach, florida, hooks, kitchen, led, lights, remodel, shower, update
RichC | February 18, 2018
Too many times in life I find myself fiddling to repairs something that really just needs to be thrown away. Case in point (see interesting idiom explanation below) … I brought home an LED fixture that replaced a higher wattage halogen bulb that works well in Encore‘s cabin, but for some reason the pin/plugs must have […]
Category: Idioms, Misc, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: encore, epoxy, fixture, idioms, led, lights, repair, sailboat
RichC | December 23, 2017
Just a beautiful sky (photos doesn’t do it justice) as the new LED Christmas spots and candle lights pop on as I head up the driveway. Good for the blog archive. After a cold start, having sunny but cool weather right before Christmas is welcomed … but should be thinking about getting the blower put […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Personal, Photos, Weather |
Tags: christmas, house, john deere, led, lights, photo, sky, snowblower, weather
RichC | December 4, 2017
It is hard to believe, but I finally winterized the pool and in the same weekend brought home a Christmas tree, put the wreathes up and modified the lighting we use on the house in December. The first years we used 150 watt incandescent floods (also had halogens at some point), then I switched to […]
Category: Energy, Personal, Photos |
Tags: christmas, closing, flood, house, led, lights, pool
RichC | April 4, 2017
Although Pinterest isn’t my thing, it is a good place for "lookers" to collect ideas. One of the items yet to order for the kitchen upgrade will be counter height stools and my daughter, who is on maternity leave, said she would do some looking on Pinterest (whew, I don’t have to look there!). The […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
Tags: construction, kitchen, lights, pendant, project, remodel, stools, upgrade
RichC | November 29, 2016
It is a little disappointing to not get the number of hours out of LED bulbs as they advertise … something in the neighborhood of 50,000 hours. I’m not sure there is any warranty on Chinese Ebay bulbs, but I do know that I really liked these smaller "very low wattage" bulbs as outdoor end […]
Category: Energy, Misc, Shopping |
Tags: bulbs, cfl, ebay, efficiency, electric, led, lightbulb, lights
RichC | May 15, 2016
After having success in replacing a couple less expensive warm white 2 foot florescent light tubes with LED tubes the other day, I opted to order a couple 4 foot LED tubes to replace my failing "cheap" shoplights over my garage workbench (eBay $22 w/shipping). I often leave this light on 24 hours a […]
Category: Energy, Misc, Shopping |
Tags: ebay, florescent, led, lights, replacement, workbench, workshop
RichC | December 6, 2015
Actually needed a photo to test the new server running WordPress.
Category: Holiday, Personal, Photos |
Tags: christmas, house, lights
RichC | April 5, 2015
The advantage of having a “desultory” blog is that I can archive any and everything without guilt. This post includes a collection of photos from last weekends’ projects aboard Encore. First, I added a small semi-permanent shelf to the galley for our Sodastream device. Although I haven’t convinced Brenda to give up her cans of […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Sailing |
Tags: alternator, belt, encore, led, lights, regulator, repairs, sailboat, sodastream
RichC | November 24, 2014
A little damp where I’m at, but at least it was far warmer than points north this past weekend. I’m sure glad not to still be closing up my mother-in-laws farmhouse in western New York … whew, just missed traveling in the “Snowvember.” One of the projects I worked on was installing new LED navigation […]
Category: Sailing, Weather |
Tags: encore, led, lights, Navigation, solar, vents
RichC | June 25, 2012
Archiving a few Encore “thinkering” photos so as to begin searching for upgrades. The four smaller reading lights are currently halogen and draw too many amps and create too much heat for the boat. I’m hoping to be able to replace them with warm-white LED bulbs as they improve and come down in price. ( […]
Category: Archive, Sailing |
Tags: alpenglow, encore, generator, honda, led, lights, saiboat
RichC | December 4, 2009
In a follow up to my post concerning defective Christmas lights, I’ve been working to salvage strings of mini lights before tossing them into the landfill. So far I’ve been pleased the Lightkeeper Pro and have been successful in being able to repair at least a dozens strands of lights. The fixes have not been […]
Category: How-To, Technology |
Tags: christmas, lights, tools
RichC | December 1, 2009
I know that I’m not the only one ‘collecting’ tangles of miniature Christmas lights which grows each season as the decorations are packed and unpacked. I’ve vowed a number of times to either fix or dispose of the faulty and half lit strings. This year, knowing my repairman patience is nearing it limit, I’m giving […]
Category: How-To, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: christmas, lights, tools