RichC | September 30, 2023
Thirteen years ago I blogged on the US National Debt spiraling out of control (the US National Debt was $13.5 Trillion in September of 2013) … who knew we wouldn’t even remotely take this exponentially increasing monstrosity seriously? Now we’re $33 TRILLION in debt, running huge deficits, and adding to the national debt even faster […]
Category: Financial, Politics |
Tags: clock, government, inflation, spending, taxes, trillion, usdebt, waste
RichC | September 29, 2023
Decades ago when I was in graduate school, I taught classes at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio as a GT, I continued to stay connected to the university. As a student I was given an alumni email address (an alias at the time forwarded to another email address) and as part time faculty was granted […]
Category: Cloud, Computer, Financial, Technology |
Tags: backup, cloud, drive, google, idrive, miami university, microsoft, onedrive, pricing, storage, tech friday, techfriday, workspace
RichC | September 28, 2023
It is not Tech Friday, but I’ve been fighting through the nightmare of updating my blog’s very OLD modified WordPress theme so I could update it to PHP 8.2 running on my server (manually modifying theme code). Believe me, it was not without pain and suspect this is not the end of things (still problems, […]
Category: Blogs, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: blog, php, server, update, wordpress
RichC | September 28, 2023
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Category: Archive, Audio, Human Interest, Memories, Personal, TBT, Video |
Tags: ellerie, ephisians, family, hymn, memorize, momh, mp3, mp4, prayer, song, TBT
RichC | September 27, 2023
It is that time of year … Autumn is here and the leaves are starting to fall. I cut the lawn and closed the pool last weekend, hopefully before the bulk of the leaves started to fill up the pool. The weather has been nice and just the right temperature for yardwork. BUT … I […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Weather |
Tags: backyard, family, maintenance, pool, richc, selfie, weekend
RichC | September 26, 2023
Here’s another idea for the router table that might work better than the table saw for cutting splines in the corners of small frames, simple drawers and boxes. I usually struggle with lining up and clamping framed boxes multiple times using my table saw and a tendon jig (with box that cuts splines) and thought something […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Woodworking |
Tags: cornhole, ideas, janky, jigs, router table, spline, workshop
RichC | September 25, 2023
How to hang a picture on a nail with a fork social media household tip (short video below).
Category: How-To, Social Media, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: fork, frame, home, mp4, picture, tips, twitter,
RichC | September 24, 2023
Our 2010 Acura RDX with 155,000 miles was sputtering and burning excessive fuel for the last couple of weeks (according to the car’s driver — Brenda) and by the time she asked me to take a look at it, a plethora of lights were on the instrument panel. A quick start-up and I knew something […]
Category: Acura, Automotive, Repairs |
Tags: acura, car repair, hose, pcv
RichC | September 23, 2023
I had to laugh at myself the while reading one of the World War II Pacific Island campaign history books then looking up at my cork wall and trying to “pinch-to-zoom” the paper map for more details. Oh, the tech habits we adopt! And since this is a random kind of filler humor post, below […]
Category: Books, History, Human Interest, Humor, Tidbits |
Tags: autumn, autumnal equinox, florida, History, Humor, license plates, maps, pacific, pinch-to-zoom, ww2
RichC | September 22, 2023
It is time to start cleaning up my older WordPress blog install and preparing for an eventual update … once again. I’m beginning to realize that part of the problem is that I hang onto old themes that are no longer updated and I continue to tweak them myself. As the components that run WordPress […]
Category: Blogs, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: ai, bing, bot, chat, tech friday, techfriday, testing, twitter,
RichC | September 21, 2023
It is humorous to see just how much a bird can put in the bluebird birdhouse that the granddaughters and I made back in 2020 (hence, the Throwback Thursday #TBT photo at left from 2020). It was completely stuffed full when I took it down from the pole at their house last week. My plan […]
Category: Archive, Humor, TBT, Woodworking |
Tags: bird, birdhouse, bluebird, clean, granddaughters, homebuilding, paint, stuffed, TBT
RichC | September 20, 2023
What do you remember from Physics class? How about Bernoulli’s principle (something mentioned before). Physics teacher shows Bernoulli's principle — Mind Blowing (@blowingfactz) September 17, 2023
Category: Science, Social Media, Video |
Tags: bernoulli, physics, science, twitter,
RichC | September 19, 2023
My son Taylor‘s sealed car battery bloated and split open last week and left him stranded at work. He didn’t have any tools with him (is he really my son?)
