RichC | January 8, 2025
Listening to SiriusXM directly on an Apple Watch, especially a cellular model, is not straightforward due to several limitations (disappointing for me) and I have failed at my first attempt to port from one app to another. The current test for some “music” is to try going back to Spotify or Pandora (photo) and use […]
Category: Apple, Audio, Radio, Streaming, Watch |
Tags: app, apple watch, cellular, Music, News, siriusxm
RichC | December 12, 2024
Today’s archive post will be quite the Throwback Thursday #TBT stretch … as the photos and Christmas tree subject matter are from last weekend … even though “The Longest Game” podcast forwarded by my daughter Katelyn is a baseball story from years ago (she knows I enjoy baseball). Let’s start with the baseball story from 1981 […]
Category: Archive, Audio, Photos, Podcast, Radio, Sports, Streaming, TBT, Video |
Tags: baseball, christmas, family, katelyn, ohio, podcast, TBT, the longest game, tree, whitehouse
RichC | April 25, 2024
It has been a while since I’ve posted anything amateur radio related, so this is a blast from the ThrowBack Thursday #TBT past … and it reminded me of my teenage years and learning Morse Code visually (chart below the break).
Category: Education, Radio, TBT, Video |
Tags: amateur, ham, learning, morse code, mp4, radio, visual
RichC | July 20, 2023
An automotive journalist friend of mine regularly promotes his radio appearances on Chicago’s talk radio, which often leads to discussions regarding radio in general. Often the thoughts are to broadcast radio, both AM and FM, verses streaming via an Internet signal (or perhaps satellite)? One thing lead to another and I reflect on my amateur […]
Category: Automotive, Friends, Humor, Radio, Social Media, TBT, Video |
Tags: cars, chicago, comedy, gas, john pinette, mp4, radio, shortwave, TBT, transoceanic, video, zenith
RichC | April 13, 2023
There is part of me that can’t help but smile when seeing the new label that Elon Musk’s Twitter put on NPR’s feed. The left-leaning taxpayer-funded media title is partially accurate since tax dollars are used to support public radio and television. At this point with the variety of media news and programming available in […]
Category: Humor, News, Radio, Social Media |
Tags: Feed, funded, journalism, media, newfeed, npr, social, taxpayer, twitter
RichC | November 16, 2022
While talking with an aviation (and space) acquaintance on Twitter earlier this week, I mentioned that while playing “old-school” Battleship with my granddaughter, that I was teaching her the phonetic alphabet (military, aviation, nautical, amateur radio, etc). Thankfully while playing the game, we only made it to “K” since the grid on the game only […]
Category: Aviation, Radio, Social Media, Space |
Tags: alphabet, astro_clay, battleship, game, granddaughter, learning, phonetic, twitter, whiskey
RichC | April 26, 2021
This content is restricted.
Category: Memories, Music, Radio |
Tags: amateur, build me up buttercup, memories, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, radio, shortwave, the foundations
RichC | February 21, 2021
Rush Limbaugh died on Wednesday of this past week. It wasn’t a surprise to those who have followed his health challenges and in particular a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis a year previous. He continue his radio work up until the end and left a G.O.A.T. legacy in conservative talk radio that will likely never […]
Category: Audio, Books, History, Memories, Personal, Photos, Politics, Radio |
Tags: charlie matthews, conservative, dennis prager, memories, mp3, obit, Obituary, ronald reagan, rush limbaugh, talk radio, william f buckley
RichC | March 25, 2019
This content is restricted.
Category: Hobby, Memories, Music, Personal, Photos, Radio |
Tags: amateur, clear channel, graymark, ham, indiana, listening, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, radio, shortwave, transistor
RichC | October 7, 2014
Summer has passed without giving much of a thought to turning on my HF rig or making any amateur radio contacts. The recent Last Man Standing amateur radio event had me firing my ICOM IC-718 and connecting my upgraded SCS PTC-IIe Pactor modem. Obviously using it for “slow” Winlink email is not a priority when […]
Category: Radio, Sailing |
Tags: amateur, email, ham, modem, pactor, radio, winlink
RichC | June 12, 2014
It is getting easier and easier to stream a variety of content while driving from my iPhone using BT to my car radio nowadays … even in my older Mercedes 300D (to a newer radio). At one time SiriusXM was the way to get uninterrupted news and content while driving longer distances with limited Slingbox […]
Category: Cellphone, Financial, Radio, Technology |
Tags: $CVS, $SIRI, finance, investing, stocks
RichC | May 31, 2014
WSJRadio had a short segment with their Washington Bureau Chief Gerald Seibtalking about Nationalismand how it seems to be growing around the world. Usually Americans take pride in our national identity and “American Exceptionalism” … but taken too far history shows that this sentiment can be dangerous – think about the events which lead to […]
Category: Audio, History, News, Politics, Radio |
Tags: gerald seib, mp3, nationalism, wsj, ww2
RichC | April 5, 2014
Although only one of my ears is truly working as it is suppose to due to Ménière’s disease back in the late 1990s, I still enjoy “an” earbud in order to listen to music, news or the occasional phone call on my iPhone. Unfortunately the newer Apple earbuds do not fit my ears as well […]
Category: Business, Cellphone, Music, Radio, Social Media, Sports, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: earbuds, earhoox, headphones, listening, Music
RichC | December 14, 2013
My older SCS PTC-IIe Pactor modem came back from Farallon Electronics after being updated with a new electronic serial number and Pactor III update – faster speeds using the HF radio (still very slow by modern Internet standards). A Winlink account is now active and seems to be working over Telnet, so the step is […]
Category: Radio, Sailing |
Tags: amateur, ham, hobby, icom, modem, pactor, radio
RichC | November 30, 2013
My friend Jeff and I had a chance to get today Friday afternoon and catch up on life. We enjoyed our semi-regular Mexican lunch and talked about work, church, family and our mutual amateur radio hobby. He’s been a Ham (N4XKJ) since we went to our first HamCation back when he was living in Orlando […]
Category: Personal, Radio |
Tags: amateur, antenna, baofeng, ham, hobby, icom, jeffp, radio, yaesu
RichC | November 26, 2013
Short on time for today’s post although I did add an Amateur Radio HF Propagation widget to my WordPress sidebar. I’m not sure cluttering up the screen with more data is a wise thing, but for now it helps to know which HF bands are open. Continuing with the radio theme, I applied for a […]
Category: Blogs, Radio |
Tags: ham, propagation, radio, widget, wordpress
RichC | November 16, 2013
This morning was spent working on the leaves again, but I took a break this afternoon to be part of the Butler Country Amateur Radio Association’s (BCARA) emergency communications network (W8WRK). One of my “senior” contacts in the amateur radio club asked if I could do some volunteer community service and represent the Middletown area […]
Category: Misc, Radio |
Tags: amateur, ham, radio
RichC | October 31, 2013
This Halloween evening is indeed dark and dreary as the wind is whistling and blowing rain nearly sideways. The garage door was left open (by me) and has puddled to the point Tootsie’s cushions (bed) is damp … which makes the entire garage smell like wet dog. But that’s not the point of this evening […]
Category: Radio |
1 Comment
Tags: amateur, ham, icom, radio, yaesu
RichC | October 17, 2013
The good news from my end is that the FCC is back in business and processed some of their backlog today. One of those items was my new amateur radio call sign … KD8VSB. I’m legal to be on the air. Woohoo!
Category: Radio |
Tags: amateur, fcc, ham, KD8VSB, radio