RichC | July 3, 2024
Although it was not a surprise, another long time friend and our EAA chapter president Bob Luken, passed away in Dayton, Ohio last month. He had moved to a nursing home after a couple of falls and was having difficulty breathing. We talked earlier in the month regarding a few items for EAA284 and he […]
Category: Aviation, Obituary |
Tags: bob luken, cessna, cookout, eaa, eaa284, pancake, red stewart, tdfi
RichC | January 14, 2024
Aviation has been a hobby of mine for a long time, even though I no longer fly airplanes or spend time homebuilding an airplane or being active in my local EAA Chapter (Hm, I’m missing our chapter meeting today). I do still enjoy the social connection with aviation friends on Twitter/ … one that posts […]
Category: Aviation, Social Media |
Tags: airplane, bellanca, cruisemaster, eaa, john rowe, triple tail thursday
RichC | December 26, 2019
While sifting through a few old .MP4 files, I found one of my first iPhone 5 test video clips from 2012 and it had a bit of footage of my Sonex airplane project (posted a few photos back then) that I was working on a year before selling it. It was shortly before I sold […]
Category: Archive, Aviation, Cellphone, Memories, TBT, Video |
Tags: airplane, aviation, eaa, homebuilt, memories, mp4, project, sonex, TBT, video
RichC | August 26, 2019
Although our local EAA chapter’s Fly-In and Sunday’s pancake breakfast was questionable this year if there wasn’t an airshow on Saturday, the Stewarts were able to gather the pilots together for the Red Stewart Airfield 22nd Annual Airshow. The weekend is always well attended and appreciated by the community and those who enjoy aviation […]
Category: Aviation, Entertainment, Hobby |
Tags: 40i, airshow, eaa, eaa284, flyin, pancake, stewart, taildragger, tdfi, waynesville
RichC | August 25, 2018
This Labor Day weekend is the annual Stewart Airshow and our EAA chapter’s fly-in and pancake breakfast. If you enjoy aviation and mostly vintage aircraft flying in and out of a well cared for grass airstrip, this outing is for you. The gathering in Waynesville Ohio is always an enjoyable community time and is fun […]
Category: Aviation, Entertainment, Hobby |
Tags: 40i, airshow, breakfast, eaa, eaa284, pancake, stewart, taildragger, tdfi
RichC | August 13, 2015
This year’s September 5th and 6th Red Stewart Airshow and our EAA284 TalilDragger FlyIn not until Labor Day weekend in September, but with my full plate I want to get my part done early. I’ve been up most every morning this week with Brenda (pain issues), and so while the PT/OT persona was at the […]
Category: Aviation, Local |
Tags: airshow, breakfast, eaa, eaa284, flyin, pancakes, red stewart
RichC | July 11, 2015
For those aviation “nuts” who flock to Oshkosh each July for Airventure, EAA has a couple smartphone apps for you. I am told (thanks Bob) that version are in both iOS and Android so both major mobile operating systems are supported. I've just download myself so am not sure how helpful it will be, although […]
Category: Aviation, Cellphone, Software |
Tags: airplanes, airventure, android, app, apple, eaa, iphone, smartphone
RichC | March 19, 2015
I received a few long overdue updates items from our EAA chapter’s president for the interior pages of the EAA284 chapter website on Wednesday and so before forgetting I jumped right on it. We are continuing to keep the domain, but opt to use to host because it is free. Still there are […]
Category: Aviation, Blogs, Recreation, Social Media |
Tags: airplane, chapter, eaa, eaa284, experimental, red stewart, waynesville
RichC | September 20, 2014
A aerobatic bi plane, an Acro Sport II, crashed in a friend’s neighborhood a few mile to my north towards Monroe, OH but still in Liberty Township (thanks Tim). There were two people on board and there was an immediate fire on impact. Damage can be seen to a house and yard (click for […]
Category: Aviation, Local, News |
1 Comment
Tags: airplane, butler county, crash, eaa, experimental, liberty township, ohio
RichC | October 10, 2013
A long time friend and fellow EAA284 chapter member Ken Miracle passed away last week and his family will be holding a gathering and a memorial service this Friday evening (10/11) and Saturday morning (10/12). I regret being unable to attend. Ken was one of the first EAA guys to befriend me when I joined […]
Category: Aviation, Obituary |
Tags: eaa, eaa284, ken miracle, Obituary, waynesville
RichC | September 1, 2013
It was a great “most of the day” on Saturday to be at Red Stewart Airport in Waynesville Ohio getting our EAA284 hanger ready for the pancake breakfast on Sunday. Yes it was hot, but it is still August. The Stewarts were gracious hosts as always and we enjoyed their pulled pork and corn on […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airplanes, eaa, eaa284, flying, waynesville
RichC | June 28, 2013