so I headed his way after work to replace his old-ish battery with a new one (2019 VW AllTrack). The first two auto part […]
Category: Automotive, Personal, Photos, Tools |
Tags: family, organizations, project, sockets, taylor, tools
RichC | September 18, 2023
When I hear Peter Frampton, I’m transported back to high school and riding with a photographer friend Chris Carr in Sidney, Ohio … and istening to “Frampton Comes Alive!” in his first generation Chevy II Nova with an 8-track player (previous post)! So for today’s Music Monday‘s “flashback memory,” here’s “Baby I Love Your […]
Category: Automotive, Memories, Music |
Tags: concert, heil, live, music monday, musicmonday, peter frampton, sidney ohio, siriiusxm, talk box, the bridge, youtube
RichC | September 17, 2023
Oostra House getting paint early in September 2023 While babysitting at my daughter’s house last week, a conversation with Brenda shifted to an heirloom “nesting table” woodworking project idea. Katelyn inherited the small tables made by her Jamestown, NY furniture making great grandfather Holmstrom and treasures them as much as Brenda and MomH did (photo […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: brenda, family, furniture, grandfather, holmstrom, momh, nesting tables, project, workshop
RichC | September 16, 2023
It’s interesting to see the changes in how people access Internet content over the years … or at least access information on Microsoft Windows was once dominate, but Mac, Linux and Chrome OS computers are gaining ground. Perhaps the biggest change since starting the blog in 2005 is just how dominate iOS and Android […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Human Interest, Humor |
Tags: android, article, blog, Computer, funny, ios, linux, macintosh, stats, windows
RichC | September 15, 2023
Perhaps it is just me paying attention to the rumors and knowing the announcements that were planned at Apple’s annual September “new iPhones” announcement event … but the iPhone15s (and Apple Watch 9) upgrades left very little to get excited about? I’m not saying that I won’t be upgrading my aging iPhone 7plus this year, […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Cloud, Financial, Gadget, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: $AAPL, 7plus, apple, apple watch, appleevent, icloud, ios17, iphone, iphone15, tech friday, techfriday, usb-c, wonderlust, wsj
RichC | September 14, 2023
A week or so ago, a tweet (or is it X?) appeared on an automotive publication’s social media account … and it caught my eye (see below). It triggered a memory of a well loved plastic 1957 Ford Ranchero that my brother and I had in our large collection of toy cars and trucks; some […]
Category: Automotive, Memories, Photos, Social Media, TBT |
Tags: beach, cars, collectible auto, ford, playing, Ranchero, sand, toys, trucks, twitter,
RichC | September 13, 2023
A little bit of history told in an entertaining movie format … what could be better? Here’s a Sorbo movie call “Miracle in East Texas“ to be in theaters in October 2023 with a timely release (inflation and energy). The history tie in is the the World War II era story just as we were […]
Category: Energy, History, Movies |
Tags: map, movie, oil, sorbo, texas, war, ww2
RichC | September 12, 2023
Occasionally when a good book is finished, it leave you wanting it to continue and hoping for more. That is the case with Frank E. Walton’s book “Once They Were Eagles.” It is the second book in the pile that I’m reading focused on the infamous World War II era’s VMF-214 better remembered at the […]
Category: Aviation, Books, History, Millitary |
Tags: black sheep, Books, corsair, History, pacific, war, ww2
RichC | September 11, 2023
“Nope” … I’m not really a Deadhead, but I do enjoy listening to some of the devoted fan’s music. Last month I save the SiriusXM channel clip to my phone thinking to myself that I should add a Grateful Dead song to Music Monday. So here is Uncle John’s Band, a song written by Jerry […]
Category: AI, Music |
Tags: chatgpt, grateful dead, m4a, music monday, musicmonday, siriusxm, uncle john's band, workingman's dead
RichC | September 10, 2023
