Obituary: friend Bob Luken passed away last month

| July 3, 2024

Although it was not a surprise, another long time friend and our EAA chapter president Bob Luken, passed away in Dayton, Ohio last month. He had moved to a nursing home after a couple of falls and was having difficulty breathing. We talked earlier in the month regarding a few items for EAA284 and he […]

Payment processing: Testing Square’s link tool with a Monocle

| May 31, 2020

This content is restricted.

The 22nd Annual Red Stewart Airfield Airshow for 2019 and our 52nd EAA284 Taildragger Fly-In and pancake breakfast

| August 26, 2019

Although our local EAA chapter’s Fly-In and Sunday’s pancake breakfast was questionable this year if there wasn’t an airshow on Saturday, the Stewarts were able to gather the pilots together for the Red Stewart Airfield 22nd Annual Airshow. The weekend is always well attended and appreciated by the community and those who enjoy aviation […]

Red Stewart Airfield 21st Annual Airshow and EAA chapter 284’s Taildragger Fly-In Pancake Breakfast at 40I on Sept 1 – 2 2018

| August 25, 2018

This Labor Day weekend is the annual Stewart Airshow and our EAA chapter’s fly-in and pancake breakfast. If you enjoy aviation and mostly vintage aircraft flying in and out of a well cared for grass airstrip, this outing is for you. The gathering in Waynesville Ohio is always an enjoyable community time and is fun […]

Red Stewart 20th Annual Airshow Labor Day Weekend 2017

| July 22, 2017

Along with the Red Stewart Airfield airshow and night airshow on Saturday September 2, 2017, my EAA284 Chapter will be serving up a pancake breakfast for those camping over or flying in on Sunday morning September 3rd. Always a great time.

Nineteenth Annual Labor Day Red Stewart Airshow

| August 28, 2016

Generator woes, beating the rain and EAA Chapter 284’s TDFI

| August 21, 2016

As John “Hannibal” Smith (the late George Peppard) from the A-Team would say, “I love it when a plan comes together.” As was the case when I had acres of grass to to mow into a rain filled weekend schedule — it is great when “plans come together.” I was able to squeak in and […]

Preparations for the EAA Chapter 284 TailDragger FlyIn

| August 13, 2015

This year’s September 5th and 6th Red Stewart Airshow and our  EAA284 TalilDragger FlyIn not until Labor Day weekend in September, but with my full plate I want to get my part done early. I’ve been up most every morning this week with Brenda (pain issues), and so while the PT/OT persona was at the […]

New theme and pages for my EAA Chapter 284’s website

| March 19, 2015

I received a few long overdue updates items from our EAA chapter’s president for the interior pages of the EAA284 chapter website on Wednesday and so before forgetting I jumped right on it. We are continuing to keep the domain, but opt to use to host because it is free. Still there are […]

Obituary: Aviation friend Kenneth Miracle passed peacefully

| October 10, 2013

A long time friend and fellow EAA284 chapter member Ken Miracle passed away last week and his family will be holding a gathering and a memorial service this Friday evening  (10/11) and Saturday morning (10/12). I regret being unable to attend. Ken was one of the first EAA guys to befriend me when I joined […]

Rain and storms made for challenging airshow

| September 1, 2013

It was a great “most of the day” on Saturday to be at Red Stewart Airport in Waynesville Ohio getting our EAA284 hanger ready for the pancake breakfast on Sunday. Yes it was hot, but it is still August. The Stewarts were gracious hosts as always and we enjoyed their pulled pork and corn on […]

Obit: Gary Collins memorial gathering 1-2PM July 1, 2013

| June 28, 2013

My condolences to the Collins family on the passing of Gary Collins after his accident last week. Gary’s love of aviation (EAA Chapter 174) and his passion for Corvair conversions was an inspiration to all of us who loved antique and grass roots experimental aviation. He was enjoyable to be around and our EAA284 chapter […]

A guide to creating flying videos

| November 5, 2011

Reposted from EAA284 … thanks Steve. One of our EAA284 members, Steve Dilullo, keeps a personal flying blog and posted a great article for those wanting to create videos of their flights. His  how-to article is a great starting point for those who might want to capture their flights on video and are looking for […]

EAA Chapter 284 visits the Wright B Flyer museum

| November 15, 2010

Flight Photo from EAA Chapter 284’s meeting this month was a trip to Dayton-Wright Brother Airport and the Wright B Flyer museum. Our meeting centered around aviation history and the of the building of a replicate “B” Flyer which started with the flying look-a-like Brown Bird which first flew in July 1982. The airplane […]