My condolences to the Collins family on the passing of Gary Collins after his accident last week. Gary’s love of aviation (EAA Chapter 174) and his passion for Corvair conversions was an inspiration to all of us who loved antique and grass roots experimental aviation. He was enjoyable to be around and our EAA284 chapter […]
Category: Aviation, Obituary |
Tags: cincinnati, collins, eaa, eaa174, eaa284, ohio
RichC | May 2, 2013
The Discovery Channel’s Big Brain Theory included one of our Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA284) chapter members as a competitor – Tom Johnson (@flyboytomj). The engineering reality show debuted with both teams failing in their challenge of protecting a box of explosives in a head-on collision. Even worse, the project management demonstrated by both teams left […]
Category: Aviation, Local, Video-TV |
Tags: big brain theory, discovery, eaa, tv
RichC | September 3, 2012
Photo: Terry Ekstedt I missed the usual busy weekend with the TDIClub’s TDIFest and my EAA friends at our annual fly-in and pancake breakfast, but I was able to be at my mom’s bedside with several from my family. Mom had a rare smile and wasn’t in pain. Her voice was weak, but her mind […]
Category: Aviation, Misc |
Tags: airshow, eaa
RichC | November 5, 2011
Reposted from EAA284 … thanks Steve. One of our EAA284 members, Steve Dilullo, keeps a personal flying blog and posted a great article for those wanting to create videos of their flights. His how-to article is a great starting point for those who might want to capture their flights on video and are looking for […]
Category: Aviation, How-To |
Tags: aviation, eaa, eaa284, flying
RichC | August 11, 2011
Great news for aviation experimenters — the personal jet experimental protype known as the SubSonex made its first flight. Way to go! August 11, 2011 – A little yellow jet was spotted over Oshkosh Wednesday morning (August 10) and soon it was confirmed that John Monnett’s SubSonex had made its first flight. Jet sailplane pilot […]
Category: Aviation |
1 Comment
Tags: airplane, aviation, eaa, experimental, sonex, subsonex
RichC | July 30, 2011
Our thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families of Mitchell Cary and Don Gum who devoted so much to aviation. It is a difficult day for those of us who support efforts to keep history flying and the Wright B Flyer Museum. Crash kills 2 in plane based on Wright ‘B’ Flyer GREEN […]
Category: Aviation, History |
Tags: aviation, eaa, History
RichC | March 31, 2011
The annual Sun ‘n Fun air and trade show is a rite of spring for many pilots who regularly enjoy one of the premier fly-ins in the country. This year the weather in central Florida (Lakeland) did not cooperate and sent heavy ran and damaging winds through the airport ground. Early reports indicating that people […]
Category: Aviation, News, Weather |
Tags: airshow, eaa, florida, lakeland, sunnfun
RichC | February 25, 2011
A great rock n roll band, REO Speedwagon was will be performing opening day Monday, July 25 at EAA Airventure 2011 this summer in Oshkosh Wisconsin. The concert is courtesy of Ford Motor Company and is free of charge to all AirVenture guests following the afternoon air show. Advance purchase admission tickets and camping for […]
Category: Aviation, Entertainment, Music |
Tags: airventure, eaa, Music
RichC | January 21, 2011
This is a strange way to fly …
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airplane, eaa, glider
RichC | January 14, 2011
Good news for those who enjoyed the music of the Lt. Dan Band last year at Airventure. The EAA Warbirds of America and Disabled American Veterans who sponsored the band in 2010 have decided to do it again in 2011. EAA AVIATION CENTER, OSHKOSH, Wis. — (Jan. 6, 2011) — Back by popular demand, actor […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airventure, aviation, eaa
RichC | November 15, 2010
Flight Photo from EAA Chapter 284’s meeting this month was a trip to Dayton-Wright Brother Airport and the Wright B Flyer museum. Our meeting centered around aviation history and the of the building of a replicate “B” Flyer which started with the flying look-a-like Brown Bird which first flew in July 1982. The airplane […]
Category: Aviation, History, Photos |
Tags: dayton, eaa, eaa284, meeting, ohio, wright flyer
RichC | September 13, 2010
The American Airlines video brought back the memory of our “bus” Honor trip to Washington DC earlier this year. Great to know they support our heroes in this way. Thank to AA as well for their appearance at EAA Airventure and getting Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band to and from his tribute shows […]
Category: Aviation, History, Millitary |
Tags: airlines, american, eaa, honor, korea, ww2
RichC | September 8, 2010
Better late than never. I promised a few people that I would post some photos from my EAA Chapters annual TDFI (Taildragger Fly-in) which happens every Labor Day weekend at Red Stewart Airfield in Waynesville Ohio. The tradition is enjoyed by airplane-loving-types that build, restore and fly airplanes with their nose held high (the airplanes […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airplanes, eaa, eaa284, flyin, red stewart, taildragger
RichC | August 28, 2010
Sharing a video from EAA Airventure 2010 … not mine. Thanks for the link Steve. (for another good video from the previous 2009 Airventure click here)
Category: Aviation, Video |
Tags: airventure, eaa, flying
RichC | August 7, 2010
With Airventure in Oshkosh Wisconsin recently ending and preparations for our EAA chapter’s Labor Day weekend Taildragger Fly-In/Pancake breakfast underway, this might be a good time to mention that Saturday, September 4th is also the Stewart’s annual airshow at 40I. If camping under the wing of your plane and pancakes on Sunday morning aren’t enough […]
Category: Aviation, Misc, Video |
Tags: airshow, airventure, aviation, eaa, eaa284, oshkosh, red stewart
RichC | July 31, 2010
Young Eagles co-chair and retired Capt Sully Sullenberger was forced to select his all time favorite aircraft when interviewed at Airventure 2010 this year and it wasn’t the fully restored Douglas DC-7B that he few to Oshkosh Wisconsin in. Here’s a choice of four aircraft that this heroic pilot has developed proficiency in flying; check […]
Category: Aviation |
1 Comment
Tags: eaa, sullenberger, young eagles
RichC | July 28, 2010
Safety is always of concern for organizers of airshows, especially ones that attract 1000s of pilots, aviation enthusiasts and airplanes. The week long EAA airshow and fly-in at Oshkosh Wisconsin called Airventure is no exception — accidents can and do sometimes (rarely) happen. The routine at Airventure is for Wittman Regional Airport to open runways […]
Category: Aviation, News |
1 Comment
Tags: airshow, airventure, aviation, eaa, nascar, racing
RichC | July 28, 2010
In chatting with an EAA buddy camping for the week up at Airventure 2010 I had the chance to talk to him about a few ideas for our local EAA Chapter 284, and he has some excellent ones. I’ve also been paying attention to the “goings-on” this week online through the variety of feeds, links […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: aircraft, airventure, eaa, eaa284, oshkosh
RichC | July 25, 2010
Although I’m not a germ-a-phobe or a neat-nik by any stretch of the imagination, I’m often repulsed by the cleanliness of some local area restaurants. Being the one who is responsible for the health certificate for my EAA chapters annual Fly-in and Pancake Breakfast, I know how challenging it is to pass health inspections (Warren […]
Category: Health, Local |
Tags: clean, eaa, eaa284, eating, Restaurant
RichC | June 24, 2010
Compliance dilemma for pilots and aircraft owners … stay tuned. On June 15 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released for publication a change to 47 CFR Part 87 that will “prohibit the certification, manufacture, importation, sale, or continued use of 121.5 MHz emergency locator transmitters (ELTs) other than the Breitling Emergency Watch ELT.” Meanwhile, the […]
Category: Aviation, Politics |
Tags: aircraft, eaa
RichC | April 17, 2010
It’s hard not to appreciate Gary Sinise and his Lt. Dan Band and what they do for veterans as they travel around the country (and world) supporting causes that benefit our troops … and the children our soldiers find themselves protecting: Operation Iraqi Children both in Iraq and Afghanistan. For aviation advocates, and in particular […]
Category: Aviation, Entertainment, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: airventure, aviation, eaa, flying, oshkosh, warbirds
RichC | March 20, 2010
Waiting for details on this … (article below) EDIT 3/21/2010: The plane was built by Kevin Kinney. It was a Zenith 601XL with a Jabiru 3300 engine. It received it Airworthiness certificate August 28, 2009. Kevin is a member of EAA Chapter 174 in Cincinnati. Pilot uninjured in Warren County plane crash No one was […]
Category: Aviation, Local |
Tags: eaa
RichC | January 11, 2010
Who doesn’t enjoy a Palm Pre cellphone sunset photo? I’ll start with something simple that sooths my aching head … a beautiful winter sunset in Cincinnati Ohio (photo above) … and conclude with a very short comment regarding our Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter (EAA284) meeting on Sunday – one that had a subject over my […]
Category: Aviation, Cellphone, Photos, Technology |
Tags: airplane, brian cooper, eaa, eaa284, engineering
RichC | November 9, 2009
Enjoyed the nice afternoon weather and headed to the airport for our monthly EAA meeting. Today we reviewed the successful first flight (very impressive) and later accident of Mark Dusenberry’s 1905 Wright Flyer replica — NTSB preliminary report. Bob Luken reviewed his video of the flight and the accident (only the FAA has a copy […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: aviation, dayton, dusenberry, eaa, eaa284, mark, ohio, wright flyer
RichC | October 9, 2009
From news — archiving so I can more easily share. Revised “51 Percent” Policy Good News for Builders, Kit Makers October 7, 2009 — For the past four years, EAA and the amateur-built aircraft community have been facing perhaps the most significant threat ever faced by the homebuilt movement. But today, we’re confident in […]
Category: Archive, Aviation |
Tags: archive, aviaiton, eaa, homebuilt
RichC | September 13, 2009
I learned a new historical aviation tidbit on the origination of the word “squawk” this weekend in a recent EAA magazine article. During World War II, we, the allies, used an electronic device called IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) which would transmit a secret code if hit by a radar signal. This code would tell […]
Category: Aviation, History |
1 Comment
Tags: airplane, eaa, History, wwii
RichC | August 28, 2009
Be sure to fly — or drive — in for breakfast on Sunday morning September 6th for our Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 284’s Annual Taildragger Fly-In Pancake Breakfast. Better yet, spend the night camping under your plane at Red Stewart Field on Saturday and enjoy the late afternoon/evening airshow. It is a good time for […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airshow, breakfast, eaa, eaa284, field, pancake, red, stewart
RichC | May 17, 2009
My Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter (EAA284) met at a new shop of one of our members today for our May meeting. We had a chance to both work on projects for our chapters ‘rentable kitchen’ and to learn a bit about welding. We enjoyed a beautiful day in Waynesville, Ohio while discussing the summer flying […]
Category: Aviation |
1 Comment
Tags: aviation, eaa, eaa284
RichC | April 15, 2009
EAA AVIATION CENTER, OSHKOSH, Wis. – (April 15, 2009) – With the announcement today that the Airbus A380 is coming to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2009, EAA reinforced the reputation of its annual fly-in as a one-of-a-kind showcase of aviation’s innovations, unique accomplishments, and wide-ranging interests. For the first time in North America, AirVenture will provide […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airventure, aviation, eaa, experimental, oshkosh
RichC | March 9, 2009
Small and informal (as usual) gathering on Sunday afternoon and continued to discuss a couple rib stitching and wing/fuselage covering options. Stewart Systems less toxic EkoBond were looked at (PDF Manual) and we entertained thoughts on possibly creating a How-To video for making stitching needles from welding rods. Although I’m building an aluminum aircraft, […]
Category: Aviation |
1 Comment
Tags: chapter, eaa, eaa284, stewart, systems
RichC | January 23, 2009
The Transition is another one of those flying car “dream” ideas (or as Terrafugia calls it, “a roadable aircraft”) which seems to be really moving closer in bringing driving and flying together. According to a the company’s website, this concept car/plane was founded in 2006 by a group of MIT students. They have work diligently […]
Category: Automotive, Aviation |
Tags: aircraft, car, eaa, mit, sport pilot
RichC | November 23, 2008
Fuel prices everywhere are dropping to surprising lows as we near the Thanksgiving day holiday. While returning from the Moraine Airpark near Dayton, Ohio this afternoon I was able to fill up with unleaded regular for $1.56/gallon. That’s the lowest price I’ve seen for quite some time. Diesel is also working its way lower, although […]
Category: Automotive, Aviation |
Tags: bob luken, cessna, eaa, gasoline, prices, speedway
RichC | December 14, 2007
I’ve spend the last several years on and ‘more’ off building parts for my ‘scratch’ built Sonex experimental airplane. (note masthead) Recently a retired friend is lending a hand and is encouraging me to move a bit more aggressively on my project. (thanks John) His experience has been really appreciated, as has the influx of […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: airplane, eaa, homebuilt, project, sonex
RichC | July 24, 2006
I’ve considered a protest pout today in refusing to write a post announcing the first day of AirVenture 2006 since I am not able to join the gang from my EAA Chapter 284 … but that would be childish. Monday July 24 kicks off the aviation week as the Experimental Aviation Association (EAA) marks the […]
Category: Aviation |
1 Comment
Tags: eaa, oshkosh, wisconsin
RichC | August 6, 2005
Wow … what an Airventure. According to EAA records, about 700,000 people made their way to the Greatest Aviation Celebration in Oshkosh, Wisconsin this year. That number is well above 2004 and is also reflected in the participants as well. More than 10,000 aircraft visited the Oshkosh area including showplanes over the seven-day convention of […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airventure, aviation, eaa, oshkosh