A couple of my short “cheap” T-tracks arrived last week that I’m planning to use for either a router table or table saw jig … or both? I’m not sure exactly how I’m planning to integrate them yet, but I have been collecting a few idea. Initially I was going to use them for featherboard […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Woodworking |
Tags: jigs, router, router table, t-track, table saw
RichC | September 9, 2023
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, ellerie, family, homebuilding, ice cream, ohio, perrysburg, whitehouse
RichC | September 8, 2023
One of my social media contacts who knows that I’ve been using computers to monitor investments and trade for decades heard me mention that I switched to a tiny MacBook Air M2 from a 27” PC display (iMac with a second Thunderbolt Apple display running Windows 10 on Parallels). He asked how it was possible […]
Category: Computer, Financial, Idioms, Personal, Photos, Productivity, Technology |
Tags: cocopar, desktops, gimp, idiom, imac, investing, macbook air, marsedit, trading, uperfect
RichC | September 7, 2023
To make this a Throwback Thursday #TBT post, here’s a photo from Summer 2022. I used Brenda’s iPhone14 to capture the brilliant Super Blue Moon at the end of August … not bad. It was so bright that it basically lit up the flowering bushes off the rear porch. The late summer heat (90+ degrees […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photography, Photos, TBT, Weather |
Tags: bluemoon, branches, grass, insoles, moon, richc, shoes, sperry, supermoon, topsiders
RichC | September 6, 2023
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: annalyn, baby jack, drew, ellerie, family, glacier, katelyn, labor day, national park, taylor, Travel
RichC | September 5, 2023
There was an interesting tidbit shared on (formerly Twitter) that highlighted in graphical color where a states population was born. It highlights movements from different areas of the country to other areas, populations who were not transient … as well as what state people born outside the US made home.
Category: Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: america, chart, graph, states, twitter,
RichC | September 4, 2023
Depressing for those of us who grew up in the Jimmy Buffett mindset and have enjoyed his music, concerts, ambitious lifestyle and attitude for our college and adult lives, but his passing on September 1, 2023 hit home. Unfortunately it is starting to feel like the norm (but 76 is way, WAY, too young)? I […]
Category: Friends, Memories, Music, Obituary, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: brenda, death, impact, jeffp, jimmy buffett, living, megan, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, richc
RichC | September 3, 2023
In August I finished up an excellent 1958 autobiography by Gregory “Pappy” Boyington titled “Baa Baa Black Sheep” … mentioned previously. He was a United States Marine Corps fighter pilot who commanded the VMF-214 Black Sheep Squadron during World War II. The book tells the story of Boyington’s early life, his training as a pilot, […]
Category: Aviation, Books, History, Human Interest, Millitary |
Tags: baa baa black sheep, corsair, gregory boyington, map, pappy, ww2
RichC | September 2, 2023
Really, there’s isn’t anything to see … just a little sewing. Last weekend I got out the Sailrite Ultrafeed in order to salvage a pair of shorts that had frayed … but I failed, so they are now in the trash (I miss my mom). But since I hauled home the beach umbrella bag […]
Category: Misc, Repairs, Travel |
Tags: beach, beachbub, cap, florida, hat, sailrite, sewing, ultrafeed, umbrella
RichC | September 1, 2023
Samsung announced another “high screen real estate” monitor for those who like to plaster a lot of content on a single screen … or more that likely, play games … but besides ogling this massive 57 inch wide display, it is definitely not something I need these days. There was once a time that I […]
Category: Business, Computer, Financial, Productivity, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: Air M2, amazon, display, macbook, monitor, portable, samsung, tech friday, techfriday, usb