Wrap up of our EAA Chapter 284 Fly-in and Breakfast

| September 8, 2010

Better late than never. I promised a few people that I would post some photos from my EAA Chapters annual TDFI (Taildragger Fly-in) which happens every Labor Day weekend at Red Stewart Airfield in Waynesville Ohio. The tradition is enjoyed by airplane-loving-types that build, restore and fly airplanes with their nose held high (the airplanes […]

Blog issue: Hosting improvements delaying posts

| September 7, 2010

I’m noticing a few glitches from the weekend’s updates to the servers … posts and delayed posts. Hopefully this ‘test post’ will appear at noon on Tuesday and that I’ll get a few photos from my EAA chapters Taildragger Fly-in and Pancake breakfast posted this evening too. Adding an old 1977 Jackson Browne song just […]

Stewart’s airshow & our Chapter’s Taildragger Fly-In

| August 7, 2010

With Airventure in Oshkosh Wisconsin recently ending and preparations for our EAA chapter’s Labor Day weekend Taildragger Fly-In/Pancake breakfast underway, this might be a good time to mention that Saturday, September 4th is also the Stewart’s annual airshow at 40I. If camping under the wing of your plane and pancakes on Sunday morning aren’t enough […]

Airventure 2010 in Oshkosh is well underway

| July 28, 2010

In chatting with an EAA buddy camping for the week up at Airventure 2010 I had the chance to talk to him about a few ideas for our local EAA Chapter 284, and he has some excellent ones. I’ve also been paying attention to the “goings-on” this week online through the variety of feeds, links […]

A semi-pet peeve: Restaurant cleanliness

| July 25, 2010

Although I’m not a germ-a-phobe or a neat-nik by any stretch of the imagination, I’m often repulsed by the cleanliness of some local area restaurants. Being the one who is responsible for the health certificate for my EAA chapters annual Fly-in and Pancake Breakfast, I know how challenging it is to pass health inspections (Warren […]

PRA Chapter 34 rotorcraft fly to EAA Chapter 284 for a visit

| July 11, 2010

EAA Chapter 284 hosted Popular Rotorcraft Association Chapter 34 at Red Stewart Airfield (40I) in Waynesville Ohio on Sunday. I was a beautiful and warm day for grilling burgers and hotdogs at our EAA chapter hanger. The turnout was excellent and everyone enjoyed the comradely focused on promoting and enjoying recreational aviation. Besides a close […]

Video from EAA284’s Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast

| February 5, 2010

A friend of mine forward me a nicely produced video that Doug S., Doug G. and Jim W. from PRA Chapter 40 posted online after their visit to the Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on Labor Day 2009. I also added the clip on the Taildragger Fly-In tab on our website as it highlights a […]

EAA284 meeting: Brian Cooper talking aerobatic aircraft design

| January 11, 2010

Who doesn’t enjoy a Palm Pre cellphone sunset photo? I’ll start with something simple that sooths my aching head … a beautiful winter sunset in Cincinnati Ohio (photo above) … and conclude with a very short comment regarding our Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter (EAA284) meeting on Sunday – one that had a subject over my […]

EAA284 reviewed video of Mark Dusenberry’s accident

| November 9, 2009

Enjoyed the nice afternoon weather and headed to the airport for our monthly EAA meeting. Today we reviewed the successful first flight (very impressive) and later accident of Mark Dusenberry’s 1905 Wright Flyer replica — NTSB preliminary report. Bob Luken reviewed his video of the flight and the accident (only the FAA has a copy […]

Mark Dusenberry 1905 Wright Flyer III October 1, 2009

| November 1, 2009

Reposting — Bob Luken (EAA284 President): On October 1, 2009 Mark Dusenberry was engaging in practice flights in preparation for the 104th commemorative celebration of the Wright Brothers demonstration of the first practical aircraft, their 1095 Model III Flyer. Mark completed one successful flight in the morning. During his second flight of the day the […]

Red Stewart Airshow & EAA Chapter 284 Tail Dragger Fly In

| September 7, 2009

The weekend was busy as usual with the annual Red Stewart Airshow and my Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter’s (EAA284) Tail Dragger Fly In and Pancake breakfast. Set up was smooth on Saturday afternoon and most of us enjoy relaxing for the evening on the field as the temperature cooled and the airshow started. I can […]

