A new Schraiber Grinder Pump as a replacement for a Zoeller

Posted By on July 5, 2024

Schraiber Grinder Pump After repeated malfunctions with a Zoeller sewage pump in the pool house, I’ve started the process of evaluating what might be wrong. I did have a couple plumbers come out under the Angi “free estimate” home repair.

Zoeller WD820-D Tag

They were both expensive and wanted to replace the current “still running” 230VAC pump with a new one (WD 820-D pump replacement cost alone was over $4000). 

I suspect it might be the switch, so decided to find and replace that part first. By the time I dug into the pit and starting the cleaning process (I’m not messing with sewage sludge again — deathly sick replacing a condo toilet one year), I thought I might opt to cut the cover, de-rust and paint … then plan for a hinge to access in the future (image at bottom).

SchraiberLogoAfter looking around online for options to the $4000 pump, thought perhaps a lesser branded grinder pump from Schraider might solve the problem (image above). It was clearance priced so I’m taking a chance. Perhaps the older Zoeller can be cleaned up and salvaged as a backup pump?

Schraider Pump Clearance priced  


Happy Independence Day America … and a simple workbench repair for a ThrowBack Thursday memory #TBT

Posted By on July 4, 2024

Workbench scar

Five or so years ago while working in the garage, I damaged the oak banding edge on my workbench. It continued to bug me until I tried some car body filler as a repair. It has been fantastic ever since and continues to remind me that there’s a simple, economical fix for nearly everything.

To this day, all the scars on my benches and stools are Rolling eyes emojigreat memories … and even work as a “filler – filler” for today’s ThrowBack Thursday #TBT

Wishing all my patriot friends an enjoyable Independence Day.

On this day, we gather round, To celebrate freedom’s sacred ground, The 4th of July, a day so bright, A beacon of hope, a shining light.

Fireworks DisplayThe echoes of the past resound, As patriots fought for freedom’s crown, Their bravery and sacrifice we hold dear, And honor their legacy, year by year.

The stars and stripes, a symbol true, Of liberty and justice, shining through, The red, white, and blue, a color scheme, A representation of the American dream.

We celebrate the birth of a nation, A land of the free, where all can participate, In the pursuit of happiness, we’re free to roam, And chase our dreams, under the stars at home.

So let the fireworks light up the sky, And the sound of freedom’s anthem, echo by, Let us remember the sacrifices made, And the courage of those who paved the way.

On this Independence Day, we stand tall, United as one, we celebrate it all, The freedom, the liberty, the justice we hold dear, And the American spirit, that’s always near.

Happy 4th of July, America!

Obituary: EAA284.org friend Bob Luken passed away last month

Posted By on July 3, 2024

Bob Luken and his Cessna 172

Although it was not a surprise, another long time friend and our EAA chapter president Bob Luken, passed away in Dayton, Ohio last month. He had moved to a nursing home after a couple of falls and was having difficulty breathing. We talked earlier in the month regarding a few items for EAA284 and he sounded weak. By the time we ended our call, he was out of breath. 

Bob Luken RIP
Click image for EAA284 hanger cookout to remember Bob

The two of us worked closely together on many hanger projects since the late 1990s … and at yearly TailDragger Fly-Ins and Pancake breakfasts for our chapter. I was somewhat of a pain to work with, but every organization really needs a take-charge organizer to pull things together. We differed to the extreme on politics, but always had respectful conversations and “I think” enjoyed debating. I and our EAA Chapter will miss him.

Bob at EAA284 Pancake breakfast

Below is a video visit to Red Stewart Field from a couple of guys at PRA Chapter 40 about 15 years ago. It is a soothing way for me to remember Bob.

Hurricane season 2024 hits those in the Caribbean #Beryl

Posted By on July 3, 2024

Hurricane Beryl Path 240702

Yes it is hurricane season … and yes, the water temperatures are above historic norms … but climate change alarmists pretending to be CNN journalists are blaming fossil fuels directly.  This isn’t factual or sound science. There are those who study climate change and global warming who hypothesize that the use of carbon-based fuels and agriculture contribute … but climate change is impacted by CO2 released in nature has significant impact. It is wrong to jump to the “world warming due to fossil fuel pollution.” (ie. look at Volcanic activity, forest fires, etc). Looks to me as if the media is ramping up the politically charge hype and reporting that as fact???

I’m personally far more concerned that a nuclear war or the earth getting hit by an astroid will change the climate than our raising cattle or using fossil fuels. Why is the media being so irresponsible?

Beryl has shattered numerous records and is a troubling indicator that this season will be far from normal in a world warming due to fossil fuel pollution. On Sunday it became the earliest major hurricane – defined as one that is Category 3 or higher – in the Atlantic in 58 years and the only one to reach Category 4 status in the month of June.


EDIT add 07/09/2024: The deadly former Category 5 Hurricane Beryl will impact our area shortly. It will be the first leftover storm to impact SW Ohio since Katrina and Rita in 2005, according to John Gumm. Expecting heavy rain, wind and possible tornadoes. Yikes!

EDIT update 240710: Following the previous prediction, the spin-up nastiness from Beryl ripped through our area last night. Rain and wind, but no “on-the-ground” tornadoes appeared. We were under a tornado warning as Doppler Radar picked up rotation that thankfully didn’t make it to ground level … but the sky was impressive to watch (not my photo, but from a farm to our west).

Reconnecting with old college friends visiting from Idaho

Posted By on July 2, 2024

Rich, Jerry, Pam and Brenda - June 27, 2024

Where have the years gone? My college friend and all 4 years roommate (the absolute best) from Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio were back from Idaho Falls, Idaho to visit with family … and this trip they decided to drive down to see us (the last time was in 1986 when we were living in Hudson, Ohio). Christmas 1982 - Pam Denton, Brenda, Jerry MoodyPrior to that, we did see each other a bit more often — see our first Christmas in Aurora, Ohio. Beside looking a little older now (ok, a LOT), we’re pretty much the same “young adults” we were back then. Brenda and I now have two grown children and grandkids … and Jerry and Pam Moody have four grown children and grandchildren … so perhaps we’re no longer “young “adults?

Our afternoon and late afternoon lunch (pulled pork, macaroni salad and Key Lime pie) was very enjoyable and we surprised Jerry by having Jeff Pitts (another college buddy) stop over for dinner. Of course the response was that of a typical mechanical engineer — practically zero reaction. “The Mood (obvious nickname) … as Brenda reminded me later … responded exactly as she remembered and suspected. although I still question if he actually recognized Jeff???


Music Monday: Alabama and “Forty Hour Week (For a Livin’)”

Posted By on July 1, 2024

It is hard to believe that the country music band “Wild Country” from Fort Payne, Alabama, now known as “Alabama” has been around since 1969? I was surprised.

Alabama 2013 SiriusXM Alabama

The band’s popularity exploded in the late 1970s and early 1980s after 2 hit songs in 1977 and a record deal with RCA Records (about the time I started listening). Their mark was made in American music nationwide and continues to this day.

The bands story is one of many aspiring young musicians and their early history is worth reading. There’s a short quoted section below the break highlighted below, but the band’s recognizable 1985 hit  “40 Hour Week” is today’s Music Monday highlight.  A great band, excellent story and terrific music.  


Connecting with family led to talking about “end of life” planning

Posted By on June 30, 2024

Corbett marker - Earl and Helen

Every once in a while my cousin Diane calls or text messages me to catch-up on our lives. She is a few of years older than me, but once you hit a certain age, those “few years” aren’t the same as when she was in high school or college and I was still in junior high or high school.


Our lives now are similar in that recent highlights are trips and travel, grandkids and medical issues. That last one, Diane and MomC in 2012and the fact she just visited the cemetery where most of my family is buried, triggered some conversation about … “have we planned for those end of life decisions?” Neither of us have finalized any of that yet. (my Corbett and Bluhm grandparents cemetery markers above – thanks Diane)

Corbett in Sidney marker in 2018We joked about my dad picking out a plot in a cemetery when my mom was in hospice care as she “needed” to know about it. We were not to speak that he only bought one plot and planned to be cremated and have his urn placed on top of her casket — something worth considering. Diane semi-joked that she was not comfortable with cremation and prefers burial, but that her husband Bert “thinks he wants to be cremated.” She said, “if he’s cremated, I’ll be in the ground all alone for the rest of forever” … but, “well, I know I won’t be there, but my body will!” 

In any case, I was nice to catch up on things … something we should all do considering we don’t know how long we have. It also gave me an excuse to post a photo of Diane and my mom from 2012 and an old video.

Watching President Biden struggle as he ages is difficult, even for those of us who disagree with his leadership and policies

Posted By on June 29, 2024

Debate 240627

This past week, I had the intention of blogging in a bit more detail on the first Biden – Trump Presidential Debate … but it almost feels wrong to be critical of President Biden in his current rapidly deteriorating condition. I’m not sure he will make a second debate no matter how accommodating it is for him in going toe to toe with former President Donald Trump? Someone in the president’s close circle needs to council him that four more years is not realistic and is dangerous for the country on the international stage (see WSJ link).

The last time our country faced this was when President Reagan was finishing his second term. No American wants to see “the leader of the free world” in a weak, lost and mentally struggling state. In my opinion … President Biden is not capable of competently finishing his first term, let alone a full second 4-year term. I’m not a Democrat, but those in this increasingly far left party of progressives should do some soul searching. Enough said. 

MORE blabberingon a couple other topics.

Males on LaddersBefore archiving a couple of workshop ideas, here a questionable use for a ladder that helps to bolster the “why women live longer” impression. Ladders are dangerous just ask Brenda, or does it have more to do with the user? Males tend to lack common sense when it comes to doing something risky Eyes Openand dangerous.

As for the couple of photos snipped from somewhere (???) to archive for my workshop and woodworking ideas … below is a small parts holder for the router table, an illustration on how to best cut lumber from a log and an interesting but relatively simple stool project.


Tech Friday: Struggling with a questionable home network again

Posted By on June 28, 2024

It seems like it it about that time again … the aging and off-brand mesh router set-up we are running at the house is getting flaky. Somedays all is fine, other days it start to stutter and blackout on a few of the “way too many” devices we are using. Thankfully it usually comes back in a little while or with a hard reset of a node … but speeds aren’t what they should be — we are fiber by the way!  Hm??? ☹️ 

Mesh Router at house

And a test with using my iPhone 7 Plus Hotspot LTE-only speeds and one using the wifi connnected to the questionable supplied Alta Fiber router … all for today’s Tech Friday.

iPhone 7 Plus LTE Direct without Mesh system

Archiving photos: Our family busy doing “family stuff”

Posted By on June 27, 2024

Storm Clouds mid-June over Mankato MN Storm Clouds mid-June over Mankato MN 

After our enjoyable and busy week with our granddaughters, I wanted to archive a few photos that have been piling up in the “maybe” for the blog folder. Above are some of the storm clouds in Minnesota that caused flooding in the midwest in mid-June — ominous! For us, we pretty much just had a heatwave, but up in Whitehouse, Ohio, they had some nasty rain and wind.

Side of KD's neighbor's house Rear of KD's neighbor's house


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog