RichC | September 7, 2017
Obviously the "promises" made by the Obama administration, and the Democrats who passed the Affordable Care Act (ACA), have failed us … and the current GOP controlled congress have failed to fix, repeal or replace (their promise if elected). Who in middle class America can afford health insurance at $1000/mo with a $12,900 deductible? As […]
Category: Audio, Financial, Health, Politics |
Tags: aca, dave ramsey, government, health care, mp3, obamacare, promises, radio
RichC | May 1, 2017
The rate of U.S. inflation for March was slower than expected just one month after hitting a five-year peak. The number reflects lower gasoline and consumer goods prices, including automobiles. Thiis could ease pressure on the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates, even though central banks have telegraphed increases this year. The U.S. economy is […]
Category: Financial, News |
Tags: economy, finance, health care, inflation, obamacare, reform, taxes
RichC | April 5, 2017
As California Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA) excogitated his ideas and explained the slow progress of repealing and replacing Obamacare with Neil Cavuto, he quoted one of his late fellow Californians, Paul Masson, "We will sell no wine before its time." How apropos to healthcare reform (listen or watch below). That wasn’t the only smart saying […]
Category: Health, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: cavuto, congress, foxbusiness, health care, obamacare, reform
RichC | August 22, 2016
I wish politicians would listen to managers and owners of small businesses. In a Maria Bartiromo interview with Metro Applebee’s CEO Zane Tankel, his frustration at the challenges being force down the throats of business in the U.S. is apparent (about 2 min into the interview). It is understandable why starting a business and hiring […]
Category: Business, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: applebees, Business, foxbusiness, maria bartiromo, obamacare, small
RichC | June 25, 2015
Most Americans, not covered under government healthcare programs, have been feeling the higher cost of healthcare since Obamacare as traditional policies give way to high deductible plans which cost them more than their previously “more” inclusive lower deductible plans – so much for “keeping your healthcare plan.” Commonsense dictates that restructuring so those who actually […]
Category: Health, News |
Tags: exchanges, obamacare, STOTUS, subsidies, tax, wsj
RichC | April 15, 2015
NPR’s Tom Ashbrook entertained an interesting discussion around the Cadillac plan tax which is part of Obamacare. If you’ve notice changes in your plan (just as colleges have), you will understand the emotions in the discussion. Well worth listening too … and yes, I’m a conservative who sometimes listens to NPR. NPR Tom Ashbrook […]
Category: Audio, Health, Politics |
Tags: aca, Affordable Care, Cadillac, healthcare, npr, obamacare, tax, tom ashbrook
RichC | January 28, 2015
After 6-years of saving $2,500 each year on our “unchanged plan” or greatly improved “21st century” Obamacare health care plan, Democrats in congress and President Obama have made it possible for average Americans to have now amassed $15,000 (6 yrs x $2500) … no thanks to those Republicans voting against it (#sarcasm). And since getting […]
Category: Education, Financial, Health, Politics |
Tags: 529 plan, college, congress, government, health care, obama, obamacare, sarcasm
RichC | December 14, 2014
A discussion between the host and guest on CNBC this week concluded that instead of saving college students money on their student loans that the government was using the repayments in other areas amounting to BILLIONS of dollars – ie. $19 billion for deficit reduction and Obamacare! It seems the take-over by the Federal Direct […]
Category: Education, Financial, Politics |
Tags: cnbc, college, congress, Education, federal, government, loans, obamacare, student
RichC | November 15, 2014
Some of the political hot-potato news this past week was related to self described “off the cuff” comments from MIT’s Jonathan Gruber a respected health economist. He helped craft President Obama’s health care law and was captured on video commenting about the “stupidity of the American voter” and suggesting the law was passed dishonestly (NYTimes). […]
Category: Health, Politics, Video |
Tags: congress, government, grubering, healthcare, mp4, obama, obamacare, Washington DC
RichC | August 8, 2014
Even after the Sandra Fluke plea to congress over free birth control, is hard to believe the 2700 pages of Obamacare overlooked including feminine sanitary products? [/sarcasm] Tweet from noted feminist Jessica Valenti: Twitter friends: Anyone know a country where tampons are free or somehow subsidized? — Jessica ValentiJessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) August 8, 2014
Category: Politics, Social Media |
Tags: congress, feminism, obamacare, twitter
RichC | December 28, 2013
