For the political type who still has a sense of humor
RichC | October 12, 2016
Pick your poison … a very scary Hillary Witch or a very angry orange TrumKin.
RichC | October 12, 2016
Pick your poison … a very scary Hillary Witch or a very angry orange TrumKin.
RichC | October 11, 2016
The Republican establishment has moved a bit closer to full fledged panic after a video of their candidate for president was dug up from a "hot-mic" Donald Trump celebrity appearance 11 years ago. It offered an audio picture of what most knew about the man who swaggered his way through the Republican primaries. His vulgarity […]
RichC | October 7, 2016
What is the goal? More and better paying jobs, profits for companies and growing tax revenues to fund government services, entitlements and improved ability to pay down our nation’s debt. How do we accomplish this? There are two ways government helps to create jobs in the US. The current Democrats remain focused on #1, while […]
RichC | July 27, 2016
While I’d prefer watching something more enjoyable than the political sales pitches from Republicans talking about Donald Trump (at the GOP convention) last week or the Democrats attempt to do the same this week, I am trying to be fair by watching both. Frankly at this point is looks like we are stuck with picking […]
RichC | July 21, 2016
Mike Rowe brings a bit of commonsense to the nutty “mostly” media outrage about Melania Trump‘s plagiarism considering almost every politician reads someone elses’ words off a teleprompter in practically every important speech. Are we fooled they aren’t reading a speech someone else wrote anyway? Should we be outraged at every speech a politician give […]
RichC | March 9, 2016
As we continue to drill down to select the best candidates to represent both the Republicans and Democrats in November’s presidential election, the process has been pretty disgusting … perhaps not the process, but the candidates ugliness. Here’s how I am coming to a conclusion before voting next Tuesday. As a long time Republican, I […]
RichC | March 6, 2016
The Republican party continues to narrow after a Donald Trump and Ted Cruz split the four states and their deligates up for grab on Saturday. Cruz won in Kansas and Maine, while Trump picked up wins in Louisiana and Kentucky. The big “winner take all” states are yet to come. Interestingly during the Donald Trump […]
RichC | February 26, 2016
The Republicans are going through a slugfest this year in part due to having such a large field of candidates to whittle down. Just a few months ago, the debates had 16 GOP hopefully, and yet according to pundits, five is still three too many (probably true if you are supporting any other candidate but […]
RichC | February 18, 2016
The field of GOP candidates is still pretty full (six candidates) yet the election looks a little more challenging according to the polls IF the Republicans put up the wrong candidate. I’m still hoping some commonsense arrives and voters pick someone who can win … and not just nominate someone who expresses their anger and […]
RichC | February 13, 2016
It has been a rough week for “establishment” candidates …both for Democrats and the Republicans. Donald Trump continues to dominate the headlines and is capitalizing on the anger from those caught between the “new upper class and the new lower class” as the WSJ’s Saturday Essay commented, “in the plight of the working class” as […]
RichC | February 3, 2016
We may be proud to be living in a representative democracy, but watching the political sausage being made is probably as disgusting as going to a slaughter house to see the production of real sausage. This past week kicked off the 2016 primaries with the Iowa caucus. After months of political speeches from the large field of […]
RichC | January 25, 2016
After an opinion piece was published last week in the National Review, the battle among Republicans for an appropriate presidential candidate became even more aggressive. It was already contentious between many in the large field of candidates, but a few high profile Republican voices made their concerns know against the vocal, attention getting poll leader, […]
RichC | September 22, 2015
It may not be politically correct for Ben Carson or any other American candidate running for political office to say “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation” … yet the reasons are more rational than most Americans who are NOT religiously or ethnically prejudicial think. After hearing Dr. […]