EAA284 TailDragger Fly-In September 6, 2009

| August 28, 2009

Be sure to fly — or drive — in for breakfast on Sunday morning September 6th for our Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 284’s Annual Taildragger Fly-In Pancake Breakfast. Better yet, spend the night camping under your plane at Red Stewart Field on Saturday and enjoy the late afternoon/evening airshow. It is a good time for […]

EAA284 hands on welding practice

| May 17, 2009

My Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter (EAA284) met at a new shop of one of our members today for our May meeting. We had a chance to both work on projects for our chapters ‘rentable kitchen’ and to learn a bit about welding. We enjoyed a beautiful day in Waynesville, Ohio while discussing the summer flying […]

Enjoyed meeting with the guys on Sunday

| March 9, 2009

Small and informal (as usual) gathering on Sunday afternoon and continued to discuss a couple rib stitching  and wing/fuselage covering options. Stewart Systems less toxic EkoBond were looked at (PDF Manual) and we entertained thoughts on possibly creating a How-To video for making stitching needles from welding rods. Although I’m building an aluminum aircraft, […]

EAA284 Taildragger Fly-In for 2008

| September 3, 2008

In keeping with short posts and photos, my EAA Chapter 284 had its annual Fly-In and Pancake breakfast this past Sunday morning. Thanks to the great weather and hungry pilots, our event was well attended and the most profitable in the last several years. Who said high priced AVGas would keep taildraggers away?

EAA284 Chapter meets to see Zodiac 601 project

| June 12, 2008

Our EAA chapter (EAA284) had an enjoyable Sunday afternoon meeting this past weekend at the Lebanon, Ohio home of one of our members, Ivan Reznor. Our gracious host let us check out his Zenithair Zodiac 601 taildragger project taking over part of his garage and half the basement. (his wife must be one of a […]

EAA 284 visits Tri-State Warbirds Museum

| February 11, 2008

Our Experimental Aviation Association EAA Chapter 284 had a superb meeting Sunday afternoon at the Tri-State Warbirds Museum in Batavia Ohio. (Clermont County Airport I69) About ten members from our chapter met at 2 PM to hold a brief chapter meeting and tour the museum. We enjoyed a guided tour of the aircraft on display […]

North Korea performs a nuclear test

| October 9, 2006

Add another Nuclear military power to the world today as North Korea announces a test of their nuclear capability. South Korean officials have informed the US government as of this posting that they measured 3.58 magnitude seismic activity about the time of the announced test but that there wasn’t any leakage detected. Most likely this […]

The 1903 Wright Brother’s Engine

| June 4, 2006

Terry Hessler of Hessler Machine Tool gave an interesting lecture and then demonstrated his detail study and reproduction of an early Wright Brothers aircraft engine. His endeavor was covered on a History Channel TV special and DVD detailing the Wright Brother’s technology and first flight. We learned not only that Charles Taylor, the builder of […]

EAA284 Chapter meeting: Vinyl Graphics

| March 13, 2006

The EAA284 chapter meeting was at Red Stewart Airfield yesterday, March 12th, after a drenching evening of rain, which continues today. The grass strip was absolutely soaked yet a T-craft and Cub successfully ‘rutted’ down the runway and sprayed their way into the air. (from the care of the runway perspective, I didn’t think it […]

EAA284 – Les Garber presentation

| February 13, 2006

EAA284 had a good turnout this past Sunday afternoon at Red Stewart Field. February 12th at 2PM was our regularly scheduled meeting and thanks to Les Garber’s presentation it was both interesting and educational. Les, the author of “The Wright Brothers and the Birth of Aviation,” gave an outstanding presentation on the amazing engineering aspect […]

EAA284 – Les Garber to speak

| January 8, 2006

EAA Chapter 284 will feature Les Garber at our February 12, 2006 meeting. He will share and discuss his latest book, “The Wright Brothers and The Birth of Aviation” and not doubt field a few questions. Although I haven’t read the book yet, this 13 Chapter book published by Crowood Press, is said to be […]

EAA284 and RotoFan VTOL Jet

| July 11, 2005

EAA Chapter 284 had another great meeting on Sunday afternoon. The weather was warm and atomsphere at Red Stewart field enjoyable. As always, I enjoy the feeling of stepping back in time surrounded by flying antique aircraft and the the rustic grass field (40I) that many taildraggers call home. Long live Red Stewart Field. 🙂 […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog