Feel good snippet from X.com — The plus side of Social Media
RichC | September 9, 2024
RichC | September 9, 2024
RichC | July 9, 2024
Usually workshop tinkering is saved for rainy days and shorter days, but I decided that there were too many jigs and router table components just laying around. When I had fewer items, I could stick them under the table, but now I’m accumulating a few too many jigs, hold-downs and push stick type items that […]
RichC | May 21, 2024
See below … While we were under a Tornado warning earlier this month, I was outside in the backyard watching the storms to the north of our house (over the roof). There was A LOT of lightning, but surprisingly not all that much thunder? AND since today is my brother’s birthday, Happy Birthday […]
RichC | February 25, 2024
Just a filler photo of a Lucid Air from Massachusetts that I was admiring while driving in Delray Beach, Florida last week.
RichC | October 16, 2023
Nothing important, but I wanted to backup the MyDesultoryBlog database and then update to WordPress 6.3.2; it is the first update since the PHP change. Thankfully all is running smoothly and the update took. All is well with the blog.
RichC | October 11, 2023
This optical illusion “welding” project hurts my eyes and brain.
RichC | January 12, 2023
Viral Social Media image
RichC | October 19, 2022
There was a leftover beach flyover video on my phone from our late September – early October Florida vacation so with a private family post creating registered only viewing and the first real cold weather of the season, this makes for an envious filler. I’m looking forward to warm weather and the beach again. Why […]
RichC | September 7, 2022
Be sure to click on the photo or download to see the larger version
RichC | May 19, 2022
Posting a couple of memory photos as a Throwback Thursday #TBT filler post after a conversation with friends last week. One had to do with text messaging, “distracted driving” and remembering my road warrior days of driving back and forth from Cincinnati and NE Ohio while trying to remain connected and productive. Thankfully all ended […]
RichC | July 16, 2021
Just a pleasant, but warm evening photo as a Friday filler, after mowing the front lawn on Thursday night … and before the crews come to bust up the driveway and prepare to pour concrete (I hope!)
RichC | June 22, 2021
Spent a lot more time this past weekend picking up branches, pumping out the pool and even set up a pump in the backyard to prevent flooding the pool. Thankfully no tornadoes on the ground, but the lightning, wind and rain was wild. Below is a video snippet … turned animated gif out the back […]
RichC | February 26, 2021
RichC | January 24, 2021
"if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." — 2 Chronicles 7:14
RichC | December 26, 2020
RichC | October 16, 2020
Watch what happens when this “magic hat” is put on a baby duckling …
RichC | September 16, 2020
While brushing a few leaves off the new shade sails, this little guy caught my eye. It is amazing how different Stick Insects can change colors to fit their surroundings. Actually this blog post is just a mid-week filler post and a collection of a few photos that I thought were interesting or at least […]
RichC | August 2, 2020
This is when you are glad that you at least out on the water with a long board. #surfing And if that is not your cup of tea … maybe strolling down the beach and poking a crab is more your speed?
RichC | July 29, 2020
If you spend much time on social networks, this is the kind of stuff you start to collect. So before tossing it … why not force it on someone else?
RichC | December 1, 2019
Likely too busy to post something … but this is mesmerizing (I wish I had this kind of TIG welding skill!)
RichC | August 16, 2019
Hope you are enjoying the rest of the summer at the beach, perhaps at Cape Cod?
RichC | July 23, 2019
The weather has been super hot and humid so far this July over most of the eastern half of the country. It is pool and grilling weather to be sure … although when the pool water temperature is 90 degrees, it really doesn’t feel all that refreshing anymore. Since I was clearing off the porches […]
RichC | June 25, 2019
A dumb dad joke #DDJ “sometimes” can be a great filler post … and as a told my friend Jeff, “if you smile and laugh, it is good for your health.” Q: What did the father buffalo say to his son when he left for greener pastures? A: Bi-son.
