RichC | November 6, 2020
Although it was announced in October 2020, most existing Netflix subscribers won’t be feeling the 8% price hike immediately (new pricing over the next few months) … but prices are going up again. In our house we also have Amazon Prime for the movies and Prime shipping, but haven’t added any other services … our […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies, Social Media |
Tags: brenda, increase, Movies, netflix, price, social dilemma, streaming, subscription
RichC | March 22, 2020
We are definitely not the only ones praying a little bit more that usual nowadays while listening to those who are trying to help the country and world manage and get through the Coronavirus threat. I reluctantly worry about the elderly and less capable of fending for themselves especially if they have underlying health issue […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Movies, Personal, Photos |
Tags: abrams, ada ohio, airventure, amazon prime, bookshelves, brenda, college, coronavirus, covid19, family, gas pump, motel, Movies, netflix, onu, painting, prayer, richc, spielberg, stay at home, streaming, super 8, super8, vacation
RichC | August 5, 2019
While Brenda and I wait for the new season of our favorite book-to-television Amazon Prime’s “Man In The High Castle” series, we (or should I really say “she”) got hooked on the popular binge watched series “Stranger Things.” It is amazing how our television habits have changed in this past decade? Gone are the weekend […]
Category: Automotive, Movies, News, Photos, Video-TV |
Tags: amazon, content, diesel, elergy, films, hillbilly, man in the high castle, mercedes, Movies, netflix, prime, ron howard, series, stranger things, streaming, tdi, volkswagen, W123
RichC | January 18, 2019
The recent price increases rumbling through the economy are starting to be felt in the products we all use and have learned to appreciate. One of the services I’ll likely eliminate before the monthly price increase is the streaming service Netflix. We did this once before, but with all the new added content and lack […]
Category: Business, Computer, Entertainment, Marketing, Memories, Movies, Personal, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: adobe, budget, computers, email, expenses, magazines, mailbox, microsoft, netflix, overhead, reading, Software, subscriptions, tech friday, techfriday, ups
RichC | July 27, 2018
If you have any vested interest in the stock market, Thursday’s huge drop for social networking’s behemoth Facebook ($FB), demonstrated what go up, can come down … and can come down fast! The "biggest ever one-day loss in market value for a U.S. listed company" happened yesterday and saw investors in $FB (or any pension […]
Category: Financial, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: FAANG, facebook, fb, investing, netflix, nflx, stocks, tech friday, trading, wsj
RichC | March 25, 2018
Looking back (post from March 2015) on technology buys over the past few years, it is hard for me to put my finger on a favorite … besides the smartphone which surly#1? But push come to shove for #2 … it is likely the Apple iPad as I use it far more that I ever […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: amazon, apple, appletv, brenda, dvr, favorite, ipad, netflix, roku, smartphone, vcr
RichC | January 26, 2018
We watched the premiere David Letterman series on Netflix with President Barack Obama the other night and both Brenda and I were impressed with the likeability our previous president exhibited – reminiscent of why he was elected in 2008 (Letterman, not so much). Obama was baited numerous times by David Letterman to weigh in negatively […]
Category: Entertainment, Politics |
Tags: interview, letterman, netflix, obama, opinion, president, united states
RichC | April 9, 2017
Survey and ratings systems are a pet peeve of mine ever since finding out many places that use a rating scale (like 1- 5 or 0 – 10), will only count a perfect score as suitable to reward, complement or evaluate service, products and employees in a positive way. I’ve even stopped trying to offer […]
Category: Business, Movies |
1 Comment
Tags: netflix, ratings, review, stars, survey, thumbs
RichC | July 13, 2015
Back in mid-2011, Netflix management frustrated their users by splitting their DVD and streaming services. They upped subscriber subscriptions by 60% in some cases and created a flurry of cancelations. The CEO, Reed Hastings, came out publically and admitted he “messed up.” He was of course responding to both angry users and the shareholder who […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: investing, netflix, nflx, stock
RichC | October 24, 2011