2013 introduced us to the pain of what sold to America as the Affordable Health Care for America Act by the 2008 Democrats during President Obama’s first term. Instead of “affordable,” Obamacare launched with high premiums, high deductibles and far more frustrations for those who were already insured by their employers or paying for health […]
Category: Health, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: cavuto, foxnews, healthcare, obamacare
RichC | December 20, 2013
I listened to the president answer questions in today’s long news conference and it was interesting to hear reporters finally drill down on the Obama administrations’ blunders and shortcomings. For the past five years most network reporters in the Whitehouse press corps have been pretty gentle with questions and all but a few seemed to […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: healthcare, heritage, obama, obamacare, press, promises
RichC | November 21, 2013
Partisanship and opinions aside a moment, I took a serious look at the Affordable Care Act and exchange pricing just to see what it might cost IF one was to retire early and purchase heath care on the exchanges. As a resident of Ohio (or Florida), which both have federally run exchanges, the monthly outlay […]
Category: Financial, Health, Politics |
Tags: aca, exchanges, healthcare, obamacare
RichC | October 25, 2013
As a student of economics, a business manager and as a hesitant investor, I’m concern about what is going to happen when the Federal Reserve finally pulls the stimulus intravenous therapy? It is likely that Fed Chairman Bernanke is worried about weaning the stimulus too, by the fact he hasn’t started to taper. It is […]
Category: Financial, Politics |
Tags: bernanke, Business, economy, fed, finance, investing, obamacare, stimulus, stocks
RichC | October 20, 2013
Last week Dave Ramsey attempted to simplify the Affordable Care Act on his financial advice radio program for his listeners. He asked listeners to take off the political blinders – be they those of the supporters of Obamacare or those who want the law overturned. In a “tough love” Dave Ramsey kind of way, he […]
Category: Audio, Financial, Health, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: healthcare, mp3, obamacare, radio, ramsey
RichC | October 1, 2013
Once again our dysfunctional federal government reared its ugly head and made many of us wonder why we continue to send money to Washington DC? The taxpayer continues to be squeezed by our bloated bureaucrats who can’t seem live on the nearly trillion dollars we send them each year — it’s ridiculous! From my […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: government, healthcare, obamacare, Washington DC
RichC | September 22, 2013
The Cleveland Clinic is a bright spot in medical care for those of us living in Ohio and for people from around the country (and world) who need some of the best medical care available. The Clinic was even touted as a role model of health care by President Obama when pushing for his Affordable […]
Category: Audio, Health, News, Politics |
Tags: cleveland, clinic, krauthammer, obamacare, ohio healthcare
RichC | September 18, 2013
Walgreens WSJ article … but actually playing with the postie plug-in for WordPress early this morning. EDIT: Failed to get a video posted directly by email from my iPhone to the blog.
Category: Financial, Misc, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, obamacare, walgreens, wsj
RichC | July 27, 2013
The question posed by the WSJ this past week was “will the young and give up disposable income to pay for health insurance” or with they pay the penalty until it becomes too expensive? It has been difficult to explicate the complex and questionably titled “Affordable Care Act” – Obamacare to many who are politically […]
Category: Health, Politics |
Tags: government, healthcare, obamacare, wsj
RichC | May 22, 2013
Hmm, perhaps we are alone in having to make significant changes in our health care coverage this year … not to mention paying more for less? “If you already have health insurance through your job … nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change your coverage or your doctor. Let me […]
Category: Health, Politics |
Tags: health care, insurance, obamacare
RichC | February 25, 2013
The negative implication of “big government’s Obamacare” is just beginning to be felt by those with health care coverage and businesses are squirming to adapt to the pages of new regulations. One of the latest money saving measures is that of “dropping spousal coverage” – I’m just guessing, but I suspect it will be unpopular? […]
Category: Audio, Health, Politics |
Tags: audio, healthcare, insurance, obamacare, podcast
RichC | June 21, 2011
It’s not often the AOL/HuffPo finds fault with Obamacare … but it looks like this costly oversight even has liberal universal healthcare lovers questioning the new law: President Barack Obama’s health care law would let several million middle-class people get nearly free insurance meant for the poor, a twist government number crunchers say they discovered […]
Category: Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: obamacare