RichC | April 30, 2019
This content is restricted.
RichC | March 9, 2019
We all see them, even if we are not using Pinterest or refuse to go to pages designed to generate click income … but still, there are some great ideas. Here’s a packing tip that might help next time your putting liquids in your suitcase – put a little plastic wrap or any plastic over […]
RichC | February 28, 2019
I enjoyed this photo enough to use it as my “too lazy to blog” filler photo for the day … and just to make it a ThrowBack Thursday #TBT … how about a photo with my buddy Mark Jones from 2014 looking down from up on Encore’s mast?
RichC | February 20, 2019
Just an ominous filler photo that you probably don’t want to be looking at before going for a swim in the ocean. The Great White Shark can definitely give you nightmares. EDIT 2/22/2019 with an image from a Twitter friend: Let’s just hope sharks don’t like the crunchy texture of surfboards?
RichC | February 9, 2019
Although I’m not fond of birds that mess up the topsides of our boat, this Osprey made for a great photo from Aruba. Above is an Osprey is catching a blue reef fish.
RichC | February 3, 2019
After watching a short YouTube video of the Coquina Clam emerging from the “swash zone” on a beach after a wave retreated, I thought a short animated gif would make a great winter filler post for the blog. The coquina clam (Donax variabilis) is a common inhabitant of Florida’s sandy beaches. Known for their highly variable […]
RichC | January 23, 2019
A filler post, but not a good photo for those nervous about swimming in the ocean. The photos last week from a couple of freedivers in Hawaii swimming with a massive Great White Shark known as #DeepBlue really has me wondering just how wise it is to be that adventurous. There is a fine line […]
RichC | August 19, 2018
I thought these bear photos and stories were interesting … but probably duped by the shocking images (the below is fake for the storyline). While looking for information on the photo below, I also came across the one above of a bicyclist trying to stay ahead of a bear in Alaska (probably fake too). Often […]
RichC | July 21, 2018
As a filler post, a couple random or desultory tidbits crossed my path this week; I found them mildly interesting: The "bison," which can weigh as much as a ton, can "race up to 40 mph, jump up to 6 feet vertically and quickly pivot," so don’t try to out run them. The "peloton" is […]
RichC | March 9, 2018
One never knows anymore if photos are real or Photoshopped .. . but this filler post photo of a sperm whale and snorkeling photographer is amazing.
RichC | February 22, 2018
Can’t go wrong with a Great White Shark blog filler photo … although it looks a bit modified (who knows anymore)?
RichC | July 11, 2017
Question: Why do Swedish warships have bar codes on their sides? Answer: So when the ships return to port, they can Scan-di-navi-an. (Merriam-Webster: Scan·di·na·vian \ˌskan-də-ˈnā-vē-ən, -vyən\ )
RichC | March 3, 2017
Just a filler post from a photo from Spirit Yachts Ltd., Ipswich 50 “Roving Spirit”
RichC | May 12, 2016
Short on blog posting time after a bit of travel this past week, so just a spring weather photo while driving Ohio highways. Thankfully we have avoided most of the damaging storms hitting the midwest. Heavy rains, dark skies and a bit of lightening has been the norm … I really need to get the […]
RichC | June 18, 2015
Needed a filler post for Thursday
RichC | March 10, 2014
I love these kinds of school projects … An English fisherman got an unexpected greeting from a Morristown [New Jersey] school this week, when a five-foot unmanned sailboat — at sea for a year and a half — made its way down the English Channel and caught his eye. The Crimson Tide, a sailboat […]
RichC | September 16, 2012
The 50/50 political split in America between Democrats vs. Republicans leave our people split in what they want from their government. A reminder from writing of our founders has me reflecting on what they thought made for good governing and “limits to power.” It is worth thinking about … do we want bigger government an […]
RichC | May 12, 2011
Been sick the last couple of days. (old TootsieTootsie photo) Posted via email from RichC’s posterous