The loss of subscribers was not a surprise to those angry with the boneheaded decisions from Netflix management (2) … but I think even those who “modified” their plans are surprised at the shear numbers who left in the 3rd quarter – 810,000 subscribers! Ouch … a painful loss after hours Monday for those stock […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: netflix
RichC | October 1, 2011
So far I have been satisfied with our relatively low cost purchase of a Roku 2XD as a way to stream Internet content to our plasma TV. The Roku is must quicker to navigate than our TivoHD and offers a simple interface and one HDMI wire set up. Amazon online movie rentals worked great and […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies, Technology |
Tags: amazon, gbtv, glenn beck, netflix, roku
RichC | September 19, 2011
After talking with a few disgruntled NetFlix subscribers (and ex-subscribers) this morning, I can attest that I’m not the only one thinking “spin-off” after CEO Reed Hastings relays the news that their new DVD-by-mail service will be a dying “wholly owned subsidiary” being called Qwikster. Netflix Inc. Chief Executive Reed Hastings said in a blog […]
Category: Entertainment, Financial, Movies, Technology |
Tags: entertainment, finance, Movies, netflix
RichC | September 2, 2011
There seems to be a little tarnish on the once high-flying Netflix who has dominated the DVD and streaming movie market since the demise of the big box video rental stores. Their model seemed to be invincible until someone realized that business is only as good as having content … and customers willing to pay […]
Category: Financial, Movies |
Tags: Movies, netflix, nflx, streaming
RichC | August 13, 2011
After noting the increase from Netflix back in June and being pretty frustrated at the “percentage” increase in price, we’ve still opted to stick with Netflix as a streaming only service. If the need arrives to see a new release, we’ll pick it up a Redbox or a local video store … perhaps encourage some […]
Category: Entertainment, Personal |
Tags: blockbuster, dvd, Movies, netflix, redbox
RichC | July 12, 2011
A friend of mine just forwarded an email noting an automatic change to his Netflix subscription. Not that long ago when we switched from our local Blockbuster store to NetFlix our subscription was $7.99/mo. When they changed it to adding a couple more for BluRay I decided to stick with DVDs. Now the change looks […]
Category: Entertainment, Misc |
Tags: netflix
RichC | June 24, 2011
The online streaming component of Netflix is tweaking their user preferences that should help with both ‘paused’ streaming delays and data caps many users are facing. The Good, Better, Best quality adjustment will be a welcomed addition for heavier bandwidth users and helpful for those struggling with inconsistent provider speeds. One sacrifice to setting quality […]
Category: Movies, Technology |
Tags: Movies, netflix
RichC | September 16, 2010
Let me know if you are interested in movies, documentaries and TV programs from Netflix and I’ll forward the first ten names for ONE month of FREE … so as long as you are not currently a Netflix member. Netflix’s offers a decent mail delivery program and movie/archived TV shows streaming over the Internet to […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies |
Tags: netflix, promo, trial
RichC | April 27, 2010
Let me know if you are interested in movies, documentaries and TV programs from Netflix and I’ll forward the first ten names for ONE month of FREE … so as long as you are not currently a Netflix member. Netflix’s offers a solid mail delivery program and best streaming over the Internet service (in my […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies |
Tags: blockbuster, dvd, Movies, netflix, television, tv
RichC | May 6, 2009
Let me know if you would like a one month NetFlix Trial … a couple weeks longer than the normal promo. Who wouldn’t like a free month of movies? Forward this email to your friends and family, and they’ll get a FREE month of Netflix. That’s twice as long as our regular free trial! This […]
Category: Entertainment |
Tags: deals, netflix, Shopping
RichC | April 2, 2009
I’ve been satisfied with Netflix since switching from Blockbuster Online for ‘mail delivered’ DVD and BluRay DVD movies. My wife and I generally watch one movie each week and have been comfortable with the service and choices available with the ‘one at a time’ subscription. Since we have a BluRay player, I opted for the […]
Category: Entertainment, Poll, Technology, Video |
Tags: blockbuster, blueray, dvd, Movies, netflix
RichC | February 22, 2009
We streamed the movie “The Interpreter” to our HD Tivo this weekend and besides being an excellent movie, I enjoyed a relatively unrelated scene where Silvia Broome, played by Nicole Kidman, reads from notebooks written in by her list making brother. One of the listed items (again unrelated) were interesting words … one of which […]
Category: Cellphone, Movies |
1 Comment
Tags: 700p, dvd, movie, netflix, photo, tivo, treo